The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2537 of the Chapter 2537 of the Prince of Tennis

It is the break of the fourth blade. He has always been very unsatisfactory, which is to feel that you are more powerful than Ulciola, and have been rubbing with Ulciola.

Blue dye is also not angry, just say directly: "Oh? Sixth Blade? What do you think? Maybe it takes to listen to it, so there are many plans to develop a better plan."

Greemjo is also satisfied: "I think that Ulchiola is afraid, he is not a positive and the human beings called the night, so as for him, I doubt. It is the dental place! "

"Do you have any evidence? Is this blood-marked?" Urchiola said that the eyebrows said coldly.

Greemjo is also laughing: "Hehehe, still use evidence? I think you are afraid, can a human beings can be? You are afraid, it is not good."

Ulci Ola is just a gently smirk, don't pass the head, you are too lazy to pay attention to Greemjo.

Gremjo continued to stimulate Ulciola, "" I am talking about it, I know, I know you are afraid. "

The attraction around the surroundings is also a more enthusiastic. See Ulchiola will not pay attention to themselves, Gremjo is also straight and blue dye: "Blue dyed adults, I think he is afraid of me, that man I can solve it. "

"Oh, the meal can be done, but if you can't tell, you haven't seen him, you can don't be so excited, in case the cavity, who is going to save you." Blue Dye is also squatting.

Gremjo is a blue dyeing that does not agree with your own statement, then it is secretly :: "Is a person not to be terrible? I can pack him myself."

Blue dyeing is more and more sound, I am also annoying, then said: "This way, I will discuss this problem later, I don't think about it, I am like this, everyone is scattered."

Ulciola is also slow to turn around, and then with Gemeko's eyes, it is a fight, and then it is not going back, and these two people can't.

However, the heart of Germato is another thought, he always feels this way, Ulciio is not defeated by the night cost when it is in the world, if you are defeated the night. If the blue dyeant is paying attention to it is too much Ulciola!

Ge Lemjo can't wait. After returning to his own field, I mobilized all the virtual and broken faces: "Today, today, you all know."

Because the voice of the communication of the virtual circle is very powerful, it is very clear from the bottom up, so everyone is seven dissatisfied with eight not anger.

"Greemjo, we feel that Ulchiola is telling the fake, he is afraid, and the death of degree is very embarrassing, let's go directly to the Urchiola!" Say.

Gremjo also did not answer him, directly put all the email and breaks up to say: "I call you not to make you up, I have my own ideas."

"Looking for Ulciola, it is sure, but not now, we have to be with enemies now, some people block in front of the blue dyeing, I asked you to kill the king with me!" Ge Limo said .

"When did the adults start?" The following is the same.

Greemjo looks at the sky of virtual night palace: "Now!"

Chapter 059, self-thinking

Now that all the best is only owed to Dongfeng, as long as Gleim Joe comes to the world, the night grows can take Gremjo with Shi Tian Yulong and the Wiwi Ji.

The night of the night, looking at the sky, the night, the night, gradually, since it is the first arrival, is it to be ambushed in the same place in the same place, anyway, Gremjo can't find it. Yourself.

When the night's darkness secretly sneaked with his intelligence, the wells around him had a move, she quietly touched the night's long saying: "They are here, be careful."

"Well." Night-hard wind told out of the spike of the fire.

Sure enough, the space in front of him suddenly was torn, then the end of the end is the endless black hole. Some of the species that are invisible in the world will come out from the inside "walk". It is not as good as it is.

Night live wind is a bit regret with Shi Tian Yu Long and in the well Ji, because the creatures of these virtual circles are definitely stronger than they both, so that they have brought over, they must not be very good.

But what happened is too sudden, and the night cost is not to find a lot of manpower, so it is only a thing that can only be with Shi Tian Rainlong and Well.

After those "people" gradually came out, they also closed the space behind it, and there was a very prominent person in the middle. That is Gemejo.

She is very tall, a light blue hair, under the illumination of moonlight, looks extra dazzling.

The squid in the waist is also highlighting the temperament of this general. It seems that the Wanjun is a general thing that is convinced of Ge Lemjo, and Greem Johru said: "You give me I have discovered our breath. "

I feel a bad cold in the night's cold! What is this called to be discovered, this even when Gememqi has not arrived in the world, the night's wind has already found him.

Greemjo looked at the surrounding saying: "Now yes, you will search for me. It is said that the human beings called the night, it seems to be near here! You want to find him first! From Heavy and reward! "

"Yes! Gemjo adult! We must not disgrace the mission! Let you complete the task of Urchiola!" The surrounding deficiency started to shoot.

It is also beautiful in the heart of Glimjo. Since Urchiola is what you didn't do, I guemego helped you, this, what is in front of the blue dyed adults A good long-term wind!

Greemjo hands inserted in the trouser pocket, touched the broken face on the face: "Oh, night long wind! I have to see if you can have a human beings! Laozi does not use the soul knife Kill you!"

The night grows, listening to it, it is speechless. You are so angry, but if you play me like this, it may be a little hard, even if I agree, my soul knife is not I will agree.

Isn't the night growing? What is the wind, because Glemjo is too mad, this speech is that the normal person is to hear, even if anyone is estimated to be a bit sound!

When the night is growing, I see the people, so I decided to move in his hand, but who knew that a strange voice was rang!

It is the stomach of the night! The night is very hard, holding a belly, because today is also a meal, no food! It is because this breakfast gives yourself a day without eating!

Greemjo also heard it, then said to the voice of the sound: "Who is it! Give me!"

060 chapter, attacking again

Night wind is also a dark scream, because this is discovered, the plan is that there is a bubble soup, and there is no room for a point!

The night-catching wind has made a banned gesture, then slowly moved his footsteps to show a head to see what is the situation, but he will regret it!

Because there is already a pair of eyes and he is right!

This pair is Greemjo! Cold blood is full of crises!

Night wind is also a sure, it is not hidden, floodly over the front of the wall: "Hello, who are you, how did I have seen you in this belt?"

Gremjo is also a glimpse, because he feels that this sentence should be he asked, how is it to be pretreated by night cost? This is why she is very unhappy.

"Night long wind?" Glimjo said directly to see the mountain.

Night wind is also trying to get rid of such a dry department: "Night long wind? What night is the wind? I just don't know this number!"

The madness of the night is trying to sell, I want Germjo to be suspicious, but he is also ignored that one thing is to bring some of the virtual killing!

Greemjo directly started to reach out, a magical flyer formed by a spiritual force is directly over the night! Looking at the night, this is no way, just want to resist the soul knife.

I found that there is a flash of gold, and the transparent shield has appeared. The spiritualized tee is directly hit by the transparent shield. Although it is resistant, but immediately disappeared!

This is the shield of the Wiki Ji Ji!

The impact of spiritual power is very big, and the inho is actually flying directly in the case of the shield six flowers!

Night wind is also a hand-discovered well, which is directly stopped, and it is not possible to make a tragedy!

The fire of the night is also, it will get up, and I will take out the fire and say: "Beast! Even if this is the case, you can't hurt human beings!"

"Oh, this is not the identification, you are a night growing, or you are here, I am a funny, but you are not!" Germo said with a smile, it seems very I can't look down on the night.

Night hard looks, I met the most naughty breakfast, this is not good to teach, it is certainly not.

"Hey, are you not very playing? I will let you know that I have a fire, how do you have a blue dye? How do you go to people? The politeness of your virtual ring is really disappointing. "Night long style."

Gremjo also said: "Oh, I don't think you are, it is not a name, I don't dare to recognize it? I also said that our blue dyeing will not teach people, we are the most fearless Warrior! "

061 chapter, to fight

Greemjo is also a good molecule. At first glance, it is a reason to go to himself, it is a reason not to accept! And Greemjo is still caught in the eyes, he does not think that the night length can be more resistant.

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