The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2508 of the Chapter 2508 of the Prince of Tennis

At this time, the soul knife suddenly became long, and it was directly in the chest of the White Die Guard. At this time, the night is also realized. If he is fell, you can get it!

The night cost is a chance to open the game directly, and they will directly enter the Jingling court directly, the gate is also close! After the night's wind, it quickly secretly huddled his own breath.

The city's silver leaving right, it seems to be solved, then revealing that very strange smile, it is like the long-lasting.

At this time, when the night is long, I want to protect this side, it is definitely can't come in with myself. According to the story development, they should go to the black cat night to use the cannon to enter Jing Jingting. .

But in this case, you are separated, but it is not necessarily a good thing, if you are going to do something, you can speed up the rhythm.

On the other hand, the news after the night's wind entered the Jing Ling court, didn't know that it was there, and it was directly that people who made the Third of the Triars know.

Suddenly sounded a string of the sound, and then immediately issued a "giggling" laughter, and the man stood up and picked up the soul knife as an outside.

This person is more woody eight. He is an excitement in this moment, then highlights the SHE's head very flavor: "Haha, there is no Ren En to make me happy, I must first arrive! "

"Stepping!" Night wind is running quickly in Jing Lingting, in order to find Lucia's hiding place, it can be said that it is hard to think.

"This little Nizi is hidden, this makes me find it really don't look for it!" Night wind is very complained.

At this time, the street on the side sounded a voice: "You stand!"

Night live wind is also heard, although I know that I have to run to save the rescue of Lucia, but the night is still stopped, he wanted to know, what is it? .

019 chapter, two vegetables

Don't forget that night long wind is a pseudo-all-in-power ability. It is possible to plunder his soul knife after defeating the opponent. @ @ @ @

In case, what is the captain level, if you let yourself defeated, you can plunder the first squid, for yourself, you can earn!

Night wind is also the end of the alley, the attitude of trying to make a sound, if you plunder a soul knife, the battle will be more relaxed!

After I came to the end, the night grew back home, this is there without captain, but it is standing two people!

That is the scouring pole and the Kazaka Bow, they are the third and fifth seats of the eleven teams, all of which are the people who have said.

At this moment they are looking at the wall and then watching the wall and watching the night. "Hey, what is your expression, why don't you like to see us?"

The night long wind rheology truthfully said: "Really, you are too weak, if your captain, I still have a little play."

"Hey, this overseas people are really great. Do you think that you beat the door?" Yanchuan bow kid.

It's not a dog's tail. "Who said no, so good, I want to fight with our captain, you can't even have this level."

Night live wind is also unhealthy and wasting time directly to say: "I really don't have a mood and two battles, say."

"Red Firen!" Yanchuan Bow kisites directly reddish fireplace to attack the night.

"Boom!" A fire red mullet was directly posted with the night's face.

Night wind is also a temper, then go back to say: "How? How do you like the garbage of your corpse?"

"Oh, it seems that you are too complacent, you are touched by us, and you are also your pleasure." The corner of the spot is very small to watch the night.

Dai Kawa Bow is also said to be said while I just said: "Little ghost, I see you or take the ass to run, what is the purpose of you come to the corpse soul? Don't tell me, you want to save Lu Qi!"

Night wind is very dangerous to say that another person is singing here, and then some impatient, the soul knife said: "You are a secondary disease, do not play."

"Oh? Then do you want to be like a ghost, is it like a man is like a man?" The angle of his favorite will start his favorite line.

Night-length, sighed, still ignored him just calmly looked at these two "jumping beam clown" that will be overturned by himself.

The angle of the comics continued: "I am only the enemy that is about to kill, I am called the corner, you! Invaders!"

Night wind is really not able to stand, this is too ink!

The night length is directly turned on, directly cut on the shoulders of the spotted corner and then looked at the blood showed: "I call you Dad."

The angle of the spot was shocked, although the wound was not deep, but he still made him withdrew a far position, and it was also understood that this guy appeared to be a simple.

"Stretch! Ghost"! "The angle of the spot no longer looked directly to the remember.

Yanchuan Bow relatives also looked at the silent point of mind and opened his own messee, it seems that this enemy seems to be so good to be as good as he imagined.

The night's hard hurry is actually a matter of Mawei, hoping to force the opponent and then wasting his time, this is still a strong.

"You come together, don't say that I bullets." The night's long wind said it directly.

"That is also said to use you!" He said in the front step! "


The night long is directly uncomfortable, and a knife is directly flying, and the kicks in the face of the Kikawa bows are also laughing.

A direct rapidly sniper will take the soul knife directly to the soul knife, and a horrible look of the horror.

This man can be understood, and this man is likely to be the same as the captain. It is very likely that the captain still wants a man. Even if it is a person, it is also an opponent!

The night-catching battle is also fixed, because it can't see the soul knife of these two people, and the night cost does not choose to use a false understanding all-round blood to plunder their soul knife.

Then, the night's wind is also turning is a long-lasting, and it is also a point back. I actually didn't encounter the soul knife that was useful to himself.

In this case, then he lowered his rhythm. Otherwise, this time may have found Lu Qia.

Just at this time, the night's wind felt a familiar atmosphere, this breath is in the well.

Yes, that is the cute girl who makes the night grows!

Night wind is also a surprise inside, and after the rushing, the teammates are almost all, and they don't know where the remaining two are going.

But the night-lived wind is also thinking about it first. It is a girl who has no attack means, so it is the luck of the night and long.

Night-winding relies on the location of the direct perception directly to the well, and the night long-term rapid running hopes to see the well.

When he found the Wiwi Ji, he found that the situation in the well seems to be unsatisfactory, because she is attacking by a guy crazy.

A moment of hungry in a moment of night is a person who is attacked in the well.

Seeing the shield of the Wi Wi Ji Ji is to support it. The night greet is also guessed. Attacking the well, the Joji is the fourth place of the seven teams!


He is a soul knife with the strongest aerial attack means! People are called ""!

At this time, he was crazy attacking in the well. He also said: "Human woman will die! Look at Laozi to hack you!"

In the cold in the night, I burned in anger. When I was a lot of shield on the well, I was completely crushing, and I was transferred to the front of the Wiwi Ji protected her.

Night long winds have not been injured, it is the fast waving, the soul knife resists all the attacks.

The sound of the night, because of the somewhat rag, "Do you even have a girl? That's now Laozi to teach you to be a good person."

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