The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 2460

"Don't you say something wrong?" The night's wind is wonderful. "Although the girl is somewhat embarrassed, but I believe that the girl's inner heart is unparalleled, and how care is it."

"You ... is it just a shallow thing in the face?" Looks, the emotion of the spider is much lower, and it is gradually a bit cold to the night's long style.

"It's not too, it is certainly not only in the surface of the idiots. When you say that anyone is only a pile of white bones, the appearance is only a pile of white bones, but the amount is just a pouch, the girl is just a pity, the girl is originally fairy The appearance is finally bad in this evil job. "The night was in the wind, opened the god stick mode, and the spider was a fool.

"Do you know that my face is caused by cultivating martial arts?" When you hear the night's wind, you will then think of his previous deep martial arts, a unreasonable thought is from the spider, "" Do you have any way to recover my appearance? "

"The appearance is of course just a small thing ... The girl only needs to stop cultivating the evil spirits ..."

"If this is the method, then it is still," faintly waved, the spider's face did not hesitate to hesitate, "I need to force some things, only this martial art can help me, so, Thank you for your kindness. "

"This girl is able to rest assured." The night grew in the chest, "If the girl believes, it can stop cultivating the evil work, and immediately put the girl to drive the girl, and will give the girl. Because of the martial arts of the evil work as compensation. "Night lived on the wind, suddenly see the spider's eyes, the heart suddenly suddenly, and then he continued:" Only the martial arts is here, So can't give it. "

"what do you want?"

"Cough ... In the next year, it is still unmarried, so it is very simple, so the conditions are very simple ... If the girl is willing to marry, then this thing is a good gift." Night lived , Semimi looked at a sluggish spider, and his mouth raised a smirk.

026 chapter, persuading the spider

"How? How is the girl thinking? This is a very cost-effective business, as long as you marry, you can easily restore the face, think about it. Ah, consider it ... "Looking at the face of dancing and a misty expression, there is no expression on the face of the spider. No miscellaneous worm No

"Hey ... What happened?" Some hair was made by the spider, and there was a little hair, and the night gregary support did.

"Do you really want to marry me?" The spider looked at the night, the expression is never calm, "Don't you be afraid of me? I have to know that my reputation on the rivers and lakes is not good, if you are really Together, I am afraid that I will be suffering from the civication of countless heroes of the rivers and lakes. Are you ... really thinking? "The words of the spider are actually faintly hidden with a little slight Dou, the whole person's skin is also Pale, like paper.

"Well." The night long-faced mold was pressed down to bow down, and then in the spider, I got out of her Qiong's nose, and my face raised a smile. "You What do you think? "Said, it was reached out to put it in his arms.

"Hey -" I barely struggled, seeing the night and dying, I can't break freely, feel the breath of the man's chest, the spider is only, whisper is whisper: "But you even My name is still not known ... "

"Oh ..." Some somewhat touched the nose, the night length wind and the face were still dead, holding the spider, said: "Now I know it is not late, right, no matter what, I have already I look at you, you will be my night's daughter-in-law. I can't run away ... Ok, my little lady, you can tell your husband now. "

"I haven't promised you to marry you, then say, how can someone directly ask the girl's name ... I don't even know your name." The first change in the premiend of the night. Comfortable posture, the spider is still reluctant, she doesn't know that she is clear that she first saw this man but she can't afford any emotions, clearly, no matter how it looks like it is a rich house. The child, and the other is not weaker than her woman 'eyebrows. If it is in the past, whether it is the man, as long as there is any one, the spider will not have any good eyes, and even I can't hate the sword.

But when it faces the night length, it is like a smooth melting like Ice and snow, and the remaining soft rub Ruan, looking up, watching the night, the wind is not Very handsome but a tough face, the spider temperature Rou smiled, thinking that he didn't use this face to look at him, but he didn't retreat, but immediately pinched his own Qiong nasal, the corner of the spider It is a smile that can't stay.

Nature is naturally not to know the idea of ​​the spider, but still in confusion, why is it in the original, and even some poisonous spiders become well-behaved, but he thinks this is this, but the kung fu in his hand. But there is no stop, and the two hands are constantly walking on the back of their incense, even even the two pets TING Yun is not letting, the palm is caressing, and patted two.

"Oh, it's okay, you get up." Feel the hot feelings from the TUN department, the spider is not enough to pretend to be unknown, only have to deeply suck the mouth from the night long wind. I came out, "I called the spider, now you can tell me your name, big se wolf."

"Big SE Wolf?" Refers to his nose. After you have a spider, you will look at the spider, and you will laugh at the eyes. "Yes, a little girl, still If you don't have a door, I dare to talk to Fujun. It seems to have a good time CI. "Said to put the spider in the shoulders, reached out, fight against the tun part of the spider, slamming Tao, "Your husband, my name is the night and long, this is the home law of the night home. If you don't respect your husband, I will hit you a day, I have heard it."

Said to put the spider, but after the latter's face, the night-lived wind is the unique premonition.

"You dare to play the girl, this girl can't spare you, stinky, big SE wolf, don't run!" Looking at the night long wind that immediately ran immediately, the spider was also chased, but looks on his face. That's horses, I am afraid that everyone can guess her before, but it is only a lover.


"For the spider, what is the disciple of the "

"Hey, it's not because of his mouth in his mouth, this girl is taught, and I know that they don't still make it, all the way to catch up with this girl for so long." A conflict from the previous and The expression of the spider is once again changed to the previous expression, and said unavoidually.

"What do you have anything?" The night grew well.

"Do you mean! It is not worried about it. It is worried that they are worried about them. It is hard to be because Zhou Yuluia Niizi!" The body is angry, and the night's heart is not praised. It's just like this, I can't expose it. So the night is always serious, and I look at the mouth of the nose and nose. It seems that the old man is in the general face to see the spider. Said, "I am afraid that they are angry to my wife, how can I still know how my night's daughter-in-law?"

Looking at the spider and relaxed a bit, the night-lasting style continued: "But the is also a big sector on the rivers and lakes, this easy to provoke ... ... and your poison power is incomparable If you can cause some unnecessary disaster. "

"Hey, you don't have to worry about this." The spider was smashed with the night's clothes, and some did not have a little, "the so-called destroy teacher is too arrogant, my poison is strong ... But it is estimated that it is still nothing. "

"Okay, don't care about these things, let me go." The night grew is pulling the attire.


"Let's chase them!"


"Let's sing with the husband's words CI."

027 chapter, upset

Under the long-lasting road with a spider, the two spent nearly a day, and finally chased the inn, the singer of the singer of the singer, the second day. Miscellaneous

"What do we mean in this way?" Looking at the secret night of the god, the spider asked.

"Well ... Some things need to solve it." Night long wind considers it, after all, choose to keep confidential to the spider, because he doesn't know how to explain with the spider.

According to the original Chinese, when the spider and the occurred, it was the six major gawa siege to open the bright top. Although the night cost is not ignorant, the top of the top and the six gathers are dead, but that is bright. There is an extremely deep martial arts cheat of "Moving Movement". After practicing Jiuyang, it is also known after the Dragon Elephant is smooth, and the long-term hard work is also aware. If the dragon is like just if you want to continue Breakthrough, then these so-called martial arts cheats, such as Qiankun Migrant and Jiuyin Zhenjing, it is clear that the dragon is like a breakthrough opportunity, so no matter how, the night grows can't look at it. People take away.

However, although there is a plan, but the night cost is not good to say directly with the spider, it is difficult to tell her that he is through the world, knowing what this world is going to happen? The spider does not believe that it is still still two, but even if he proves that he is correct, the spider will think that his spirit is not normal.

After all, it is possible to predict this kind of thing, no matter where it is placed, it is too amazing.

"Oh, that's okay." The attitude of the night, the spider is naturally understanding that he doesn't want to tell yourself, although the heart believes he doesn't hurt himself, but the night long style is hidden by her hidden attitude , Still let the spider feel some of the bumps. But she is not an unidentified little girl, so even if there is some ideas in my heart, she will not say it.

Looking at the spider's somewhat fade, the night long is guessing this gimmick may think too much, so he will hesitate for a while, and he reaches his hand and holds the jade hand of the spider. Sirm: "Shantou, you believe me ?"

"... um." Feel the warmth of the jade hand, the spider looked up at the heart of the night's eyes, and immediately, the completion is also a lot of soft ruan, the lips slightly, nodded.

"In this case, I hope that you can believe that this time, the reason is not to you because it is likely to cause the entire martial arts of the martial arts, I don't want to roll it in, only you safe, I can rest assured Go to do something, do you know? "Reaching out of the spider's ear of the spider, lighter, lighter, lighter.

"Well, I believe you." The spider smiled sweet.

"In this case, let's go to open an waiting room to take a break."

"Who wants to have a room with you, think about beauty."

"Hey, the little girl wants to go to the family CI."


On the second floor of the inn, the sky is in the room.

In the clean and comfortable room, there was a dozen people at this time. None exceptions, these people did some two eight years of women, although not only beautiful, beautiful, but the victory is gently, it looks down. There are also some beautiful.

At this time, the girls were surrounded by the table, and next to the table in that circle, they were sitting two people, one of them, Ding Minjun, who had some intersection yesterday and the spider, and then Another person, I saw her approximately four or five years old, and the appearance was very beautiful, but the two eyebrows turlose sloppy, and a side of the face became extremely strange, almost a bit of a bit of hanging ghost.

If the night grows, it is clear that the appearance of the person is the head of the ,

"How is your injury?" The destroy teacher took the tea on the table and asked Ding Min Jun.

"If you return to Master, we haven't had a big problem. If you want to have a year or two, you will have a thoroughly." Ding Minjun said to the destroyant.

"Well, it is so good." Diki teacher nodded too, glanced at a circle of women, with a little strict in the tone, "In a few days, it is the six-family head of the hand to determine the demonstration. The day, this action, it is necessary to make the devil from the rivers and lakes of the rivers and lakes from the rivers and lakes. I don't want to get my injury, I can't make my best, I can't take my best. So in these days, you have to hurry to restore your injury! "

"Disciples are observed." The girls should be in the same way.


"Changfeng, what are you doing?"

In the quarter, the spider looked at the mysterious night, and whispered.

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