The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2510 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

In this way, the two people have left a fainting in the ground.

The news that immediately defeated the love in love is to open the entire Jing Ling court, which is also impacting a lot of captains, especially the dead wood.

He may still still understand why the love of the corpse is still unable to play the night, which is limited to death when you are in the world. It is not possible to use all the capabilities.

This matter is 19 passes, and the news is that the corpse is all become unattended, and all versions are all, this is also the same pass to the guard ten The team leader of the three teams is also a team leader.

It is Yamamoto Yuan Liu Qingzhong, he is a description of his hungry, it feels very doubtful, because he heard that the night's wind is a soul knife that is like himself - fire!

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Qingzhong is very suspicious, because one of the outer people may have such a soul knife, and the soul tutor cannot be copied.

One is one, the twins come out, it is not low, it is used as a swing of the soul knife, so the mountains will be able to understand this matter.

So he ordered it directly: "Now I have to officially declare war, a comprehensive war! Don't die!"

Soon Jing Jing Ting is to spread the war, all the dead gods, lost to this.

On the side of the night, I heard that I was wanted, and the sharp mouth hooked the arc said: "It can be started to be interested."

But in the well, I don't think so, he is very worried about the safety of the night's long wind: "Changfeng Jun! Do you want us to go to them, then run!"

"Why do you want to run, have you still don't worry, don't we come to rescue Lucia? How? Is your partner don't want it?" The night grew away.

On the well, weaving the Ye Yue misunderstood, and then appeared very nervous: "No, you mean what I mean, I mean to be afraid of you"

At this time, the night is also touched the hair on the well. The hair said: "You can rest assured that I will protect you, we are not afraid of others, anyway, I am a knife!"

The well is also a good nod to refute the night. "Then you must pay attention to safety, and you will protect you!"

When the night is full, the old face is red, and there is a feeling of love.

At this time, suddenly the pupil is suddenly, it is still stopped, and it is also TING to watch the night long saying: "What happened?"

The night-long blocked the well, Ji Ji said: "You feel, do you have a very powerful spiritual pressure!"

It's really powerful, this kind of spiritual pressure is even higher than the night, and the night is also the feeling of exciting!

The night's greetings said: "You will go see what is going on behind me."

On the well, there is nothing to say just after the night's body.

The night's long wind suddenly heard a sound of a bell, and immediately knew who was the opponent. The night grew is also slightly smiled: "This is a play."

The man standing opposite is the eleven team captain!

More wood sword!

That is a very horrible guy!

Orthodox is also the Kurosaki enrich touched him!

When you don't think about it in the heart: "If you let the Kurosaki enacted, you still don't directly send it to Kurosaki.

At this time, the floral eight is looking at the head of the head and laughing at night.

Night live wind is also slowly walking in front of his eyes, and said: "You are more woody eight, like imagination."

"Oh, don't say nonsense fight! Come! Cut me!" More wood swords directly gave the chest to the night.

This is a person who knows the bird sword in the night, and the night is also slightly smiled. "Don't you get a little new pattern?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I will not come back, come!" More wood sword smiled and looked at night.

Night wind is also gradually mentioned the soul knife: "Oh, it is better to respect it, you can don't miss it!"

Night long wind fell! Directly slammed on the chest of more wood swords!

But it is a little, there is no harm to the wood sword!

Night wind is just a brow thinking in mind: "It is really a high scary."

More wood swords moved away from the night of the soul of the night: "Oh, do you know why you can't hurt me?"

Night wind didn't speak, just look at the ok sword.

"Just because your spiritual pressure is too weak! Your ordinary attack is not hurt, I can't hurt me! Hahaha!" More wood sword is very mad smile.

The night's morning is early, knowing this truth, then returns a step directly, the super high temperature is again swept again.

Night-length look is very confident, watching the wood sword. "Oh, then you will try it again! You will not let you be disappointed!"

At this time, the sword is even more confident!

Then, will this hurt to hurt more wood swords!

022 chapter, more wood sword

The night's hard work is directly strong, and the fire city is directly rushed to the Dawn eight!

The temperature of the flame is very horror!

The flame released by the blade is like a huge palm. It is also straight to the more wood sword. At this time, the wood sword is still still can't move.

The fire of the fire city Guo Shun Jian is a more wood sword.

The night is so bad that this is over, because this is a high temperature of six thousand degrees.

Whether it is standing here, it is estimated that it will be gray to smoke, this 6000 degrees of high temperature is not a trouble, really who encounters who will die!

But this is not like night long, this is also the first judgment of night long wind, but the wood sword is not only dead, but still stands there.

However, it is hurt to see that the wood sword is hurt, and some have been baked, but even the wood sword is still laughing.

Night winds do not help but think of a noun, that is, the devil.

What is this in the end, it is not only standing there, but also smiles there!

It seems that even the wood sword is very satisfied with the night's attack, then twisted the neck, picking the eye masks tied to his own eyes.

When the horrible spirit of horror is coming again!

Even the heart of the night's heart is a little bit eight, this more wood sword is absolutely not simple!

Since this is the case, I have to take some measures, but the wood sword is not a dead body, but now I am hard to hard, and I am sure yourself.

Just when the night grew is still thinking, suddenly, from the big life created from the fire city, it is more woody eight.

At this moment, the slap is cold, and the direct one knife is coming to the night growth.

Night long winds can't be blocked directly, but it is still tricking, the side of the waist is actually cut by the soul knife of more wood swords.

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