The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2425 of the Chapter 2425 of Tennis Prince

The most exuberable is that the mountain mouth is unable to play, he will play the skills of the towel to the extreme, and the right hand waves with convulsions.

"It's a fierce competition, all hit the third game, both parties are still rhythm."

"Yes, in the current point of view, Wuhumi has played the advantage of the opening of the night's wind players."

With the analysis of two explanations, the two teams continue to do, and the rhythm is indeed faster and faster.

The white bird is still can't be pressed by the night length, and the coach is forced to have a suspension, change the strategy of Bai Bird.

After the competition resume, Bai Bird began more complex attack routines, and as much as possible off the firepower point.

When the night length wind wheel is replaced to the back row, the white bird is going to strive, and when the night long wind wheel is replaced to the front row, the white bird is steady and stabilized, and fully defended.

Bai Bird is started to perform the game tactics for night long winds.

! On the field, with the day of the day, the top of the day is buckled.

14 to 16!

White Birds is still biting the score in the eventual passive situation, and it has always maintained a ratio.

"It's really tenacious, it is a king of Miyagi County." The shadow wiped the sweat of wiping.

Looking at the scene, the wild in the wild, especially the defensive and offensive of the night, and the white birds that are completely entered the defensive state are not impatient, relying on the attack of zero stars, seems to be waiting. Hold the opportunity.

"These guys want to consume my physical fitness, really innocent." Night wind sweeps a good thing, "But the guy must pay attention, his strength should be more than this."

Before the, the shadow and the day and the day will launch a tacit overspeed offensive cooperation.

Dang! The day is getting higher and higher, actually in the top of the Sichuan, completed a large angle button.

17 to 14!

The Wuye coach is slow, but he is not a fool. He knows that it is time to bring more people to the offense, can't concentrate all the pressure on the night.

"Dry, day!" Ze Village was happy to take the next day.

"Oh, I will continue to take a fraction!" The day is very good.

Although the day, there is a pity, the enthusiasm of the day is absolutely no need to suspect.

Both sides of the competition, the number of running plots and running, in addition to the night grow, no one can get up day.

Plus the day, the talent of the bounce, and the experience of the contest, and the night length is reason to believe that the day can be the top of Japan's top volleyball attack.

Of course, if he grows more than ten cm, it grows into the top of the world, and the night is not unexpected.

This is the power of talent!

Among the competitive sports, efforts are often the height of the lower limit, and the talent is to determine the final upper limit height of a player.

Moreover, talents are not only one of the talents, the players and the ball feel like the body.

! A loud noise on the court is coming, and the audience is exclaimed.

It is a five-color violent buckle, directly through the double block of Zecun and the day.

15 to 17! White bird is always bitten.

"Five colors, good!"

"Five colors, come on! Work hard!" Bai Bird's response group kept refueling his player.

The five colors behind the hand did not shout, just clenched his fists, turned back to your position.

During this time, as the only first grade main player in Bai Bird, five colors play a quite good.

And more mature, it is obviously growing.

The team like Bai Bird, the entry of all parts of the genius players, can naturally do not need to say more than five talents who can stabilize the main position in the first grade.

And for five colors, encountering the team of Wuye, it is not necessarily a good thing for him.

At least the appearance of the night, let him understand what people have someone, there is a day outside.

There is no more talent, only sinking, grinding your own ball skills, and ultimately can redeem your talent.

Bang, just after the five-color score, returned to the front row of night, in almost the same position, directly smashed the hunger of the hill.

18 to 15!

The night is not soft, and the killing of the night long wind is really overbearing than the five-color bow-colors. The sound is completely different.

After the competition entered the third game, the night length appeared to enter the Zone state, and the unusual score was set.

! At this time, the referee burried the whistle, and the wild is hit.

Yue wants to try Mountain Daozhong finally appeared again!

126 chapter, steel thunder (seeking a self-defined)

Mountain Daozhong is replacing the day at this time, for the serve. ? Miscellaneous?

"Send a good ball!" Wuhin replacement everyone loudly loyal to the mountains.

Standing in the sericulture of the Wuye, the mountain mouth spit a breath, and the look is much better than before.

This time, Wuye also led three points in the third game, and the pressure of score was much smaller, and the movement of the mountain mouth was more natural.

Snapped! As the mountain mouth jumped to the right side of the tap in the air, the volleyball was swayed, and he flew over the ball.

Very written ball, the feeling of the gill this time is quite good, the volleyball is swaying, fluttering the five colors of the white bird.

! In the event of five colors, the ball suddenly falls, and the uncertainty of the ball is most terrible.

"Out of the world!" However, in this moment, the five-color response was extremely fast, he screamed for a movement of ting of squid, directly taking the floor to open a position.

A slap, the volleyball passed the top of the top, and he fell behind him.

"Is it out of bounds, or is it?" All people gathered to the referee, which is difficult to judge too far.

"OUT" hesitated for half a second, and finally shouted OUT, and sentenced the servant.

16 to 18!

"It's good luck!"

"Good insurance, five-color judgment is really good." On the stage, the audience of the white bird is relieved, and this point will make the wild in the wild, the score will be pulled.

"What is, it is obviously the line! Referee, you got a dog eye!"

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