The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2428 of the Chapter 2428 of the Prince of Tennis

"Okay, don't worry." The old man is rare, and the tone is quite calm.

The fadie knows this time, and then pressing the player as a counter-effect.

"The current score is 2 to 1, it's right, then lose a game, you will end this summer." The meadman swept the eyes of the third grade players. "Special for you, dominate the country The contest is also this opportunity! "

"Don't take yourself as an unbeaten king, start to admit that Wuye is strong than us now, put yourself in an impact." The frozen contribution is a flash, suddenly the tone.

"Just lose, put every point of the fourth game as the last goal of your high school career!"

The bonsard coach showed his value at this time, and the general coach was harened, and he gave a heart-to-hearted speech ignited the fire of Bai Birds every heart.

Especially the third grade of Bai Bird, everyone is like burning, the expression is completely different.

"Wushou! Flying! Wushou! Forward!" The gymnasium in the Miya Prefecture is the screaming of the Wuye student.

At this time, the aura of the Bai Bird Ze is already played completely by the night length.

"This bureau solves them!" When he heard the whistle of the referee, the night long shot made the hand of the water, after standing, immediately stepped into the stadium.

"Oh!" Other other main strengths in Wuye followed the night length, excited expressions and opening tensions were the other of the ancestral.

"Come on, the wild !! Hey!" Wu wild replacement everyone stood up, and a ghost crying.

Wushu tee, the exploitation of Tianzhong looked up at the sky, "I feel that my state is super good!"

bass! The field is thrown in a moment, and it is super powerful jump.

Dangdang, volleyball cymbals.

"Out of the world!" The shouting of the master referee made the fields.

1 to 0! The field is not only given to the other party, but also issued a total base, the ball is deserved.

"Aron, what planes do you do!" Sugar filial piety, very speechless.

"Don't worry too much, dragon." Ze Village has taken the back of the field, some helplessness.

On the field, the ball translation, the five-color work.

Snapped! Extremely rare is that the five colors have not strongly jumped, but they have made a frontal hanging ball.

"Front!" Ze Village yelled, very unexpected.

"Kao!" Night lived did not think of five colors suddenly smart, he took the steps of consciousness and kicked the volleyball with his feet.

"Give the ball with your feet! Good react!" Fujiwara sounds.

Dang! The Tianxong before Bai Bird has worked in the front of the probe ball to die.

2 to 0! The Fourth Bureau of Bai Birds seems to have changed a team.

129 chapter, take over the competition? (Ask for a self-defined)

"Very good, it is a group of crows, their movements have begun to slow down." Ζ "offers a bobbers coach hands shoulders, knots nodded.

Dang! However, there is no waiting for the old man who is happy to be happy, and the night grows in front of the net, and directly kills the ball directly on the top of the Niu Island.

1 to 2! White bird is still no way to attach a personal attack at night.

"You jump too low!" Night wind and shadow and mountains did not forget to stimulate Niu Island.

! In response to the night, the heavy wind, the burgon slashed, and the ball played directly in Zencun.

3 to 1!

More than the previous play, Bai Birds obviously improve the rhythm of the game, this time, the rhythm of Wuye is sluggish, which seems to be affected by the shortage of physical reserves.

On the field, the white birds, including five colors, there is no verbal to respond to the night of the night, but use practical actions, they are really a battle, and each ball is treated as the last one.

"Interesting, continue, continue!" Night hard saws the state of Bai Bird, is interested, and the spirit is also excited.

On the field, the free people hit the old life to save the killing of the night, although it was not completely in place, but it was already very progress.

bass!! Then, the sound of whistling, the white cloth is backward high-speed ball, and the Tiantong reverse quickly moves the fast attack before jumping up the net.

A sound of the squat, the wildflower field is not as good, and the volleyball is directly landed.

4 to 1! At the beginning of the fourth game, the Wu wild player seems to be a state, except for the night-long wind and shadow, others have revealed the tiredness.

!! The status of teammates has no effect on night long wind, and he and the shadow and mountains cooperate with the third gear attack, continuously deduct the score.

3 to 4! Wuye seems to become a team of two people just started.

"Superb balloon, too fierce!"

"It's just a fight, the body of Night Jun is too abnormal!" The most favorite of the audience on the stage is this kind of lone hero's drama.

Jun, I didn't see the OK combined with the OK combined with one person, the first game conquered everyone in the first game, and the game was almost the most dazzling moments of the Aiffest career.

"How is the stinky kid, how much it is more than just jumping, is it faster?" Any descending trend, but the more watters are grateful.

"Even if it is, it is impossible to sustain the carry." This is actually the doubts in every scene.

On the field, as the game became more and more intense, the players and the floor friction broke out.

! The white bird is half a mountain shape, and the ball will rescue the day to the roller of the heavens.

"Five colors!" White cloth is called the right side of the ball, the speed is extremely fast.

"The day came over, this guy is good at the straight button." The mountain shouts on the Internet.

The day, Xiangyang is very fast, a cross step, and the shadow and mountains have formed a double block.

"Very good, Japan ..." Wu Renuo just fell.

! The five-color scallion slant, directly put the volleyball buckle under the shadow, the heavy fall.

5 to 3!

After this score, five colors did not send, back to your position, just like a person.

"Beautiful button, white birds, five colors players are quite high!" Fujiwei admired.

"The fourth game opened, Bai Bird seems to be more active, it seems that their hearts have not collapsed." The peach plum followed by the side.

On the field, as the Bird Bird Player State Recovery and the speed attack of their fight, the score of the two teams began to climb rapidly, and the deadline of the deadlier decreased.

! I have always launched a second-time attack on the shadow and mountains, 6 to 7, and the wild is still behind.

At this time, Bai Bird is silent for a long time, Niu Island, is attacking in his habit.

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