The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2516 of the Chapter 2516 of the Prince of Tennis

This is also possible to say why it is a genius, and it is the only one of the youngest people.

But the stronger of the Supreme Facial Valley, the night is also more happy, because such incomplete understanding can be understood so much.

In the coldness of the night, it is also concerned, and the day of the day, the winter is not a fool. Of course, it is impossible to fight himself. If you use some strategy to lead him hook.

The Nikko Winshi is an enemy with a certain defense. Therefore, it is no longer to use him again. He is very likely to call the ice wall again.

This attack is nothing to do, this is equal to the time in delaying the night's long wind to save Qia.

Night long wind is obviously not thinking about the thoughts of the day of the Shannan Winter Lang, directly shouting: "Hey! Little scorpion! Are you afraid!"

Sure enough, the child's mind is immature. When I look at it is something that someone else is a bit of the wind, I don't wait for others, I can't stand it first, this is a child.

"Who do you say is a little scorpion!" Tunan Tongshi also rushed out and formed a "Dragon Branch" directly in his hand!

The night is a smile, I want to wait for you, I didn't expect you to pay for me.

When the night long-lasting spirit, if the fire is gently injected, the exaggerated flame is directly rolled in the day Google Winter Lang, and the Shanno Winter Lang is also hurting the best attack time!

After the day Googong Winter Lang directly flipped the exaggerated flame, turned the head still wants to attack the night-catching wind, but turned to the head, the night's live wind did not see!

Run! This is a skill that is broken, but when the night is used, it is not observed by the Sutan Mountain Lad, because even as seen, it will be treated as a moment!

This is the skill after the release of the blue dyeing, is the skill, so that night long winds are now used, it is not seen!

But where did the night grow?

"Brush!" Night-catching winds directly after the birthday of the Tongshi Lang, this time, the fire blade in the night-length wind is also very bright.

When did the Tongshi Lang, when it discovers the night's wind, it is not because of the relationship of the breath, the temperature, the temperature of the horrible temperature, this is why Nishi Gongshi is reluctant to grow and night. The reason for the body.

The day Google Winter Lang discovered that the night lengthy wind was going to run at this time, although it was successful to move his position, but it was a late step.

"The fire is too knife west - the lapse jail jail", the night-catching direct hand, the cut, the speed of the fast day, the winter people are all oscillated!

"Ah!" The Shannan Winter Lang screamed. I didn't expect to take it directly in the left of the ice wings on the left of the day.

Even the ice dragon behind the Supreme Facial Valley is afraid, I don't dare to go to attack, I will drop down the day.

After the Night Green Songli was cut off by the night, he was completely knew that he and the night's strength gap, because it was afraid of being killed, it can only be a thirty-six run!

But the night grows can not be thought about, the continuous swing is directly in front of the day Googong winter boiler and then the fire, if the fire is disdainful, looks at the Japanese Facial Valley Winshi: "Want to run?"

Tunan Valley Winter Lang said with his left arm: "Cough, why? How do you just?"

"You don't know the necessary, when I catch up with you, you are dead, but it is obviously the possibility of the first case." The night is faint.

The day Google Winter Lang also smiled and slowly smokes the ice pulley and deeply looked at it: "Oh, really, the fate of the warrior is the battlefield, but I will not let you live! "

At this time, the day of the Tunigu Winter Lang's eyes became firm. At this time, the big knife was directly smoked, and the water vapor gradually became less.

"Millennium Repair!" The day Google Winter Lang directly called the name of the skills, and the night's long is not a smile.

When you don't have the side of the night, you will start to grow out of the icicles, and then you will start thinking about it, trying to freeze yourself directly.

But it is now a state of being a state, and it is a gathering of the gathered, and it will directly chemical into water below his temperature.

Sure enough, there is a night long style, the icicles around you are not here, basically all direct chemical work, even if you can use the strength of domestication, you have to be a dazzling winter boiler. Sprinkler enough.

Night-catching winds really want to say enough, but, he is very similar to what to look at what is the wind wave that looks off like this, which is very curious about this.

Sure enough, "Millennium Repair" under the power of fire is too knife, the role of eleven points did not play, it is the trick of waste!

But the night growing is also a wonderful doubt, why did the wings behind the Sutan Tongmado after him go out?

Instead, it is a weird snow that is a weird snow.

Can not be said to be a weird snowflake, can only say that the snowflakes under the magnifying glass is very strange.

The heart of the night is also started to make it. Is it a Japanese Googon Winter Lang gave up, then the ice wings disappeared? Or is there any trick at this time?

"Ice Day Bun Raid!" Supan Valley Winter Lang used the last one to say a word.

It turned out to be, the night is still on the beginning, I doubt how this trick is released, but it is also thinking about it.

This tricks, the ice is a lot of water, it is necessary to use a lot of moisture, but where is it so much?

This is the smart place of the Tongshi Lang Lang, because the "Millennium Ice" is just a direct melting of the night's residual hot prison clothes, and even directly evaporated into the air.

The day Google Winter Lishi uses this. Then it is only a lot of water. It can be used in addition to "Ice Day Bun"!

"Hehe, it is worthy of the genius of the corpse." The night is holding the shoulders.

029 chapter

Night costs also have found that there is also a snowflake in their own body, but the strange thing is that this snow is dissolved!

This "Ice Day Burning" is worthy of the dayful of the Tongshi Winter Lang not completely understanding the most powerful trick, it is really ambiguous!

Night wind is also known that he is going to hurry, because when you have a lot of snowflakes on your own, it means that your life is at the end. * Miscellaneous? Worm *

Ha ha! I want to kill my son! Little fart, Laozi gives you a real kung!

When the night's body started to set out more than ten snowflakes, he opened the "fire refusal"! The snowflakes on the body were shocked!

The day Google Winter Silang also ran quickly with the teeth, and this can be unable to summon an ice wall in front of himself.

When the battle arrived at this time, there was no strength to fight at this time. Later, it was directly released by two to understand the big skills. It seems that it is not small!

Night wind is also disdainful looking at the Japanese Facial Valley Winshi: "Oh! Are you a little ice? Is it a joke with me? Look at Laozi does not cut it!"

Sure enough, the night-catching winds directly stop the swaying, a hot burst of hot burst is to overunderstand the ice wall of the dayglass winter boiler and his summon.

Looking at the snowflakes that I gradually started melting, the night costs were also known. At this time, I resolved the dayglass winter boiler.

The flame continued to burning on the snow, and the Supreme Facial Valley Winter Lang was not lightly injured. Directly spit out black gas and then fell to the ground.

At this time, the night's long wind is also a plunder capability that has opened his own counterfeit alone, then directly took the soul knife in the day of the day Google Winter Lang.

The night long-winding looks at the ice pulley in the beginning or a little exclusive feeling, but directly using the fire, if the fire is knocked on the knife of the icehouse, the ice gear Pill Lima is good.

At this time, the dying day Googong Winter Lang is also a tasty and trembling: "Still me, return me, you take the ice pulley, you can't use it, there is one."

"Oh, what do you mean is that this ice pulley is only you will use?" Night long ridiculous look at the daygirl Winter Lisho, then swirl directly, instantly sword directly to the earth.

Night wind is also very happy to hold the ice gear pills in his hand: "Oh, a knife, but who used it, follow you, I see it is grievance."

The Tongly Tongshi is very surprised to watch the night, the wind, just a knife, is very surprised! It may be something that you have not done, and it is achieved by a person who has just tricky soul.

The night-length wind is very proud, watching the slopes in the hands, and started to join the way, and the scene of the world will be too cool!

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