The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2426 of the Chapter 2426 of Wangzhao of Tennis

"Who, you collect money!" The other side, the students in Wuye are naturally dissatisfied, broken.

The game hit from one opening now, the group of Wuye is originally to watch the lively students, which has been completely attracted to the fierce competition.

Many people can't wait to change their jersey to fight on the court, as dazzling like night.

"Ah ... Sorry !!" Yamaguchi saw the serve, biting his teeth, is full of face, so hard to go to the game, he doesn't want to start so fast.

"Don't worry, we are still leading." Ze Village took the shoulders of the mountain to show comfort.

"Very good serve is a pressure line." The night grew is very serious and said to the Yamaguchi.

On the field, there is no first time to be replaced in the first time. There is too much to run to the third game. If you need to take a break, it is not a night-hard style.

On the other hand, the Bai Bird Zea-haired area, Sichuan serves.

In order to pursue, Chuanxi issued a role in playing, fast, and the angle looks extremely drilled. The target directs that there is no fully adapted to the mountain.

"Be careful!" The Ze Village of the front row turned back.

A sound, the mountains are desperate, the fish is enough, which is a big force.

Then, after all, it was just playing, the Hill's hand did not accumulate, although I received the ball, but I also fate directly.

17 to 18! Bai Bird is chasing two points, and a division is also the minimum difference between the third game in the Wushu.

"Very good! Very good! Chasing one more!"

"Beautiful serve, Sichuan!" Bai Bird Ze is inspired.

"It's so hit ... Wu wild can't be mistaken." The coach is secretly nodded.

Always attack the weaker ring of the opponent until the opponent collapses, this is the strategy of Bai Bird insisted on more than ten years.

"Obvious ..." The mountain mouth fell to the ground smashed the floor. He hated his strength too weak, and he could not help the team, but also dragged down.

"It is not bad, get up and prepares the next goal." The night long turned and pulled up the mountain mouth and patted the back of the mountain.

"Changfeng!" Some of the mountain mouth, he looked at the thin smile on the night's face, and the calm and calm infection of the night.

"He is enjoying this game ..." In the heart of the Yamaguchi, the appearance of the thoughts, the expression slowly relaxed.

On the field, Chuanxi continued to serve, or vigorously jumped, the goal is of course the mountain.

It is seen that the idea of ​​Sichuan has been in the same position, until the mountain mouth is going down.

Snapped! However, this time, he was disappointed, and the Yamaguchi had a steady back, and the serve of Sichuan was louched with a very standard action.

"Beautiful one!" Fujiwai couldn't help but admire, and the unpopular Wyan Donkey in the mountains made him litigate.

"Actually, I have received my serve?" Sichuan is a bit surprised.

"The idiots, falls and angles are the same, you are a newbie." Night is disdainful, and the right finger refers to the sky, immediately moving it.

Snapped! I saw that the night windy wind came from the front of the back network, and the whole person jumped directly, and the whole person raised in the air.

! Just in the moment of the long-winding, the body bending the bow, the heart got the gods of the mountains.

When you are, the night is clearly jumping in the back, but it is exaggerated high, directly on the top of the top of the top of the other side.

Bang! Night winds, this empire is like the volleyball, the volleyball is almost instantly fried in the foot of the mountain.

19 to 17!

The servant of the height of the night, the servant, the audience, is a cold breath.

"The Breakfast, Bai Bird is still unable to stop the night long wind player, he is simply invincible, no one can stop!" Fujiwu shouted.

"Heaven, the gods, Lei Shen!" The peach plum on the side brought a new outer number to the night.

Steel Thunder!

The heavy buckle of the night is like the Thunder, even if the impact of the TV live screen is shocking, so the outer number is high in the later spread.

"Bastard!" Looking at the wilderness of the wild, he hit it, and the fascinating face was green.

Compared to possible to lose the game, it is more careful that the night-cost player is most suitable for the core players who are best for him to build a team.

In the view of the meadage, the night-length wind is a year. If you come to Bai Bird, you can replace Niu Island, who is going to graduate, let Bai Birds complete the new and old alternate.

Moreover, the white bird is configured and the depth of the bench, plus such a shocking night-hearted wind, and rule the country.

However, now, what is late, the faders only have hope to defeat the wild, and then use the national champion to lure Huo night long wind, and dig the night-long wind to the white bird.

127 chapter, air war is invincible (seeking for a self-defined)

"Tiantong, what you eat, stop him! The footage is a little faster, do you have a lead? There are other people, I am moving, don't stand in the same place, you think you are playing golf !!"

The gobmaker coach couldn't help but, standing on the field is an angry, the voice is high, and the sound of the field is turned out, and the devil trainer is ∈ ξ ξ ∈ ∈

"It is worthy of the old man, just like the same year ..." Sitting in the replacement of the unrequited relationship.

"This old man is really noisy, let you shut up!" After the night's wind and everyone hit, the round changed to the front row.

On the field, the tee of the mountains and mountains.

Snapped! Snapped! The shadow and mountain right shot two squats, breathing deep breath, and the eyes are sharp.

So far this game, the night is undoubtedly the most dazzling star, the highest score efficiency, the most running distance, even the defensive is doing dripping, completely pressing Niu Island, will Personal capabilities have played the extreme.

But this also has a lot of the best cooperation with the teammates, and there is no top-ended ball for each other, and the offense of the night is also very difficult.

If you compare the night's wind than Jordan on the racquet, the shadow mountain is Piphon, the perfect two-time family.

In fact, the shadow and mountain technology is comprehensive. If he is in Wuye and his two hands, he goes to other teams, definitely a big master.

Of course, the shadow and mountains are called the king from the middle of the country, and now grow into a good team player, the night grows, the supervision and stimulus of his side are also played.

The relationship between the two people is like light and shadow, and if the light is strong enough, the shadow will naturally be longer.

After the collateral, the shadow and mountains on the court were adjusted after the breathing, it was directly å å .

There is no good scruple in the game now, and the volleyball sounds with the whispering the ball, fell, the tee of the shadow mountain is very like a soccer field.

! Bai Bird Surven, is strongly hitting the spirit of the wilderness. Since I received a lot of night long wind, the murder of the shadow, the mountain shape is obviously improved, one step, squat At the same time, the volleyball is unloaded.

bass! Bai Bird is immediately launched multi-person fast attack, all players are moving.

In front of the net, the night-catching wind pressure does not care about the other people of Bai Bird, and the eyes are always concentrated on the gourd island.

Because he knew that as long as it curbed the Niu Island, the other people in Bai Bird Ze played better and wanted for a big wind.

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