The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2536 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

When the night is in a moment, it understands that Urchiola is flexible, very good at using such sharp attacks to take away the mission of the opponent.

This is not good to deal with, or if you let him catch his neck, or let his smell piercing his chest, both are not a good thing!

At this time, the loungers quickly waved, and the surrounding ground began to have burstless inflammation. Directly shocked to Urcheola's body, the power of bursting is very horrible, Ulciola is not single to suffer damage, and Still being repeated!

Night wind is completely opportunities for Ulci Oli, and it is a helper!

Cut the chest of Ulcheora!

The blood is sprayed out from the chest of Ulcheora, and Ulciola is also a surprised expression. I have no injury when I am a virtual ring! I just hurt it when I was just coming!

Urchio is not the injury of the chest, and the quick retreat and night long wind pull away.

057 chapter, exploration intelligence

The wound of the chest is also getting bigger and bigger by flame. Ulciola is also getting more and more powerless, all skills are not fighting with night long, because they also know that they are useless. ∈ ξ ξ ∈ ∈

Although he is also a soldier in the virtual ring, it is also impressed that it is inevitable, it is strong enough to face the night scene, it is strong enough to be a good one!

Night wind is also not to kill Ulciola, relying on this soul knife and then close to Urchiola, "I think you are the same as your companion, it is really Let me be disappointed, you are still dead. "

"All said, the death of dentist is also lost, and you are just dead, you have to do it!" Urchio Raudi once again said so much!

Night costs are also very curious, because they also know, Ulci Ola and dead woods are the same person, they are not very love to talk, say so much, it should be very angry.

"Oh, it's really interesting, the little bat is angry! You bite me!" The night's wind smashed the head and looked at Urchiola.

The eyes of Urciio will become very fast, and when you look at the long wind of the night, then make you feel angry, but it is also a late attack, and I don't know what I am thinking.

At this time, Ulgela is directly incentive to incite the wings, watching the night long wind, the night grows, and the soul knife is ready to fight.

I didn't expect the dramatic scene. I didn't expect Urchiola not only to attack himself. They also fly directly to the sky, even the body of the degeneracy did not pick up, and flew over the sky.

Because the skills without flying, there is no way to attack Ulcheola, but the nozzle of the night does not close.

"Hey, you ran this? The peer of the companion is not to look at your friendship, you will make friends, no wonder you are shadowing only every day." Night is a long ridicule.

Ulci Ola's answer is more dramatic: "Oh, when we are in the past, we are a partner, may still have a little friend's meaning, but now he is dead, I can't make friends with a dead body."

When it is said that Ulchiola is the direct flying away. It is even if you don't look at the night, but you don't mention the degeneration of death on the ground. If you want to hear, if you want to hear, It must be a greeting of his ancestors.

Ulciola quickly flew back to the virtual ring, thinking about the scene of the battle just now, it is really amazing, because in the virtual circle, Urchiola is a unhappy, it is actually a self The garbage in the eyes is cleaned up.

There is a little face, but Ulciola can't say anything, who makes yourself not win the night, this is also blame others.

Since it is such a strong opponent, it is necessary to quickly return to the virtual ring to report to the blue dye. In this way, it is not to lose this line, because although it is dense, it is also the basic information of the night.

Then now you have to go back to the virtual circle to tell the blue dye, then send more breakfast to the world to kill the night!

Otherwise, this night's long wind is definitely an obstacle to the future of the future, now it is so strong, I don't know what it will be.

Night live wind is also looking at Ulciola's gradually disappearing in his own sight, but it is no longer chasing again, because the well is still on the side, continue to stay, may not be very good for him. .

On the well, we hide in the back of the tree, and a frightened look at the land, and the degree of the nearel of the night.

"Hey, weaving, you can end it, you can go with me." The night is blowing, breaking the nervous look of the well on the well, and the girl who slows back and fell into the neighborhood of the night. Cry.

Night live wind is also very understanding of the well-weaving Ji, because everyone who sees so many dead people will not be scared, do not vomit, even if it is very powerful, in the well, weaving, there is still no longer running with night long wind to fight the final !

The night-hearted wind stuck the nerves on the well, then said: "Okay, the bad guys have been killed, although they are dead, but they will go to the beautiful paradise, rest assured."

It is comforted in the well, and the night long-lived breath is in the flow of the well, and then she is going home. Although it is a great victory, it has reached the beginning of the country. This is the beginning of the aggression.

One but it is, it is a unpacking, don't look at it is a break, but the blue dye is what people, he is not the kind of people who cherish the soldiers, there is not a matter of death, anyway, there are so many virtual circles, There is a collapse, and then it can be used to create a virtual jade. This resource blue dye is really unscrupulous.

The gradual sky is also finished, and the night grows is also thinking about what is thoughtful, how to go to the next step.

On the other hand, a person who has painlessly covered with a chest is gradually falling on the ground, then she has received her own wings, and it is a place similar to the Lingwang Palace!

This is the virtual night palace!

This person is Ulchiola, gradually collapsed, step by step, starting to think about the people in front of the throne.

People sitting on the throne don't need to think about it, and there are nearly more than 20 break around! This is the daily daily life, like a living, by the way, to please blue dye.

Blue dyeing is that Ulchio is coming back, then the face is also said to be smiling: "Oh, it is the fourth blade, how is it, how is the enemy? ? Tenthoe?"

Ulciola slowly walked to the face of blue dye, then single knee, low head and said, "My King, I am back."

The slope next to it is also laughing, this is the life of the broken, it is simply the same as human beings.

Blue staining is also clapping, indicating that the surrounding laughter is stopped, the surrounding laughter is really stopped, this is also able to see how the blue dyeing is in a virtual ring.

"Okay, don't say it, you get up, talk to me, then explain with me, why didn't Dentate have not come back, and the blue dye is half-joke.

Urciola has not said that it is said: "Dental is dead."

Chapter 058, Greemjo

Ulciola said that when this sentence, the air around the moment would seem to be stationary, as if there is a shocking message. - ∮ ∮ ∮ -

It's still a state of the discussion, and the eight tongue, some said that it is a moment of Urchiola to eat directly. Other words are degenerate, and it is not a thought. .

In summary, these slopes are like children in kindergarten class, and it is also a bit like the old lady of rural areas. In short, it is a word, annoyed!

Blue dyeing a shooter said: "Give me stop, I am not listening to the voice of these people's discussion, if you want to know the truth, just shut up and listen to the fourth edge."

The surrounding is once in a quiet, no one dares to talk, it seems to be a blue dyeing order is like a passover level, which makes people feel suffocation.

Soon after the blue dye once again broke the calm: "Let's talk, the fourth blade stood up, you will not be a loss, after all, the virtual ring is in powerless, you can't avoid casualties."

"We met the night-hearted wind when we explored the people, that is, the human beings you said, he is really strong, he can say that it is directly to spike the degree, and his ability is definitely an unknown." Ur Chiola said.

Ulciola reveals his wounds: "My wound is also called him, and he has not been hurt, he is really strong, I will attack with Dentary, I don't want to attack. Ability to win him. "

The blue dyed nods: "Oh, this thing, can't blame you, this is the thing you can think of, but I don't expect to die, the only regret is that I can't cause trauma."

"It's all incompetent, bringing so many losses to the virtual circle, adults, I am penalized." Ulciola low said.

Blue dye is also a hand saying: "Okay, you first get together, I said, this is not blame you, but I still want to know your thoughts, you talk, I feel right, I feel sinless "

"This is the case, the battle ability of night long wind is super, I feel that he must be eradicated, I think, if you don't shoot him, you must be a threat, I have an idea that is to send more The breakfast is surrounded by the night and kills him directly. It is also possible to slow down. "Urchiola said slowly.

The blue dye point said: "Well, it is a good idea, I am also almost the idea, what about your merits?" Blue dye looked at more than 20 break around.

All the slopes are not talking, it seems to be the default blue dye, the blue dyes see the unmanned response: "Ok, since there is no more opinion, just"

After the blue dye is finished, a voice is directly interrupted.

"I oppose!" This voice sounded, and it was still going on.

"I think, Ulci Ola is not right, I can solve the human beings, absolutely don't have to have a big man," The voice is Gemejo!

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