The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2505 of the Chapter 2505 of the Chapter 2505 of the Prince of Tennis

Night wind is in the original place, he is still clear that the expression of the murder of the murder is angry with the kind of gloating.

But watching the stone rain dragon lying on the ground, the night grows is also gradually an idea, maybe I can have a strength to fight with them.

015 chapter, diamond task

The night-long style is going to be self-reliant by his own strength and then preventing the dead wood. It is not satisfactory, but he really ran!

But it is also unusual efforts, watching the stone rain dragon lying on the ground, feeling some uncomfortable inside, because although the strength of Shi Tian Rainlong is not very good, it is powerful. + Miscellaneous ∪ ∪ +

Therefore, the night growth is arranged to arrange the Shi Tian Rain Long to go home, and began to give yourself for yourself to save the rescue.

When the night grows, thinking about how to save Qia, it is because the helpless help is the help of the help of Pudao, but it is also unfamiliar with Pudao!

But the Night of Night is a human body. The day has experienced too much battle, so it is too tired, plus dinner has not finished eating, I have slept.

The next day, the night grew is not waking up by the sun, and it was awakened by a violent knock on the door, and opened the door.

At this moment, he is a fire-catching, his neck said: "Why don't you tell me that Lucia is kidnapped! Let's still a brother!"

Although the night length is sleeping, it is also awake by the Kurosaki, which is also awake, and the night cost is now the scales of Kurosaki.

Inside the heart, I still don't understand why the black gas will know this matter, because he has not said to the black gas, immediately he will know.

Because he saw his side, he still stood in Shi Tian Yulong and Wiwi Ji. He understood it, Shi Tian Yulong this big mouth BA!

This head is even broken! I originally went to save Lucia!

But now it is helpless because everyone knows, there is no way, can only come along, and the night is also stabilizing the mood of fighting.

"Okay, don't be noisy, since you know, I want to know what you think." The night grew seriously looked at them.

The Kurosaki is shouting: "Of course, I am going to rescue Lucia! Let's save Qia! Lucia is our partner!"

At this time, the night is also a news, it is a superhen system!

Ding! Ultrasonic system is being deployed!

Task Guide Activation: Camp Savior.

Task Level: Diamond Level

Task Reward: Give a three-time lottery opportunity.

Task evaluation: difficult tasks, can help users improve their strength faster.

When I heard a lottery reward, the night's eyes were bright, three times!

It's more than the first time!

The first reward is enough to make the night feel excited. This time I came to a person, I couldn't mention the heart of the night, there is more excited!

Well Weiwi Ji saw the expression of night long wind, and said a little concern: "When you are in the wind, you feel uncomfortable, do you want to rest in a break."

Which good temper is said in the dark: "Oh, don't have to waste time with him, let's go."

"Hey, where to go? Why, go to save people without brothers?" The night grew.

At this time, I was here. Because I had a person who had a power of death, I said: "Don't say what brother is not brother, the equipment is not equivalent to me!"

Night live wind is really unable to spit Oysaki, because the night is always wanting to go to save Qia, don't want them to be big.

But now, it seems that it will not bring it, because you have no way to go to the corpse.

Takasaki has also continued: "You also have to know the strength, I am powerful, but you, what do you have?"

"Then you may be a little too much." The release of the long-lasting wind, if the fire is in front of everyone.

The beautiful flame package is like the equipment in the game.

Takasaki said that he said in front of him: "Love has this thing so good, give me a look."

"You can't come, carefully fly to the smoke." At this time, Shi Tian Rain dragon stopped him.

Takasaki is also known to be in persistence, but it is a self-discipline, so say: "Well, since you are also in the same way, let's go to Pu Zahai to help there."

Night wind is also aware of Pimura Hall, and he is the genius inventor of the year, because some things have been sent to the world.

Night live wind is also refreshing, saying: "Well, let's go, the move is faster."

After waiting for the store of Po Hui, Kurosaki and Pudao helped to say a probably thing. Why didn't you let Meysaki?

Because the night grows, I don't know the help of Pu Zara!

If you say this, how much!

Night wind is also a good face, so it is unlikely to take the initiative to find Pubao to speak.

Pudao His also looked at the Kurosaki, a guard, said: "If you go, you can, but you can't go this way, you come, I will give him a training."

Nature is natural, knowing what Po Hua is helping to protect the Kurosaki, that is, hell's training makes him master the ability to understand within a short time.

So saying that night long winds have seen that scene, so it is to go around, but Po Hua Hui also discovered the night.

It is also a strange. This is the first time this kind of Pudao, I want to study a human beings and then open the door to see the mountain: "Hey, I see your bones, do you want to practice, do you practice?"

The night-catching wind, it is known that the means of Pudao help, naturally, it is good to have a good question. If this is to bring it to himself, is there any number?

Pleura Hall also has no reflection, but it is also more curious about the origin and identity of the night, but there is no saying that Pudao is nothing.

It may be because it is not very good for the first time, and the night grows is also a confidence in the heart. Because there is a help of Po Hua Hao, his winning rate is even more upstairs.

I don't know how long it is, the direction of the black gas is suddenly coming, is it a successful Wake I am awakened? Is there so fast?

I saw that the Kurosaki is awakened, and Pudao is helping to put the eyes on the night of the night. It seems that it is the idea that the night is not going.

"Kid, you come over, I have something to confirm." Pudao helped watching the night.

But the night grows did not understand what he called himself, but so many people looked at it.

Night costume can only be a pass, although I know that I will not harm him, but the night grow is still alert.

016 chapter, practicing

In this long-term world, the most important thing is to live, if it is true to help the face, the night grows can really have the whole body.

Night wind is also polite, then I walked to the help of Pudao Help: "What is the master?"

Pleura hit a smile and then patted the night of the wind's shoulders said: "Oh, the kid is really sweet, I am not a master, but I want to ask you."

"If you have anything, please talk, don't be caught." Night is still very polite reply.

Pubao Help put your face near night long wind: "Don't you trained with me? I can upgrade your strength is more than a big shot!"

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