The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2406 of the Chapter 2406 of Tennis Prince

"Yes! Bai Bird This is only a long time in the three-year-old team, the time is very long, and the Wushen Opening is good to force the state and better and better white bird." Tao Li Hao Diagram.

"But White Bird is so in advance whether it will affect their physical reserves?" Fujihara also reported a lot of white birds.

He is still the first time to see the white birds in the county contest begins so soon.

"I heard that the amount of training in Bai Bird Ze is very popular, I believe that even if they are full of five games, they don't have any questions." Tao Li's heart is still looking forward to a five-game war.

On the court, the two people in the night and the Tianzhong Dragon were rotated to the front row. At the same time, Bai Biu Ze's Niu Island is also rotated to the front row.

The two sides of the ace player once again, and the Niu Island is still facial expressions, and the noise of the night is holding a smile, it looks some excited look.

The disadvantages and short downturn of Wushou seem to have no effect on night long winds, and he is like a super equation car, completely entering his orbit, immersed in the game.

"Yingshan!" Said that the serve players opposite the opposite side, the night-long rushed through the shadow and mountains, which is the meaning of the Trust the height to the third file.

The shadow is slightly surprised, and then some points.

On the field, the serve of Bai Bird, the serve is very riot, and the rotation of Ze Village in the back row will save the volleyball.

"Beautiful hair balls!" Fujiwei couldn't help it, and he also came to stand on the stage.

Because the shadow and mountains quickly jumped in front of Ze Village, the volleyball was launched.

bass! The vertical speed of the white red green is rising upwards, just as the string is high and high.

"Good high!" The audience on the stage shouted.

The so-called third gear of the shadow and mountain is not only amazing and height is more exaggerated, more like a ball mistake.

Moreover, the position of the ball is completely the center of the big flag, without any discussion.

"Blocking him!" The coach of Bai Birds stood up at this time, rushing on the front player of the white bird.

Snapped! At this time, the night is like a rocket, there is no preparation, and there is no fancy action, it is straight straight.

The three people in the front of the white birds gathered to the center of the ball, almost at the same time in the same time, and the three blocks formed the iron wall of the white bird.

"Ox!" However, the three people flying to the air have a double eye in a moment.

Obviously and night growings while jumping at the same time, but the speed of the night is complete and the three people are no longer a grade. The shadow mountain looks like a mistake, but it is perfect.

Top Battle!

The three people of the white bird have just risen more than ten centimeters, and the chest of the night is almost above the net.

"This is simply non-human!" The whole ball is quiet.

"Shanle!" The big flat lion is desperate, will hopes to be pinned in the defense of the free people.

! At this time, the right arm of the night-catching wind turns on the air rolling, it is a great shot, just like a orc hammer.

Rumble, like explosive sound echoing in the entire globe.

The ball-type volleyball is in an instant in touch with the night length of the wind, which has become an elliptical, and the next instant has reached the positive center of the white bird.

The front straight line buckle of the big opening, the night-long wind completely free of vision of the iron wall block of white birds.

"Don't be too small to see people!" Bai Bird Ze's free man is completely predicting the ball of the night, he jumped in advance, flying to save the ball.

The front line half is built, which can be said to be the best way to pre-, and the wind is not a defense against the defense of the white bird.

"Can you save?" At this moment, everyone's eyes were concentrated on the back of the white bird Ze No.4 mountain.

Then, it is a bigger loud noise, the mountain shape is actually a super fast response to almost completely invisible volleyball.

However, the next moment, a volleyball suddenly appeared on the third floor of the ball.

The audience on the third floor on the table did not respond completely, and the volleyball was grown on the steps and popped more than ten meters of ceilings.

"What!" Fujihara also sealed the sea and Tao Li Hao.

The video camera at the scene just did not follow the rhythm, and many audiences did not realize what happened.

! Until the referee buried a whistle, this division was judged to the Uen High School, 1417, the audience at the scene finally returned to God.

The mountain is just received a volleyball, but in a moment of volleyball and his arms, the explosive power included on the volleyball allows the volleyball to fly out of the court, flew on the table.

"Damn!" The mountain shape that he fell to the ground was very unwilling to smash the floor, and the pain came back on the arm, so that he couldn't help but read the position of his arm.

Soco naked, the mountain-shaped arm is swollen by red and purple, clearly swollen.

"What is the power!" The mountain shape hurts all parts of the country with white birds, or the first time I saw such a piece of power, I couldn't help but hit the chill.

The strength of the night long wind buckle is far exceeded by a high school student.

At this moment, the whole course has become extremely quiet, and the cheers of the Bai Bird Ze Meng Tuan will stop, just like the heavy hammer of the night-lived hammer is ambiguous.

"Scorpio! Night long wind players! This button is too amazing! It is the hammer of the orc!" The Runma of the reaction was shocked.

"Yes! I still heard a deduction of non-professional players to deduct such sounds!" Before Japanese national hand peaches were also horrified.

Compared to Fujihara, Tao Li is more professional, he discovered that the sound of night long-standing balls and ordinary players were completely different.

Heavy hammer whistling!

The night-length wind is a long-term bow-long.

107 chapter, imperial hammer (seeking for a self-defined)

"Wow! It's better to kill!"

"It's just ruthless, the white birds are swollen to the free people!"

"We have such a super attack hand in Wuye, which is much harmful than that!"

After short silence, the entire course is very excited, especially the students in Wuye.

Many people in the game have heard that the Wushu High School Volleyball Department has entered the finals of the county contest. There is a very powerful player called the night long, so come to the ball to join the lively, help our alma mater.

Now that these students are almost attracted to the movement of the blood of the volleyball, many people look at the backs of the nightly domineering side leakage, and the heart is yearned.

Many times, love the last movement, often coming from the worship of the strong, the more blood movement is, the more this.

"NicePass!" The night cost of the tenderness, turned and turned to the shadow and mountains.

The cheers of the audience and the response to the night are unable to make him excited. After all, he has seen too many vast scenes.

In the world of volleyball teenagers, you can make your neighborhood cells boil, only the opponent that can really be a war.

"It's just a new generation of imperial hammers!" Tao Li Hao's eyes looked at the night lengthy wind that reopeously stood well, and the brain was in the middle of the memories.

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