The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2405 of the Chapter 2405 of the Prince of Tennis

1313! Tiantong is too excited to lead the net to be sentenced to foul, directly to the wild, and the two teams have turned their hands.

105 chapters, biting white birds (seeking for a self-defined)

"Good amazing bullets and pre-judgments! Bai Bird Ze's Tiantong is not known as the national block genius player, Bai Bird is now starting to have?" Explains the vine.

"Well, the first bureau of both sides has already placed several times. This battle will definitely continue to upgrade." Tao Lihao nodded at the side.

On the field, the taste of the tenth penalty did not expose the frustrated expression, but the merits of the melancholy to the melancholy on the melancholy, the expression is like laughing.

"Ox!" Moon Island looked at the expression of Tong Tong, and the fire was squatting.

Although the one of the best, it took a score against the foul on Tiantong, but in the air of the air, the moon island was obviously suppressed by the Tiancong, the location is better, and he does not have any advantage.

"Monster jumping with men?" The night's wind swept the excitement of the tonality, the mouth of the mouth exposed, "" This game should not be too bored! "

! With the whistle of the referee, the day of the servant is tall to the high taller, which is flying, and then puts the volleyball.

Vigorously dance!

On the final of the county contest, there is no reservation at the time, although his vigorous dance is not standard, but rely on fairly perverted hopping height, or whirlwind gives volleyball to each other's half.

! After a simultaneous hit, the white bird is free to have a strong jumping ball in the mountain shape.

Compared to the jumping ball of the night-hard wind that is a nuclear weapon, the speed is enough, and the drop and power are too far, there is nothing more threat.

However, the day, the day, has already exposed a raised potential, and if it gives him a bitter time, it is not impossible to become a serve.

Three big serves superior, the potential of Wuye High School is enough to make any opponents in the country feel uncomfortable.

"Be careful of their back to attack!" Ze Village in the front row in the wild, the moon island formed a double block, and their attention is a customary concentrated on Niu Island.

However, the white bird Ze's two leapuctor did not put the volleyball to Niu Island, but looked at the direction of Niu Island to quickly support the volleyball.

Very rapid fast attack, the white birds that the gears started to bite finally showed the tactical execution of the national grade strong team.

"This ball is mine!" The five-color idea of ​​the speed jumped also didn't want, directly the long arm, and the right hand is squatting on the volleyball.

Dang! The volleyball blinks fried in the back of the wild, and the dual blockbuster of the wild is not jumped.


"Good!" The five colors of the fast, the eyes were unscrupulous, and this kid was completely strong in the night.

"White Birds! White Birds! White Birds!" The five-color extremely attacked playing method ignited the passion of the student on the white birds on the table, and the Bai Bird Ze Zeng Group began to be active.

"They began to speed up!" The Uenhorn High School replacement is worn, and the eyebrows are gently wrinkled.

Obviously, Bai Bird has completely collapsed the idea of ​​the Uenful High School, but began to treat the Wusong High School as a national-level super opponent.

As the eight-strong altitude, the Bai Birds of the Eighth National Fight is not only relying on Niu Island, and they are all in the country.

Only the side of Ueno High School, not yielded moon islands, and this game will have to face an abnormal tough test.

Especially for the island, once the night length wind turbines are replaced to the back row, he must assume the responsibility of blocking a few super attack hands of white bird.

On the field, the ball exchanges, the serve of Bai Bird Sichuan West.

The maste is serviced, and the ball from Sichuan seems to have no power, but it is high and a little blowing.

For this kind of serve, the previous night length is still very likely to receive the ball mistakes, but now the ball has reached the quite realm of the night-length wind, which is easy to pick up the serve of Sichuan.

"Beautiful!" I couldn't help but admire my heart around the night.

As a master of the national level, the West Valley docked with the servant, and he also witnessed the lifting speed of the night's long history in the Wusi.

The enchanting genius players, the West Valley is full of expectations on the future of the night.

"Yingshan!" Ze Village and the day on the front row, jumping at the same time, and the dual offensive tactics in Wuye.

The shadow and mountains who have arrived at the best position of the Trusted Ball with a sunguard to the opposite ball, the white bird, the sky, and the talent actually stood in the center of the ball, and only him alone.

"Is this Xiaoxima?" The cold light in the shadow of the mountains, holding the volleyball to the leftmost end of the ball, and the white bird is unmanned.

At this time, the Month island has jumped on the left side of the ball, and the right hand is very fast, and a strong straight line is deducted.

And just a fast attack model that just as a white bird is extremely similar, and the Towers of the shadow mountain are more fast, just the thinnest area of ​​the white bird's net defense.

! However, the front of the white bird is suddenly started, and the two lightning steps, the striped, the arms are like a monkey.

It is also a talent.

Dang! On the left side of the ball, in the amazing eyes of the moon island, I don't know when to appear in front of his eyes, the exaggerated long arm shifts the bullion of the merits directly, and the focus is in the foot of the field. .

1513! The white bird is like a sleeping lion suddenly wakes up. The attack and defensive speed is improved. The situation on the field seems to start tilting to the king of Miyagi County.

"What happened just now!"

"Good exaggerated block!" Students who were in Wusong high school on the stage were exclaimed.

"Tiantong! Tiantong! Tiantong!" The student of Bai Bird Ze College is the name of the heavens, although the color is not high, but the popularity of the Tianxong in Bai Bird is absolutely low.

"Not a wonderful, coach. Is it called a pause!" Najo's anxiously forgot the first game, and Wuye has already been paused.

On the court, Zhun Village took the shoulder of the moon island with low head.

"Don't care, the game has just begun, laughing to the last talent is the best." Ze Village is a custom-made sea neminated needle, and there is no panic because of the sudden speed of the opponent.

"Yes, the captain." Yue Island nodded, his eyes were red.

"This kid is so calm, and the heart is actually hidden in a fire." Night lives looked at the back shoulders of the Moon Island, he could probably guess the mood of the Moon Island.

Nothing, I feel that my strength is not enough, dragging down the team.

The night long-distance wind that is in the arrival of the arrival of the island, and the moon island is often a unique attitude towards the volleyball. However, he insisted on the volleyball and his arrogance and his heart is not harbilia.

PS: Lying on G for a few months, the body must rust. Come back, just because I don't want to stop chasing dreams. More nonsense, I will write it as long as I can write it.

106 chapter, the whistlement of the heavy hammer (seeking a self-defined)

On the field, the white bird is awakened by the lion that doesn't seem to slow down, and the night-long wind wheel is replaced to the rear gap, they began to show the true strength of the king of Miyagi County. @ @ @ @

Wushu High School, the front row of moon islands and the day to the very hard block, want to pull back the situation.

But the Bai Birds started to break out in this time, the five-color work, the big flat, Niu Island, the three major leadership, the land of the wild.

Wushu High School, the long wind and the West Valley include the fields of the field to play very well, but the shortage of the strength of the front rolling network allows the white bird to hold the momentum.


After both hands, the white birds were brought four points, the score gradually opened, and the movement of the reunion group of Bai Bird was more and more prosperous, and the invocation of Wuye was completely overwhelmed.

"Beautiful bowl, Mr. Tao Li, the status of white birds seems to be getting better and better!" Fujihara said.

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