The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2509 of the Chapter 2509 of the Prince of Tennis

joke! Night live wind is not willing to play people, this kid is still daring to move!

That is really awkward!

This is also a reason why the night grows is angry.

020 chapter, killing to the slag

The guy who just just liberated his own soul knife and then using "" is constantly attacked in the well, the shackles of the shaft, the solenoid, the six flower defense, the consequences are really unimaginable.

At this moment, the night-hearted wind is like a guardian of the god, standing in front of the well, and the well is also a thriller expression when it is.

It is a sense of frightening this look, this is also an endless anger of the night, because he is most annoying is a man who is a woman.

It's still a face that is still in the face of the eyes, and the night's long-lasting looks: "Haha! This is a dead again?"

Night wind did not speak, just silently gotting the soul knife, and then the horror temperature came again, and the night grew is aligned with the soul.

The Ci Lianfang is obviously scared, and it is said that it is a meat and then shocked: "You, you don't have this soul knife! Who is you?"

Night wind is obviously not to give the chamber of the Cairo Fang directly is the big sword, the horrible flame is directly through the form of the cylinder.

Gradually, the Ci Langfang has not flooded in the fire column of the night, gradually got a sound, and the night's hard work actually kill him directly!

The night-long style still has to plunder his soul knife, but the power is really huge, it turns out to kill the soul knife directly to the slag.

Even a little clue did not appear, it would like this person has never been there, and the night grows do not feel too much.

People who dare to move Laozi! This is the end of your deceived and hard guys!

On the other hand, Ahtan's love is also known that the night's wind is coming to the corpse, directly jumping directly, this is a good opportunity to revenge.

Ahtti Ji Dark touched the wound caused by the night long wind to the lower abdomen, it can't be calm for a long time, because his strength can't be played.

How can I think of a human beings can't think of a human beings, so I have to hold this.

Ahijing is rushing to collect things, and the characters on the body are directly relying on the induction of the night's long wind.

The night is just fighting, and then hurriedly checked a well. It was said that there was no injury to say that there was no injury. "Don't fight so after, running."

"No, since I don't have any combat ability, I will protect my comrades, the most important thing is you, because of the long wind, I owe you!" The well on the well is really big. Say.

The night-long-term shot took his head and said: "If you can't tell, you don't owe me, you should do it, so don't be too popular. It is my wish. "

"Then I have to do something for Changfeng, since we are already a partner, then I will be strong, don't drag your hind legs!" Said the wells on the well.

Night live wind is not a head, such a girl, the night is not a little, it is too cute. Every time I come to this night, I don't know what to say.

Although the night is too late, it has arrived at this time, and the night's wind turned into a dwarf in action, and it won't do anything.

At this time, the night is also seen in the distance, there is a person who is flying near himself, and the spiritual pressure is also very powerful.

When the night grows, when he wondered, he saw a little red on the head. Li Keyi knows who is it. Is this not Ahijing?

Finally, Ahtan is looking for a night-long, then it is very heavy, saying: "You can find you, you will be able to run."

Night live wind is also a head of the head. It is not respectful to extend the middle finger: "What happens, the hand is defeated, I want to be a meal when I came over."

"Your kid can be too confident, the last time is in reality, Laozi can't play the strength, this time is not the same!" Ahtan's love reached out and pointed himself.

Night long saying: "Oh? It is a little different, I only had you a butter fish in the current world. Now your corpse is a skirt butter fish."

Ahtan's love is now a martial arts that can't listen to the ridicule of the night. Because it is in the future, there is a certain compression of yourself.

Su Yi said that he thinks it is that the reason is that he is doing a night's wind. Now it is time to return to the body of the corpse. His spiritual pressure is about five times!

He is now very confident to retrieve the previous scene, so it is forced to come over to find a night long duel.

Ahtan's love is also a pose: "Oh, you are mad, Laozi is now letting you know what is heaven is underground!"

Night live wind is also a hungry, watching the hungry, watching the disdain of Ahtan's love, "Casual."

Ahtan's love is directly in the ground, and then prepares to give him an unrespoated. Who knows that the night's wind is not only not escaped, but it is still a soul knife!

Ahtan's heart is also a stealing, my strength is not your opponent during the present, but this here is my site, you want to fight for strength, then I just let you fly out!

The two swearing knives collided together, and immediately Ahhhhi is surprised again, because the night's long-lasting waves are just a stalemate!

And the night's long wind is still not moving! Just attacking yourself, but use almost 80%!

Is she really like Lucia? Is it a Qihua in the six months?

Ahtan's love is very unwilling to retreat and go back and then didn't hesitate to explain it. "The kid seems to be a bit, can catch up with me, no more than five people."

"Oh? So I am the sixth person, you say that I am really ting." The night grew and said.

Ahtan's love is still the battle style, which is always the attention of him, is it too weak or a night growing?

"Kill!" Ahtan's love fly out again, raising his own soul knife, cutting the head of the night's wind.

This time, the night-catching wind is directly used to escape the blow of Ah, and then immediately cut the back of the Ahro!

"Ah!" Ahiyu couldn't help but call it.

This is the sacred, why can't you hurt him! Ah Siyu is unwilling to look at the night growing in front of you.

Chapter 021, re-abuse

The night is still the meaningless look, and then the hanging gentleman is still talking to the well, and it is really completely fired in love. - ∩ -

Ahiji is no longer able to lose, and it is directly that it is sensible to flutter to the night length. "The rabbit scorpion, Laozi must kill you today!"

"That may not be realized." Night live wind retreats behind the well, and then hold the soul knife to welcome.

Ahtan's illegal attacks are empty, and the night cost is also shaking at the left and right, and there is no eye to watch Ahhi.

Suddenly, the night's greetings said: "I don't have to mean it."

"What do you say?" Ahtan's love directly turned the avatar as a question.

Soon the night, the wind did something he said.

The loungers of the night-catching aim of Akahi Directs directly, and the soul knife of Ahtan's love is directly broken. Seventeen.

Ahtan's love directly squatted on the ground, and the soul knife was crushed. It was said that this person was abolished.

Night wind does not want to listen to the ink ink in love again, directly gather the soul knife and then play a foot to the neck of Ahtan's love.

Ahtan's love is directly in the past.

Night live wind does not kill him there's a lot of reasons, it may be that when you look at the death of God, it is not annoying the role of Ah Siyu, and it is still useful in the future.

The night is directly pulled directly on the well, Ji Ji: "Let's go, there is a delay in this, there is no such thing as the temporary benefits."

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