The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2459 of the Chapter 2459 of the Prince of Tennis

"Hey, shameless." Looking at the look of the soul, the spider is slightly smashed, and a slightly smoked with a vinegar and a broken lightly, it is spit out from his lip, as if The fried thunder sounded on the night of the night, and I thought that there was a recovery of the appearance. After the appearance of Zhou Ruo, the night was suddenly coughing, restored the appearance of the gentleman.

But the spider is so fantastic girl, these years, because she cultivated thousands of spider hands, so that the toxins in the body, so that the toxins were condensed on the face, resulting in the face of the demon of the left angel on the left, because this face After being destroyed, she didn't know how many people suffered from the white eyes of many people. From sorrow to disappointment, they were numb. For those men, she thought she had already seen it.

Only, today, suddenly there was a night, the spider was first found in a man, because his eyes did not have evil, no sorrow, and even can't see fluctuations, she first right A man is curious, but she thinks like this, but her face has not exposed, so many years, she has already learned that no sentiment is exposed to her face, just like a mask with a numbness.

"This son, I don't know why I wounded my sister and her friend." Zhou Yuli is a light power, the clothes fluttering, the plain face, but it does not apply the powder, the pretty face is slightly cold, and the eyes are dead and stare at night long. The wind, it seems to be awarded him.

"It turned out to be Zhou Yulu girl, I heard the name, there was a gift." The night grew slightly, laughed.

"How do you know my name?" Zhou Yulu will willow, do not understand.

"Do you know what is the rare thing?" Night wind shrug shrugged, did not care, "As for the girl just asked why you hurt your teacher, you can only say that there is no peace, and the knife is helpless."

"Hu Che! You see which is not flat!" Ding Min Jun, who was interesting next to him, was angry, and the long sword in his hand was in the hands of the night, and his face was more like. " The teacher took a mistake to listen to him, and our part has once again, but this is still not reluctant, and I have to protect the demon woman. I am angry with him but I was hurt by him ... "

"You said who is a demon woman, then dare to say that the girl tears your mouth!" The spider heard that she was a demon woman, and she looked at the night, and the expression did not change. There is no end to the end of the heart, and you will be unfair to Ding Minjun.

"Green baby, is this?" It is not allowed to have a sister and the woman who is not awkward. Zhou Yu Ruo is also a helpless, her sexy is happy, the vegetarian is not like to argue with people, and the sweat is mixed I don't know if I live in a night, and when I have a lot of wind, she can't believe, I can only turn my head towards Wushu Ying.

"I ... I ... I don't know, we have chased the woman before, then the lactic thief ... No, he suddenly appeared, I want to block us, Ding Shijie and my brother will fight with him. Then, then it will become like this. "Wu Qingying did not dare to watch the face of the night, just felt that as long as a panic feeling, he would overflow from the bottom, so she is undoubtedly like a Only the frightened rabbit, seeing the night long rods slightly twitching.

"No, it's nothing to do, just, just touched some places that I should not be touched by people ..." I think this in my heart, but I think about it, I don't want to think about it. Going down, I feel a little hot on the face that is not in the face.

"Kymoil ..." Zhou Yulu smashed the key to the discourse in the Wuqing baby, and then looked at the martial arts baby. She was confident that her guess, seeing the expression of the night, the expression of the night is also increasingly unbearable. Get up.

"Bon." Although the heart has a good view, Zhou Yilu is still impeccable, she faces the night-length wind, and the opening of the road: "I don't know why the son is the reason for the reason." This matter, but the person behind you has used tricks to hurt my Emei. Many teachers and sisters, but the facts, no matter what, if they are self-knowledge, they can see the son, but they can see the face of my Master. Opported it, otherwise, even if the skill is low, it cannot be taken from the son! "The last sentence, Zhou Yu said extremely firm, even if she is clear that she may not be better than night, but now she The representative is the dignity of the Emei, is also the dignity of her Master, absolutely can't easily bow.

"The eyes are not bad." The eyes of the eyes aimed Zhou Zi Ruo, and the night was very windy, with a bad smile: "But sometimes this seemingly strong is meaningless, and this must take this next day. The girl leaving, if the girl wants to block, I can try it. "


The night long style is just falling, Zhou Yu is a sword ting, a crispy swager sounds, next, his body shape is not enough, and his sword, it is more approaching the night Long wind's throat.

"Be careful!" Seeing the long sword will arrive, the spider is also shouting.

Night winds naturally will not be bad, even if he knew that Zhou Ruo's skill is far less than him, he will not have a bad enemy, but for this stubborn girl in front of him, he has a little pity in his heart, so it is just thinking about it today. How to solve this thing.

"For, I will send you a good creation." The mouth is whisper, feel the stinging of the cold and hys, and the night is slow and slow, but it is necessary to catch the sword.

024 chapter, guidance

"This idiot!"

When I watched the night, I plan to force the sword tip of the cold, and the spider jade is also awkward, and the spin is rushing to the position of the night's wind. Ding Minjun in the side is a face, "You don't have a hard bastard, you want to resist the flesh of the flesh, the Emei Sword of Emei, when you really don't have it. " "" At this time, in her heart, it is already imagined that the night's long wind was pierced by Zhou Yulu, and the heart was very cool.

However, the result is naturally disappointed.

At this time, the night-long winding is already a realm of practicing the dragon icon to the ninth floor. The power of Jiulong Jiubi is as good as the defense, which is also the same as before, even when it is The whole world, can break through his defense, such as extinction teachers, may have some possibilities, but it is just barely breaking through his defense, as for hurting him, still can't do it. Those people are still so, let alone Zhou Yulu, who is full of strong skills.

The long sword in front of the ordinary people may have been very fast in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the night, it is slow and poor.

Some helplessly shake the head, the palm of the exploration is also a meal, and then the night's long wind recovery three fingers, only the food refers to the middle fingers, the death of the throat, the sword of the throat!

Beauty is full of panicked at night long wind, this close distance, Zhou Wei is already able to clearly see every silk face on the long face of the day, but she found that the expression of night is not changed, It seems to complete this kind of unbelievable action in its seeming to eat, drinking water, and there is no fluctuation. Zhou Yu, this is clear that the strength of the two is obviously not a level. She has done their best, but the other party is just two fingers, it is already for themselves.

"This, this is impossible!" Ding Minjun looked at this scene in front of him, she couldn't believe it, her Master taught the most powerful sword law, which was so unbearable in front of this man. hit!

"Zhou Yulu, I fixed you, I don't want to kill the killer, you will be with this kid, it is a group!" Ding Minjun looked at Zhou Yulu, the whole face was already angry, and the jade hand referred to Zhou Ruo, tone full It is a grievance.

"Sister, what is your meaning ?!" Sistened his sister even doubted himself, Zhou Yu Ruo's face also had a bit of anger, although she didn't hi, but did not mean that she was willing to accept this unreasonable slander. "I live with the teacher in Zongmen for more than ten years, until today, I will go down with Master. Today, I will meet with him for the first time, how can I have a collude with him."

"You still dare to argue!" Ding Minjun was very angry with iron. "If you don't have a group with him, how can Master teach you how to hurt him, and he is only used by two fingers! "

"I ..." Zhou Yuli went to the words, she was very known to have been using it, and she didn't hurt the night. But in the eyes of people, the night grew is only used by two fingers. It is also a fact, so it is a moment, she doesn't know how to argue.

"One mountain is more than a mountain, heaven is more than heaven, he is strong, but it is not the strongest in the world. At this point, he also hopes that the girl can see clearly." Some can't bear to see Zhou Ruo This confused look, night long style reminded.

"You dare to insult my master!" However, the long-lasting wind is, but it is an appropriate way. His good words will be discharged in Zhou Yuli at this time, which is undoubtedly naked naked, and immediately in the heart, the long sword Sir, I will turn again to the night long-standing stab!

"I rub, I have forgotten the character of this girl." Seeing that he is good and good reminding, it is a counter-effect, and the night's hard feeling is also awake. Zhou Yu Ruo is also this personality, from beginning to end Its master's words, just like a monk believes in Buddhist ancestors, the terrorists believe in Hitler, in the original Eti Tun Long, the extinction teacher is too undoubtedly Zhou Zi Ruo's spiritual pillar, is the least inferior part of her heart, the status, even In the original Zhang Wuji.

"If you don't look at you, there are still a few piassats that you will be too lazy. You make you born self-extinguishing." The mouth is low, the night is long, and the body is moving towards the back. Go go.

"The unobstructed debut of the mouth, watching the sword!" Which one knows the whispering words of the night, but I have been listening to by Zhou Yu, and immediately, my face is too red, the long sword sword, some internal strength Ef funeral!

"Wait, this kind of internal force, how is it so familiar? It is the god of Jiuyang ... No, not ..." I feel the internal force above the sword, the night long wind color is also slightly changed, but the radius thinks that Zhou Yu is not possible to see At the time of the real Jiuyang god, the mood was calm and calmed down. When it was carefully, it was a thought that the sword was similar but very different, and a thought side suddenly sounded. "Don't be the internal power cheats of the , Jiuyang Gong? "

It is said that the so-called language. However, because it is evolution, the practice is not as high as Jiuyang gods, but it is more suitable for women's cultivation, and quickly catalyzes yin and yang, thereby playing power.

"In this case, today, the sure will give you a good creation." Heart smiled slightly, the night's mouth is open, "Zhou girl, you are so lightly swords, but there is no effect. Ah, extinching the old Nini, is it taught you these unpatisfactory things? "

"You dare to spend a mistake to insult my Master, go to death!" Zhou Yuli listened to the night, which was still able to bear, and it was more fierce, and the sword pointed, the original sparse point At this time, it is even more rich, and the power is also greater.

025 chapter, spider

The foot is screwed on the ground, and the body shape of the night is also rotated with this firm, and immediately step on the trunk, flying along the coarse trunk, and after his body, it is already angry. Zhou Yilu, who is headed, is also a cold cream, the long sword pointed to its vest, and it will be recruited. = Miscellaneous ∥ ∥ =

"This kind of speed wants to catch up with Xiaoye, it is still far away, since the beauty of the girl is that the old people's apprentice will only have this level, I am not your nun, just like this, I only have two pounds, hahaha! "Yang Tian smiled a few times, kicked the long sword behind, and flying to another tree, turned to the top of Zhou Ruo.

"Call, call, call, shameless!" Zhou Yulu scorned the lips, appeared, because the urgent breathing made the chest dramatically, and the JIAO body wrapped in the package is also outlined. Exquisite, watching the night long winds.

"Shameless." Another JIAO drinks the spider from the tree.

After all, she is not stupid, but she has seen the night's unsatisfied, it seems to be under his deliberate, Zhou Yu Ruo's internal strength is constantly climbing an unprecedented point, so her heart is a faint guessing, However, in this way, when the night-catching woman reveals the pork brother, the spider is still in the heart.

"Looks like this again, I have passed." Aiming at a beautiful spider, the night cost is also low, and immediately look at Zhou Ruo, and the people in front of it have been exhausted, Fang Ti slightly, "Although it is almost meaningful, it is inevitably not given anything, or it is good to solve it."

"Look at the sword!" A cold and scattered suddenly flashed in the night, the instinctively slightly, the night long wind rid of Zhou Ruo this sword, and immediately moved to the palm of the palm, and the palm of Zhou Yu Ruo Place.

"It's over." I feel the temperature in the palm of the palm, Zhou Yu Ruo's heart is also cold, she is guessing that she may experience her next step.

"You still stay there!" Waiting for a long time, there is no feeling. When Zhou Ziru is doubtful, a familiar voice slammed it, she returned, but she didn't have night long. The figure is replaced, but it is my own face of myself.

"Sister ... I'm sorry, it is a slimness of the strength, not his opponent ..."

"Have a question! You are clearly a guy, otherwise how can someone in this world can be solemn in my swordsman!"

"If the teacher said that, don't blame the teacher, I don't want to remember the sister friendship!" The palm of the palm of the palm shook, a crispy swager is suddenly ever, and the two are all in the heart.

"Jian Ming, do you have a breakth?! You still say that you are not the same as the person! Why do you have a mortgage, but you don't have a hurt, but it is more skillful!" That knows the meaning of this Sword's meaning The anger is even more, look at Zhou Yu Ruo's eyes, it is already a strong embarrassment, and faint ... grievances!

"You ... Why do you want to do this?" Looking at the night long, there is no trace, Zhou Yulu whispered muttered, the night of the night, this movement, it is undoubtedly a chaos of him.


"Hey, this girl, can you walk slowly, I just hit a very tired." Looking at the shadow that grabbed his sleeve and never returned, the night's heart But the mouth is still complaining.

"Hey, what is tired, I see that you can't stay there to accompany the woman, and I still don't know the Xiu shame." Harcy open the night, the sleeve, the spider turned to the beauty The eyes glared at night, and the obvious vinegar in the tone made the night long wind couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, the girl can be said wrong." Night long smile, spinning his own messy clothes, "The so-called love of beauty is all, for the previous Zi girl and girl you It is the same love. "

"What is this person! In this way, it is said that the girl is smashing you." It is a sudden ridiculous language that is suddenly ridiculous, the spider is drumping, and the raft is happy, I said.

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