The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2424 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Among them, the middle day is the highest jump, and his long arm is quite amazing.

It seems that Tian Tong seems to be progress in the game, or has evolved that it is irritated by night long-term wind, but it seems to be jumped to the height of the third gear of the night long.

"Can you stop?" The white bird is replaced and now the audience is nervous, and the eyes are not staring at the night long wind flying in the air.

"It's very good, I finally feel a little in the air confrontation." The night grew is in the mouth with a smile.

! There is still no hesitated hammer to kill, and the unique hits sound of the Gongcheng County Integrated Stadium.

"Ox!" Tiantian did not see the waver of the long wind in the day.

He only feels that a force that cannot be blocked is forced to run through his own palms.

Dangdang, Tian Tong is enough to kill the night long-term angle, but he don't say a touch. There is no change in the route of any volleyball flight, and the volleyball is directly fried behind the white bird.

4 to 3! Wide red flag is shot, it is a good ball.

"Beautiful forced buckle, Tiantong players' block high walls are completely crushed!" Fujihara exclaimed.

"It's just that you can't stop, the night-catching players are too overbearing. The success rate is too much." The Tao Li Hao's second eyelids were jumped, and his heart was thinking that he could not stop such strength. smash.

"Good ball, long wind!" Zencun and landing night long-term winds to celebrate.

From the scope of the opening of the third game, the white bird is just behind, but the two teams are completely different.

The most important one is that the night length is pressed into Niu Island, and the white birds can bite the score by the team strength, but there is no moment when there is any king.

Wuyu tee, Ze Village is deeply breathing, adjusting it.

Although the competition hit the third game, the consumption of the first two games cannot be said, and Ze Village, which is heavy, very heavy, is naturally not small.

In fact, Wuye is a hidden danger of physical reserves. The game before the wild is almost two wins, and there is no experience in the five games of five games.

The other Bai Bird is the most exaggerated school in the county. There are many physical monsters in the team, and the experience of the five games in the five games is also very rich.

Therefore, it is quite important to rationally distributing.

On the field, Ze Village also chose the most secure and most powerful to get the serve of the front field.

Before the white bird, the big flat lion sound stabilizes the volleyball, and the white cloth launched the fast attack and put the volleyball to Niu Island.

Bai Bai is very clear that the Niu Island will be quiet, and there is no bull island to play. Bai Bird is impossible to win the game.

Dang! Surprisingly stimulated and provocative by night long wind, the heart of Niu island is like a fire, but the surface is still cold, the violent bow is not two or before, and the psychological quality is as strong as the machine.

Moreover, Niu island's button is more reasonable. He avoids the night's wind and choose to attack the moon island.

At this time, the blockbuster's blockbuster is not auxiliary, but it is blocked.

Moon Island is like helping the other party in the basketball court.

Niu Island's button instantly runs through the barbed iron wall of the wild, powerful one goal.

"Behind!" The night is suddenly turned back in the air. He is still very praised for the psychological quality of Niu Island.

Generally, there is a talented player is a proud manner, and it is so powerful that the night grows. It has long been like five colors, and there is such a cool treatment.

! However, the witness of Niu island has not changed the score, the critical moment, the defensive talents of Xikai Xiang Xi once again, he almost saved the ball almost.

! It is a pity that the volleyball force is too large, can't remove it, and volleyball flew over the buffer outside the field at an ultra-high speed.

"Oh, oh, I received it!"

"Follow up !!!" The Wushu Motors shouted.

"It's a hard-wrapped free person!" Bai Bird Zezhong watched well, and it was hard to avoid the night, and there was a guardian of the wild.

"Call ... call ..." Zhun Village is looking at the volleyball to fly to the stand, he wants to do it, turning around is a mad.

! Ze Village is thrilling back to the ball.

"Over the Internet!" Tian Zhongyi is equally anxious to go back to the ball, put the ball behind the volleyball behind himself.

"Save it back!" The tenacious defensive defensive defensive attacked on the stage exclaimed.

The ball has returned to the white bird, and the opportunity ball is very good.

125 chapter, full talent (seeking for a self-defined)

Snapped! White birds are half a field, free people's mountain shape steadily will bring volleyball pads to the net. Σ ∈ ∈

The two lengthened white cloth looked up and rolled into the top of his head, and the rest of the light will print all the positions of the players on the court into the brain.

"This ball, can't be missed again!" The white cloth screamed and gently jumped, and suddenly quickly launched the volleyball. The rapidly unusually touched the ball, the volleyball flashed to the other side at one side of the ball, but at this time, the mechanic purple shadow was talitfully jumped.

It is an Niu Island!

! In the face of the open space created by the white cloth, Niu Island does not have any hesitated straight buckle.

rub! However, in this moment, the white cloth and the Bai Bird only felt a wind and wind.

Hunch! Just a moment in the cattle is deducted, a black high wall suddenly erected in front of Niu Island.

"Waiting for it!"

That's right! This black iron wall like a flash is not someone else, or a night grow.

Dang! Niu island still can't break through the single iron wall. He only killed the straight ball in a moment, and the lobricity stopped with the power of lightning.

"Is it dead?" Waiting for the people of Bai Birds to come back, and the volleyball has rebounded after the volleyball has landed.

5 to 3!

Night wind turns on a personal crazy score model, starting the rule of the competition at both ends of the attack.

"It is direct blocking!"

"Strong! This is too much too much!"

"Invincible! It's so cool! Night long wind! Night long wind! Night long wind!" The students on the stage were excited to boil, and the atmosphere of the whole ball was still rising.

"Junny? Is it still hidden in the island? This is already the third game!"

"Is the one of Wuye is a trivier, the three games have been built, there are countless, and the speed is still improved?"

"Yes, even if it is a medicine, the physical strength should not be good!" The other side of the Taiwan, the white birds should be a group of people who are difficult to believe in.

"Ah, ah, stop being beautiful, long wind!"

"Handsome, too powerful!" Wusong replaced everyone shook the white towel shouting.

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