The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2507 of the Chapter 2507 of the Prince of Tennis

Night wind is nothing to mention, because three lottery opportunities are not playing, this is a qualitative leap!

So, in order to three lucky draw opportunities, the night cost is also fighting, this is said, or the value.

When they walked to the gap, the night is suddenly smelling a very dangerous breath. What is this?

Just when the night is doubtful, there is a deafening voice in front, and the night-long style is actually an object similar to the train.

Hurry and think, the night is always thinking, is this not known as the clearance channel!

This thing is very dangerous, it is very difficult to deal with him, but he seems to be to vigimate, if it is swallowed by this thing, then the result is also an imagination, think or impossible .

The setting of this thing is very hungry, he is a monster that can control the time and space, and I don't know when it appears.

If it is swallowed by him, it is to cause a situation of time and space, which is nothing difference with death.

However, it is not completely unwarable. If there is enough power, it will not be afraid of this thing, you can kill him directly.

This detaine is very surprising, there is no one while it will appear. If they are as they say, they will die.

But who makes them have night.

The detention of there is also seem to have discovered a verse of the night, and then it was very exciting to open the big mouth, just like hate, I have never seen human beings, I want to have a meal.

A very heavy suction is coming!

Even if the night grows, it is also sucking, the noctus of the night is very confusing, because this thing does not know who will be to swallow anyone.

If you are not your own, it will not do it, because you have no way to do it, you can't protect all people.

But what is happening is that this detaine is that it looks at night!

This may not be called.

The night is a little exciting, slowly walked forward, then a scornful look at the detention of the detention in front of him: "Cut a few pets?"

The person seems to be a bit of the person who is not good, it is actually a direct jumping, and it is directly to the well!

This guy dares to bully women!

When the night's wind is directly strong, it takes out a knife. The body of the conflict is directly cleared!

Night wind is also a little desirable to die, the dead, secretly spit, : "Just knew the attack woman, what is it?"

The well is clearly scared, and the direct road will not be gone. Night wind is also helplessly reached directly and holds him with the hand of the well.

When you come out, the night's long wind has found the blushing of the Wiji's blush, and I am worried about: "What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?"

Wi Wiwi Ji shakes his head to take his hand out, the night cost is to know what happened, but it is a hooligan to go forward.

The four people are also successful reached the corpse, and the night cost is also based on the understanding of the death world and then walk in the direction of the soul street. The soul street is the beginning of the beginning of the soul, there are some Desolate, is a place that is not a living person.

There are very few people above the street, but also the soul is constantly watching it in this direction, and then it is a face of a face.

Night wind is also known to be because you are living talent, you will watch them, otherwise, if you have no reason, who will see yourself!

018 chapter, forcibly introduced

Night wind is also warning everyone, don't look at them, otherwise, Ting is still trouble, because it is the corpse soul, the time is also a person.

So I don't know what kind of person will have, so I said that the night grows leads to the front of the descendant, because the destination of this line is this place.

It's so fast, but the night growing is that it seems that it seems that it is wrong. Suddenly she remembered what, with three people directly back.

In an instant, a huge wall is falling down, and the bangs are swaying, but only the night is in danger.

It is also conceivable that if it is not fast, they are not fast, and they may be pressed into pieces.

This is not a world, this specification is not a constant, what is possible, this is the order of the corpse.

But this is just a periphery, the order of Jing Ling court is very good, this exterior flu soul street seems to be a could not be taken, no person to be built,

Night live wind is also looking at the front wall. If you think about it, how do you get to he get open, and then a "surprise" appeared when you are in the people.

Suddenly from the wall, it suddenly reveals a man, it should be a big man is a big giant! This is the guardian of the gate!

If the night grows, this guy is called the Baidao door guardian. It is to look at the door in the world of the dead, so the strength is also very powerful.

The White Die Guard turned over from the end of the wall and then turned on the ground, and sent a deafening sound. It turned out that the lively soul is gone.

Night wind is also known that this Baidao door guards is a very dedicated person, then he wants to tell him: "Hey, Uncle, let me go in, we have something."

"Human doll? Give me." Baidao door protector is very straightforward, and it is said that it is a word for the night.

Night wind does not want to fight with him: "Well, we don't want to conflict with you. If we want to go in, we will definitely not say that you will go in."

"Didn't hear me talk? I will let you roll! This is not where you have come!" The vaginal door guarded the sword in the hand.

Night live wind is also helpless: "Then you have sinful uncle."

"Oh, the little doll is too powerful, and there is a soul knife. Chest said.

Night wind did not talk nonsense with him, and a kind of power is jumping. It is aimed at his ax is cutting, and a ax in Baidao Guard is crushed!

The White Die Guard was shocked, then took a few steps, and using full of barbarian pushers ax directly to the night length of the night.

Night live wind is also straightforward. In the air, it has completed this action, then the perfect landing, directly put the flow blade back and back.

This white road guard is not to understand: "What happened? Small doll, turn it back? Want to go back? Then I will not send it."

The night is helpless, and I laughed and said: "You look at your ax."

Bai Tao door glanced at his ax, there was only the ax left! The above blade has been cut directly by the night cost!

The guardian of the Baidao door is a bit that he is lost, and then a little irritated to the night long saying: "Then you look at this again ?!"

Night wind is also directly moving, and raises a shot of the whip leg!

Just is the position of his lower abdomen, the White door guardian is played in place, and his face is not willing.

"Uncle, do you want to try it? I haven't played with you, we really have something, let us go in." The night's long said.

The White Treasser also has no way, according to the practice, the person who defeated him can enter Jing Lingting.

Therefore, it is no way to say that Bai Tao door guardians, slowly stand up and then use it, the stone wall began to sway, and then the intervals began to gradually play.

Night live wind is also very satisfied, walking forward, and said: "Thank you, Uncle, when we come back, please ask us to open a door!"

At this time, the night's long wind suddenly saw a movie! That is the team leader of the 13th team!

But this time is already too late, the city's melon is directly liberated: "The fire!"

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