The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2517 of the Chapter 2517 of the Prince of Tennis

I want to think that my heart is in my own hands, I am happy, I'm happy, and I've been fired, a ice pulley, this is to go directly to the rhythm!

Don't be too cool!

Night wind is very stinky, waving two snorkeles in his hand, and retreated his residual sweater, and then put the two soul knives in his back.

In such a power problem, it is further rising, which has increased the second thing to grow in Lying Ya poetry. Increase the pond, it can only be used on a soul knife, this now has two soul knives. what!

And the night grows also understand, because the individual's personal ability is more powerful, so the corpse can be arranged to arrange most of the troops levels.

Instead, there is nothing to know about the Kurosaki, and it is a feeling of improving the buttocks!

And this time the starting butt is still in place! Still have a lot of hungry services, basically all enemies, they are all wrapped by the night.

But one of the most, the night is happy, is that it is finally plundering his favorite snail knife, which is also a value for Kurosaki.

At this time, the night is also called well on the well, and I said: "Hey, we should go in the well, but also to save Qia, hurry."

The night-hearted heart is actually thinking to wipe the ass to Kurosaki, because his things have been made by him, although it is trouble, but harvesting the soul knife does not say, in the well, it is still his own.

Night live wind is also a strange idea in the mind, and then take the well, it is ready to go, this time a person speaks.

When the night's vigilant turned, it turned out to be a injured day Google Winter Eve, at this moment, he actually stood up, but the legs were still tremble.

Night live wind is also a head of his head and looks at the day Facial Valley Winshi. "What's wrong?"

"No, no, you have to give me the soul knife, or you still kill me, there is no ice pulley, what do I do!" Said the Shanno Winter Silang said.

The night long-lasting, the ice pulley, said: "It can't, this is what I rely on, if you want, you will take it from me."

"Then you still kill me, there is no ice pulley, one is nothing," said the daygirl winter boiling.

Night live wind is also straightforward: "You said that you are not everywhere, I still kill you, I am too trouble, if you want to die, find a rope and find a tree. "

Night wind is now killing people who don't want to be numb, because since he has not had a soul knife, there is no need to kill him, the waste is there, there is no need to do it.

On the other side, because the cannon came to the corpse of the corpse, it was a resolution of the butterfly, and the captain of the captain did not see, even the deputy captain did not.

Seeing, it is also lying on the stone rain dragon to say that you will say: "Hey, a guard, you see, these people will not be a night when they live."

"Cut, can he kill so many captains? I should see what big god, let's see the people in this fall, I can find the gods!" Too Jami said.

Takasaki and Shi Tian Rain Dragon quickly followed these any blood, and finally walked to a huge ice, this is exactly the night's long wind uses ice vermiculum a knife!

"Wow! There is a rink, Shi Tian, ​​you see!" Ishikasaki said in parallel.

At this time, Shi Tian Yulong also saw the night-hearting and well-shaped Ji and then touched the Kurosaki, and the night's long wind was so convenient to shout: "Hey! We are here!"

Chapter 030, with an enemy

Night live wind is also a slight lifting: "Hey, in the well, they are coming.> Miscellaneous + insects>"

Takasaki is a ray and the rain dragon is coming to the night, and then the Kurosaki is still very stinky: "Haha, what is your kid did it? I just solved a few captains. Come over! "

"Oh? Is it? Oh, then you are really amazing." The night grew down and smiled, and the well on the side of the well.

"What? Obviously, the Changfeng Jun will make the captain of the captain to pack all the captains. Are you defeating what team leader? We are not going to play with the habits? When you start!" .

The face of the blacks, the face of the blacks, is completely colorful. He immediately said: "Oh, I said that people who are close to the captain, don't believe you ask Shi Tian!"

Night wind is also no mood. This is directly waved here. "When you shut up, don't give me a chaos, hurry."

Too Kasaki is also a mouth, but because the strength of the night's strength is nothing to say, three steps and two steps are to follow behind.

The night long-faced look is to get to Lucia to be sentenced, but there are two people to block a party in front of the night.

I'm not good, and I immediately said that the two said: "Hello, do you have to hurry?"

Nightly shot Takasaki, I said: "Shut up."

Take the Kurosaki, I can't go into the limelight, so I will take the soul knife to go back, and the two opposite the opposite is also open.

"Oh, is this a person who ended that genius, it is very strong." A person with a wooden helmet said with a thick voice.

The person next to it is also the opening: "Oh, what do you say is not a day Google Winshi, that small elf I have nothing to do, will be defeated."

These two singing people are the captain of the seven teams, and the Jiu Dicard captain Dongxian! These two people often act together to strengthen!

Night live wind is also a bit helplessly scratched: "Hey, come back to two soul knives."

On the side of the Kurosaki, the guardian is very taboo, he wants to see if these captains are falling down.

But when it is also afraid that if the night grows can't fall in front of the two guys, then their name is here.

Just is that the Kurosaki is very, when it is confused, the night is talking: "Oh, I still don't know what the two captains are doing here, and there is the Dongxian to captain, do you still do it?"

Because the night's story is known, I said that I asked directly to see the mountain, this is like stepping on the Catail.

"What? What is still not acting, isn't we in action? Our purpose is to catch you!" Dongxian wants some nervous to defecate.

Dong Xian wants to be completely Mongoli now, because the betrayal of the corpse is now, no one will know, but why this invader knows, who is it! ?

Night live wind is also smiling: "Oh, what is there, you don't have to say, but I don't understand it, how are you doing? Take me?"

"Oh, block you, I can't say it, but also say, if you are in front of it, you will die in my knife!" Said the Village.

Night wind helpless knocks, said: "You are two, you are not enough to see it."

"What do you say! Your arrogant guy," You have just pulled out the soul knife, you have to hold it by the Dongxian around, and Dong Xian is in turn smile.

"Oh, you may not know, I know that you are coming to Lucia, but she may be accepting the death penalty now!" Dongxian wants to say a little hungry.

Night long wind is already known, so there is not much change above the expression, but the Kurosaki is already blown up at this time!

Takasaki has directly pulled out the soul knife: "What do you say! Lucia is committed, you will die! You are these animals!"

At this time, the night's wind directly pressed the Kurosaki, a guard: "You say the last time, if you are not willing to shut up, you will fight with him."

I think it is also reasonable to know that there is a rendezvous of the Kurosaki, that is, I have returned the soul knife again.

is also a gloating, said: "Hehehaha! Is it frightened! The law of our corpse is like this, you still want to change it ?!"

"Change, huh, huh, it sounds some means." Night wind did not have nonsense, and pulled out two cowards.

This is a stunned to the East Xian asked and the Village, because they simply can't think of why a mortal will have two soul knives!

Dongxian is very surprised: "Where is your soul knife? No! Your soul knife is not your own!"

The Village is also very horror: "This is a soul knife, is this not the team leader, and there is the day of the day Googong Winshi!"

Night wind is also said that the quantity of playing is said: "Oh, you are not qualified to know, I will add two more people."

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