The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2506 of the Prince of Tennis

It seems very attractive, but the night is still not interested, because the night is still very interesting, because ourselves relying on the completion of the hyperincidence system is the rapid improvement.

It is also reasonable, and if you work hard to improve your strength, do you give yourself to others?

The night is laughing, then it is still very polite to watch the eyes of Pudao Help. "I really can't know how to know the master, let Meysaki have a short time, but I really don't feel it. interest."

"Haha, it seems that it is completely don't catch a cold, that's okay, I don't work with you, but in order to determine your strength, I still have to do some precautions." Pudao Help low The hat is saying.

Night wind is also a stranger. I'm thinking: "This guy will not be the same as I let me make a test product, then give me something wrong."

Pleura Help seems to have seen the fear of the night, said: "Oh, a little brother, you don't have to be too nervous, I don't want to be the test item, although I am engaged in research, but I have not yet Like that. "

The night-lived wind looked at the people's livestock on the face of Pudao, and said it was a little relieved: "So master meant?"

Pubao helps the positive color: "Because you are going to the corpse of the soul to save people, so say your ability, I have to do a good analysis, I also want to see how strong you have."

"It's good, then test it, this is also the at least a minimum of cognition for the corpse soul." The night grew.

Pleura Hall also called a black gas and said: "I definitely not have any instrument to give you something identified, so do you have a proud work with me?"

The night is also understood, and the crime of death can be escaping. Fortunately, you have two brushes, otherwise, it is nothing to plant today.

It's really pothole!

The night is shocking, saying: "How to get some?"

Po Hua Hao also nodded: "Yes, point until you can, mainly to see how your strength, look at his strength, isn't you the strongest in this?"

Night wind is also nodded to say to Kazakhi. "Then come, don't be nervous, just like it."

"Haha, come!" Kurosaki is very straightforward, lifting his broad soul knife, rushing at night, and the night is always unhappy.

When Kurosaki jumped up, he would want to hit himself, the night was moving, and the soul knife was summoned, and the super high temperature was directly forced to retreat.

When Pudao Help saw the soul knife in the night, it was shocked, but immediately put away the shocked look, but also muttered in his mouth: "No wonder this kid is so confident."

"It's so hot!" Yosaki shouted.

But the night grows, it will not give him a chance to give him a chance, rushing up, and a knife is cut on the soul knife of Kurosaki, and the Kurosaki is a truck, directly. Straight Tingting fly out.

Kurosaki is a very wolf, and then rolls a few laps on the ground, and then quickly uses the hardships of the soul to support himself.

"It can be evil!" The Kurosaki shouted in the heart.

When Takasaki, I also uncovered the bandage on my body, and then started the spirit of the spirit of the soul knife.

Looking at night, I will understand, this is the core skill of the crescent, is the core skill of Takasaki, but the words for him are a very killing skill.

Takasaki took directly to the moon to smash the night, and the horrible spiritual pressure did even sounded sorrow in the air.

On the side of the night, it is still always moving. It seems that I am a puppet, and I don't want to pay attention to the Kurosaki.

The miracle happened again, and the night long wind did not disdain forward, and the crested Tianhu was done directly!

It turned out to be done directly!

This is consumed to be a general push-pressure movement of Kurosaki!

The momentum of the night-catching wind can be said to be very tall, it is a complete place, it is true that he is really a thing that makes people feel good.

The Kurosaki is really not good. It seems that it is not necessary to have a long-lasting night. Nowadays, the low wind is completely hitting themselves. It can't give yourself in the face of so many people. !

Takasaki fires out, all out of its own spiritual pressure, and then actually rose to the vertices, and will go to the effort, and a small and small furniture began to gather to the face of Kurosaki.

The night cost is a bit of meaning, and then finally the hands clenching the soul knife to prepare the attack of Kurosaki.

"Skylock is the moon!" Heaki is over, but the night is also discovered, and the Kurosaki enrich seems to have changed a person!

Is this a virtual force in the body in the body? !

"Gill it, are you the guy who gave this devil into this, I really don't know how the sky is thick, see how Laozi will pick you up!" The Kurosaki prince made a weird voice.

Purea is also a dark scream, and the Kurosaki is a struggle because of the victory, so the struggle inside is very powerful, so it is to make the bluff.

Pleura Hall now is what I think is to end the end of Kurosaki, and then bring everyone to evacuate, otherwise, I don't know what this guy is doing.

However, when Po Hua Hao is going to organize Meysaki, Takasaki is the first to use the moment to use the instant to the night.

At this time, Yubao is already a cold half. It was originally to look at the strength. I didn't expect this job.

"Boom!" The vigorous sound sounded, and shocked the audience directly, especially Pudao Help.

017 chapter, sneak into the corpse soul

It is clear that the prediction of Pudao Help has not happened, and the night is not hurt, but it is the inside of Kurosaki in the ground. - ∩ -

What happened just now, it is obvious that the night is once again gives a second, and the practice is simple. The night is only directly crushed the vacuum of Kurosaki.

The Kurosaki is directly changing the chapter. On the side of the wells, we are waiting for a long time. Look at the blacks of Kurosaki to go to the road, it will run past.

It's going to ask for cold and cold, and I asked anxiously: "Changfeng Jun, where have you hurt? You have just scared me."

This girl!

It is also too cute! Although the night grows, although there is no expression, it has already been blown up in the heart!

The night-catching expression is the same as the town, let go of the side of the well, the hand on his face: "Nothing, in the well, do you see what I have?"

At this time, Po Hua is also a shot to go to the night long. "It's a wonderful battle. I recognize you, you can go to the corpse of the corpse."

Night long wind is very happy, because Purgen is helping to help them, representing him to complete the task, then winning the lottery.

Night live wind is also smiling, watching everyone: "Let's go, I don't look at time, Lucia is our partner, we should go."

Pudao is also not ink, directly playing, the ground is now a creep, there is no time, the land is arching a door.

The shape is very strange, it seems to be a time and space confusing door, and the well on the side is also once again grabbed the night. "We, want, will you go in here?"

The night long-shot took his back: "Of course, we are going to go in here, don't matter if you are not afraid, I will protect you."

Under the smashing of everyone, under the leadership of the night, the dead team entered the gate, and the boots of Pudao took the outside of the Baban Nan, "" It is a blessing, it is a misfortune. "

When everyone has entered the door, it immediately has a sense of dizziness, it seems to be the same feeling like a car, which makes people fainting.

The night is comfortable to comfort you: "This is a shaped space. Everyone must be careful, don't go separate, or if we really don't come out!"

When I heard the night, I started closer to the night, now the night's live wind is already giving the three people. It is definitely a vision, so I'm listening to night long. Wind.

The night's heart is also started, and the crisis in this channel is unpredictable. If dangerous, really don't know what to do.

At this time, the night's long-lasting wind saw the big joy and said: "Everyone, the connection is connected, if we have passed from this, we will go to the soul!"

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