The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2461 of the Chapter 2461 of Tennis Prince

"Hey, this is a good thing." The full red light came down from the stool, and the night greetings showed the items in his hand, a smile.

The tubular objects wrapped in oil paper wrapped in the night length, and the face of the spider is still confused.

"What can this thing?"

"Hey, want to know? Called the public to listen."

"You are here, hey, don't say it, tonight, you sleep."

"I said that I said that I will put this thing on the wall, and some of the moving and nature of the room can pass it to your ear ..."

"Oh." Before the night's best, the spider is not interested in this thing. When you hear that this thing is just a few curiosity, if you put it, you put it in One side.

"Hey, spider, you see me to tell you this thing, you will see tonight ..." Excitedly squatted, showing a little inexplicable smile on the face.

"You are less, I know what you think in your heart, we sleep two bedding, you can't cross the border, otherwise ... Otherwise, I will never care about you later." The face is very popular among the heart, the spider is immediately said.

"Oh, you see your thoughts of your little girl." Despite some disappointment, the night is not revealed on the face, and immediately turned, and the index finger tap her forehead. , Full of pets, "I don't say to give you a martial arts cheats? It's hard to make you still plan to cultivate it.

028 chapter, war

The next day, in the morning. ""

The movement of the Division is more than the night long imagination, and the light of the dawn has not been completely shrouded in this earth, and the night length of the wind is a bit of the next day. If you are moving, he is also a quick start of g and wakes up the spider who sleeps.

"Hey - what happened, a big morning." Open a little bit of eyes, the whole person of the spider is still not completely awake, although the night grows did not eat her, but she didn't relax the vigilance. Meaning, so they didn't have a complete sleep all night. When she came out next to the night, she went down, so she didn't sleep for three times from last night.

"Although I bother to your dream, now we have to move, because the next to the martial arts is moving quiet." The night grew, while playing the bag.

The two are far away with the people of the people, and they will be dozens miles.

The distance is already a vague desert profile.

"Do you have this way for so long, isn't it tired?" Taking a moment of the women in the plain, the destruction teacher is too slow to turn around, and is high as the place where it is not far.

"Who! Some roll out!" Listening to the teacher, Ding Min Jun is also suddenly got up, and the teacher is too beautiful, Zhou Yu is also a good look.

"It is worthy of Ding Ding, the famous quarter of the rivers and lakes, the late generations are polite." The night grew the hand of the spider, slowly from the big tree, nodded.

"It's you!" The appearance of the night-faced wind, Zhou Yuli is also exciting.

", do you know this person?" He also heard Zhou Ruo's exclamation, the destruction teacher is too browned, she thought that the night grew and Zhou Ruo were old. "

"Master, it is her, that is, the demon girl, I used to hurt our Many teachers." When Ding Min Jun, Ding Min Jun, who was extinct, was too shouting, and his finger pointed to the direction of the spider.

"It turned out that you have previously hurt my disciples." Diji teacher looked too much at night, and the tone was full.

"The so-called family should not never end, the late generation came to resolve this unexpected grievance with the predecessors, and he also hopes that the teacher is much larger, don't worry about these things." The night grew foil smiled.

"I hurt my people, I dare to take the initiative, you can talk about it in your mouth ', you will not be too simple!" The sleeve is a sharply, and the destroyant is too far away to watch the night long wind, not good. .

"That is seen in the predecessors, how should the younger generation?" The night grew, and he was free.

"It's very simple, broken the gimmick, apologize to my disciple, I may think about it, I don't have to ask this matter!" I watched the night's long wind, and the teacher is too high, and it is like a trial. .

"That is to talk about it." Shot shrugged, there was no smile, "Since the predecessor is willing to complete the Liang Zi, the younger generation naturally does not mind to keep this relationship, say."

Said, the lifetime of the lift of the spider is whatever.

"Standing!" The night is even ignored, and the destruction teacher is too first, because since her name resounds through the entire rivers and lakes, there is already no longer dare to talk to her, not to mention Night wind, this is the case, but it is even unprecedented. The destroying teacher is too wrong, and the anger is also alive.

"Dare to talk to the old body, these few decades, this kid is still the first, I want to see, if you don't agree today, how do you gain it!" Said, destroyant too shaped At the ground, the foot is in the back of the night, and it is a bang!


Night wind does not argue with it more, and the palm is relative to it.

The inner strength of the naked eye is rolling between the two men's palms, and the waves are all, the trees around the waves are louder, and the spider and the martial arts are also forced by this pressure. After retreating three or four steps.

"Roll!" The throat is low, the lightestness of the night-long palm is also a sudden increase, and the internal force of the dragon icon is raised from the three-layer instant to the sixth floor. Sixth Sixth Force ashamed from the horizon, carrying a one-to-have to be a madness of the immortal!

Feeling the sudden increase of the sudden increase in the palm of the dabs, it is also shocked by the mutant's temple in the mutant, and she thought that the night-long hard work will not be deep, so this palm is Also used to use a five-point force, she thought that it was enough to take the night's wind, but now she woke up, and the young people in front of him actually left him!

"It's really a small kid!" The root of the roots, the gentleman is too non-shrinkage, the force of the palm is also a spinning, this time she is a hard work!

"Hey, this sentence, I want to have to reverse it!" Looking at the bloodshot of the destroyed teacher, the mouth of the night, the mouth of the night, also set off a cooler, he understood that the extinguishing teacher at this time is too is useful. All the strength, and opposing yourself, there are still many rooms, this is in the heart, and the strength of the night-long palm is increasing.

Seven layers of Dragon quarter is good!

Qi Dragon seven elephants!

"Give me!" The force of fiercely predaturing, from the night long body, in the wind, in the eyes of the neighboring teacher, put it!

However, the destroyant is too long, the body of the rivers and lakes, the body is in the moment of the night, and it is used to use light and short-lived suspension in half empty, and the body is spinning to vent the night long wind. Falling, but even so, there is still a few steps.

", !" The extinction turned and turned to Zhou Yulu.

"Master." He heard the order of the teacher. Zhou Yu Ruo's inner heart suddenly fell into the choice, on the one hand, the master of her martial arts, on the one hand, although there is only one side, but it is left behind. Deep traces and help her break through the night-catching wind of martial arts, Zhou Yu only feels that there is a difficulty.

"What are you still doing!" Reaching out, Zhou Ruo hugged in the arms, illegitant, ejaculating the sword, leaning on the sky, if the sword is like thunder, with glare electric light, against night Long storm sticks!

029 chapter, easy and pleasant

"Even the sword? But it seems to have a few points. = Miscellaneous ∥ ∥ = =" Looking at the body shape if Lei Ying's destruction is too, the nozzle angle of the night is also tall, even if it is a bit distance, but The clothes on the night-long's body are already released by the swords of the heavenly sword, and the clothing of the clothes is rumored, and the priests who have been scattered by the heavens, even if the body of the night It also felt some pain.

However, his face did not panic, "Although he is known as the first sword in the world, it is also necessary to see the person who is not worthy of this name!"

Hand palm, fist, the night long, the foot is not refunded, the fist tiger is windy, the harsh sound explosion is rumored, and it is a straight punch for the destruction.

"Flashing!" Seeing that the night long is intended to have the blood of the heavens, the Zhou Yulu suddenly shocked, and immediately shouted.

"The long wind is fast!" The same was shocked by the night's wind, naturally there is a spider, and the world is naturally not a virtual, whether it is the monarch. The records in the middle are still in the case of this sword. This sword will kill a lot of lack of people. It can see the power of this sword. So when the spider sees the night's practice, the heart is undoubtedly It is very vibrating, and an unprecedented panic is an instant to swallow her.

It is possible to resist the Wei of the Sword, only the treasure knife is in the sword.

The rivers and lakes martial arts people know, as if it is a rule that God is set, it seems to be reminded, but it is like a ridicule.

Unfortunately, this time I faced the sword, it is the nine-yang god and the nine-layer dragon elephant.

The nine-story dragon icon is like a good fortune of the night-catching body far away from anyone in this world. It can break through his defensive Putian. If you say that the end of the teacher is too strong, it is not the heavenly sword. The sharpness may be able to re-create the original night, and then it is no longer possible after the latter is practicing Jiuyang God.

The intensity of Jiuyang God is that it is like the endless internal force of the North Sea.

Under the case of internal force, even if it is the sharpness of the Sky, you can't do it.

After all, as the night grows, the sword is a good sword, but who is still going to see who is used, at least the internal force of the teacher is still not enough.

A pole finger!

Seeing the swords, the night long winds and steep fist, the Jiuyang gods were really enthusiastic from the Dantian, and the instant wrapped in the fingertips. He pointed out, there is a three-inch refers to it. The fingertips have emerged!

3 inch refers to the air, the room is in the room!

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