The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2429 of the Chapter 2429 of the Prince of Tennis

Bang! Compared with the previous button, Niu Island's button has used the whole body, completely consumption of energy.

! Feel the strength of the volleyball, the night length did not be able to block the bullion of Niu Island for the first time, and the volleyball was played in the night length. Suddenly changed.

"One touch!" The night grew down the door.

"Drink!" Yuze Village is light, fish jumps, rapidly tilting the body in the air.

Snapped! Very thrilling, Ze Village fell to the ground while saving volleyball.

"Goodball, earth! Counterattack!"

! At this time, Shadows quickly moved under the volleyball in high altitude, the back faces the ball.

And the night, the Tanzhong Dragon, including the moon island's own running positions in front and rear, and the wild position is unfair to attack!

"It's coming, it is this annoying attack." The two leaphers white cloth put the Wushu all the people's position, "Tiantong went to prevent the bald!"

White cloth directed the arming before the white bird, it was dead at night.

! The shadow is ultimately holding the volleyball to the back of the sky, and is the offense of the Ueno Super Two.

Night wind does not wait for its body to rise, directly straight to the long arm.

Ultra-hand long line, this time, the night length is playing a long line, and the volleyball is almost stuck in the net.

"I have been waiting for a long time!" Bai cloth seems to have already guess the idea of ​​the shadow and mountains, etc., so early, high jump, and double hand.

A loud noise, the white cloth only noted the ball, did not consider the power of the night long hitting.

Even the bull island could not resist the buckle, the white cloth was more than, and the volleyball was almost played on the table in the moment of touching his palms.

7 to 7, the two teams were in the fourth game.

"It's flat, the two teams have killed red eyes, and they must bayoneware ..." The noisy alley is quiet. The audience is full of breath, and the air surrounded is nervous.

"It was guessed by the guy." Yingshan looked at the white cloth and frowned slightly.

"I can't guess me, they can't stop me, I will give me the ball, and the rest is given to me." The night is relate, but it is a pair of landings that will take over the game.

130 chapter, changing change (seeking for a self-defined)

On the field, Ze Village is served. Magazine

"It's good to serve, the earth!"

"Come on, give the other party's pressure!" Wuhin replacement crowd shouted.

The night-long wind is that the back of the village is more than a gesture, and it is ahead of the village to the front.

Snapped! Ze Village nodded and took the volleyball to the net, and fell directly before the white bird.

"I am coming!" Bai Bird's Grand Principal, a big step, followed by directly playing with the volleyball.

Compared with the first three games, the Fourth Anth Bai Bird's players significantly increased its grade.

The fast attack of Bai Bird, Chuanxi Taiyi first jumped to the bait before the Internet, the real tens of the white cloth is still back.

"Dight-catching!" Night is not communicating with the moon islands, but the two are almost simultaneously moved, combined into the strongest double block of Wuye.

! Both people have a unique wall, and both hands have a super high wall in front of the Internet.

But at this time, if Niu Island, who is taking the end, he sees the opportunity.

The speed of the night, the bounce and the bounce beyond the islands, which makes the two people's blocks a high, and there is a flaw.

Dang! Niu Island naturally does not waste such a chance to rebound, and his waist and abdomen take a ting, the whole body is full, change the left arm.

A loud noise, volleyball passed through the head of the mesley island, and the focus was on the floor behind two.

8 to 7!

This ball is amazing, and it may be more than the heavy hammer of the night, and the cow island is still used by the left hand, that is nothing, the king seems to come back.

"Strong!" One of the noisy black wilderness on the stage, before the long-term performance of the night, so that they almost forgot the opponent's super attack hand in the country.

Snapped! There is no expression after landing, just against the palm of the Pacific, which is already the state of his entry state.

"Niu Island! Niu Island! Niu Island!" Silent Bird Shu Ze should be re-ignited by this ball, crazy, really, only the ace is the most likely to stimulate the audience's emotions.

"Cut, is it a bit hop?" The moon is wiped the sweat on the forehead and foggy glasses.

"Don't be impatient, the game is now interesting now." When the night is shot, after the back of the island, the mouth has a smile.

If the opponent does not resist, it will be admitted, this game is not strong, it is to say to the meat to meat.

After the fourth game, the night growth is also adjusted. He knows that the physical fitness of the wilderness is far less than the white bird, the more they play behind, and it must be more and more difficult.

However, it is the most good at night.

! On the field, the night length and shadow and mountains are connected, the imperial hammer once again.

This time, the night-hard wind allows the shadow of the fourth gear, and he jumped more faster, and completed nearly seventy deducting in the top of the Tong Tong's head.

8 to 8!

At the same time, at the same time, I also got my own tee.

"The two sides really don't make it, every point is fierce, too nervous." Fujiwai did so many years of explanation started to sweat.

"Is my illusion? The more the night long players jumped," the worldview of the Tao Li, the world of Tao Li, was refreshed in the night.

"Be careful that the guy's serve!" The mountain shape looks at the night-long wind, and immediately strong the spirit.

White Birds are half a field, everyone is even more than one step, and it is very avoided with the servant of the night.

"So afraid of me?" The angle of the nozzle of the night, followed by sudden acceleration, while the volleyball was high, two steps were jumped directly.

"It's coming!" All people of the white birds all consciously sinking, ready to send.

Snapped! However, in the air, the night-catching wind in the air did not have a strong ball, but suddenly patted the volleyball.

! The night is shot, and the volleyball is swaying over the ball, it is jumping!

"Frontfield!" White Bird Freeman's mountain shape was shocked, and even the fierce sprint of rolling, fish jumped to save.

Snapped! In an instant that volleyball should land, the mountain shape rescued volleyball, but a pass of Bai Bird was completely destroyed.

"Be evil!" The five-color work rushed all the way, and the volleyball that was almost flew back and fell back.

"Give it to me!" At this time, the cow island of state recovery jumped high before the net, and the whole person spread his wings in the aerial eagle.

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