The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2462 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

The year suffering from the Shenfeng Valley, making the night-length wind not only cultivated Jiuyang God to the ultimate, but even a yang refers to this attack means also cultivated to the clockwise. However, a yang refers to the class of nine products, the minimum of nine products, the strongest, and the night cost is now, it is just a realm of four products, and the so-called peak is pole, and there are still some distances. .

However, the so-called one-piece realm is not a talent or ability to achieve, but his mind is not in the so-called yang, because than a yang finger, night long wind is more inclined to more Strongweed six-stage sword! The first year of the four-product realm has reached the basic requirements of the practice of the Slutooth Sword.


The three-foot refers to the sky, the next, is in the middle of the air, but there is only a picture of the night-long's body that is imagined, and it is replaced by a sword. The microwow, the index finger and the heavenly pointed point together, the sharp swords are constantly fighting with the refers to fight, but no one can make some points.

"How could it be!" At this time, this is the scene of sweating, and the first nearest destroyer is too long. She looked at the night long-lasting wind that he was less than half of him, the eyes panic The color is concentrated.

"I said, my predecessor." Looking up at the neighboring teacher, the night's face showed a smile, but in other people, his smile is undoubtedly the smile of the devil, which is rich Kill. "Although the sword is a good sword, but if you still have to look at it!"

Hold the sword tip, the night long wind is lifted, and the teacher is too stunned to pour it in his direction.

The left hand tongged a palm of his hand and went to the shoulders of the elf.

The harsh bone crack suddenly passed from the Hands.



Seeing that the night's head is, it is too much to fly, Zhou Rui and Ding Minjun and the martyrdom of the martyrdom are also very shocked.

"I don't know now, what else is there any questions about the yoursilies?" I played the sword of the sword, and smiled in the night.

"The old skill is not as good as people. It is also no longer, it is necessary to kill it, read the respect." Diji teacher is too fooling to be a female Zhonghao, is very hard, not for his previous, what is arguing, but it is Both look straight and look at night, and the fierce light in the eyes is not reduced.

"The predecessors can not let the late generations are difficult." Helpless shrugging shoulders, and the night is waving, and the elderly sword in the hand is arbitrarily throwing the destruction. "The late generation came, but it was intended to resolve the grievances. He had a lot of officers. He also wishes to the predecessor. As for the previous seniors, the old man is not awkward, but looks on the face of the girl ... I will not It is difficult to do. "

I looked at it with a look, I'm going to go to the spider, and I was hurt in front of him.

", do you recognize him?" The extinction looked at Zhou Ruo, who had his face and constant transform, and a bit strict in tones.

"Master ... I ... I don't know ..."

"Master, if you know him, we have to fight with them a few days ago, the injury on the disciples is also the same day." Ding Min Jun suddenly said in high channels, "Compared with the disciples, Zhou Yilu is not only a little injury, but instead Because the kid broke through the bottleneck of martial arts, she was always ticking with the kid, and he hoped that Master Mingjian! "

I heard Ding Minjun's talk, and the night grewing in the distance was slow and gloomy.

030 chapter, Yin Shi

Seeing that Ding Minjun did not stop, the expression of the night is gradually gaining.

Obviously, this Ding Minjun's three smeared Zhou Rui is already completely annoyed.

In the dictionary of the night, he is most annoying guys who don't have no strength, and this Ding Minjun is the best of this class.

"I'm thinking that you are a girl, I will leave some faces several times, but if you really don't feel that you are afraid of things, you can't avoid you.

Night-catching wind said that it was smashed to Ding Minjun in front of it, and the palm was printed on its chest.

Of course, the night is also because the previous battle knows what is the level of the internal force, so this palm is just the power of the one layer.

His purpose is just to let this noisy woman know that it is afraid to change this problem, just like he said herself, the purpose of him today is to resolve contradictions, in addition to this, he does not want to have another incident, Although he is not afraid.

Everything happens between electric light, but everyone just saw a residual shadow, and the next moment, Ding Minjun is already flying, and in its previous position, it is the previous being respectd by them. If the gods are terrible young people.

"You!" The destroyant was too stretched with his shoulders. He looked at the night, and the scene had just happened too fast, and it was able to capture his figure and only her.

If she is in the past, she may still be able to shut down the night length, but her shoulder is shred by the night, and it is already temporarily lost. It is not possible to face the whole day. The night is long, and the mutant is too weak in the heart.

Finally, my anger, my anger, and I was like a duck that was packed in the throat. It can only sine neck, and it is also weak.

"The predecessors have to manage their disciples under their own!" The night long wind explores the body, hand over the extinct shoulder, the force of the palm of the tender increased a bit, looked at the pain, it became a little red The twisted face.

The night grows slowly and laughs: "Go out, this mouth is still good, since there is no way to manage yourself, then when the master, I hope more than enough."

After that, when the night costumes don't want to be two people, it is slow to pull away the hand of the spider.

"The thief is going away!" The night longford took a few steps away, and the high voice of the middle-aged man was suddenly roaring in his ear.

Going slightly, a shadow is angry and stepping into the void, looking at the people who come to the robe, obviously a little wife, the brow of the night is not a conscious.

"Wudang Yin pear Ting, dare to do it, but dare to take the hand of the martial art teacher!" The people fall in the sky, and the face is rid of the night.

"Yin Shi? Don't know!" Hold your hands, and the night is simply standing on the side, deliberately laughing.

"In the Wuwu Yin Xiting, Zhang Sanfeng! Dare to be a big name!" Yin Sh Ting Ting chest, although not deliberate, but in the gods, it is a little proud.

After all, Zhang Sanfeng's name, even if it is placed in the masters of the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes are not unattended, although there is no exact news on the rivers and lakes, but everyone knows that if they really have to be placed in many masters of the rivers and lakes If the second person may have a lot of unsuspects, the first person will be the first place, it must be Zhang Sanfeng undoubtedly!

It can become the apprentice of the first of the rivers and lakes, and it is undoubtedly the face on the face, so this person is proud of this person, and the night is also a laugh, but there is no representation on the mouth.

"It turns out that Yin Xion Ting in 'Wudang Qi Xia', long-lasting, long-term!" The brow is a pick, and the night's heart has emerged as the former information.

Yin Shiting is the "Eternal Tulong Ji" in Wu Dangzi in Wu Dang, is ranking sixth and most sophisticated people.

But the biggest drawback of people is the heart of the heart, and this is weak, directly leading to the tragedy of his first half.

In its triangle relationship with Ji Xiaofu, Yang Xiao this group, Yin Shiting is actually a charter and his name is smooth, but he has never been active, but he watched himself lost to Yang.

However, the night's long wind has to admit that as a generation of knights, Yin Shi Ting's work style has a brave and steady, and the enemy is very happy.

When he took the rivers and lakes in the early stage, he was unhappy, and he was seriously injured because Ji Xiaofu died. However, he and Yang did not regret it with Yang, and the husband and wife love were very satisfactory.

"You are polite, I also hope that you can make it clear, why do you want to take a hand to the rivers and lakes." Yin Shi is not a confrontation, and immediately said, although the surface is very polite, but the tone is a side Indifference outside of a thousand miles.

"When is Wudang to manage it so wide? It is not the whole rivers and lakes. As long as you let you see, are you going to interrupted a tube?" The night's long is disdainful, and turned and turned.

Well with you, you still have your nose!

"Thief took away!" Yin Shi was bish, and the long sword was scabbled. The long sword was ejected in the air and then fell into his hands and flew down the night long.

"Looking for death!" Although the night is a bit of good feelings from the original, this infatuation man is very good, but this is seen, he also plunged it. He is too lazy to have more tongues with him, and the power of the dragon icon in the body has increased sharply, and the power of Ba Long eight is coming out of his palm.

At this time, the night length of the night is obviously coming with these idlers who don't move, so this palm is not intentional.

"Good and strong internal force!" Blowed by the sturdy air, the eyes of Yin Shiting were also slightly.

When he arrived until it was, he saw that the night cost stop was too pregnant, but he never thought that the night-lived hammer was really hurt, and he would be lucky. Therefore, he did not have too big face to the night, but when it truly felt the extreme violent internal strength of the night's wind, the eyes did not have a meaningfulness of the eyes.

"You also help Wudang's predecessors! You are willing to be the boy's opponent, with the sword!" Seeing Yin Shi immediately with the night's fight against the night, the destruction teacher is too shouting behind him.

Suddenly, the clothes left around me are also slammed, and they go to the direction of the night's wind.

031 chapter, but so

" ?" At the freestation, he was able to resist Yin Shi, and looked at the gentleman who was surrounded by his group, and looked at the girl's session, and the night greetings also guessed their ideas. ∮ α α α α α ∮ ∮

The swordsman of the , just like Shaolin's Luohan array, it is necessary for many disciples to join hands to play the fact that the center of this method should still have a martial arts that is very martial arts. eye.

It can be said that a set of cars has a team of nozzles, and the power can be called the ancestor, and a martial arts master plus this set of array. power.

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