The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2546 of the Chapter 2546 of the Prince of Tennis

Just when the night length is prepared to resist the deadlock, I discovered the front of the body to reach out of an orange barrier! Big imagination, directly blocking the flash of the king!

It is the shield of the Wiwi Ji!

After all, the flash is not covered! Is a shield six flowers that cannot be directly offset, the durability of the barrier is also rapidly reduced, and it is not to see the crack!

At this time, the night's long wind is completely dare to neglect, directly explain the greenworm!



The flash of the deficiency started to tremble, and then directly turned straight to Ge Limo, this is the power of the arson, directly destroying the perception of the move!

Greemjo is also a big shock, the wolf's hands and feet run, because he lost a reason why, so very funny when running, there are almost a few times to fall on the ground. ± miscellaneous

Night wind is also can't help but smile coming: "Hahaha, you are awkward, ? Hahaha, what are you doing, you have to tease me!"

"Less fuck is nonsense!" Greemo said very angry.

At this time, the night's long wind felt the murderous murderous, it was there in the well. At this time, the Wiwi Ji is turned on to open the attack mode of the blover six flowers!

Lonely Dunge!

"You this beast! I don't allow you to hurt the long-wind!" Said in the well.

It turns out that in the well, it is a need for a specific opportunity to activate your own instant shield six flowers. It is to release the lonely shield when the night is safe and threatened!

On the well, we look at Ge Limo. "You come over!" Night Changfeng also pushed the Wi Wiwiji behind him: "Don't use this, I can come, this is Men's battle, you can protect yourself, listening. "Night long wind strokes the head of the well.

This is a little destroying the murderous murder of the well, otherwise it is too scary, and the night grows feelings in the heart.

The inho is getting better after being calmed by the night, and it is obviously a lot, then nodded, and canceled the lonely shield, and the six stars were returned to their head.

Greemjo is also very surprised to look at the foundation of the Wiwi Ji can't calmly, then said: "You are a monster, or say that you have any way?"

"Oh, we are not a monster, I don't have a special method, just your own brain, a little problem, after all, you are a high creature, the structure of the brain is not the same." Night long wind pointed to ridicule Limjo.

At this time, Glimjo still doesn't care about his situation. It is still a smile look at the night long saying: "Oh, it is really seen, I will see when you can support."

"Oh, you just want to spit again, you just want to be a donkey, do you know? The feeling of loss of balance must be very uncomfortable!" Night long face laughed to watch Grem Qiao said .

Greemjo is angry, because he is almost proud of it, it is still unhappy now, it is still unhappy by a mankind!

"Your guy, I must kill you! Then shift the corpse!" Greemjo flipped up!

Night wind is also a strange smile, then turn it down, say: "Please."

Gremjo is full of faces, it is all at all, it is nothing to do, but he is late!

" !" ! "

I saw a black barrier similar to the cage on the ground. It immediately covered myself and the night's wind. When I was a heart, my heart was cold to my feet!

Because the inendency of Gremjo at this time is completely disappeared!

Greemjo shouted very angry: "Where are you! Your guy! Give me!"

But responding to him is a very sharp pain! Although Greemjo can't see it, I can't hear it, but I still know hurt!

"Ah!" Germyo quickly smashed his wound, and the waving paw at this time, the mouth is still big: "Night long wind, with this dog, have this The big glory! "

"Puff puff!"

Continuous soul knives have appeared from the sound inside the body from this oval cage, and it is the scream of Ge Limjo!

Night live wind is also getting faster and faster, it is completely opportunities to give Grem Qim, directly cutting hundreds of knives in Germaco!

Gradually Greemjo didn't have a sound, directly lying down, and then returned to the blade mode and direct exit. At this time, the duration of the devil is also over.

The introduction of eye blind is that the night cost is wiped with a handkerchief, and Gremjo is lying on the ground and does not move!

Seeing that Ge Limjo is completely can't live, but Ge Limo now seems to have a weak breath, or trembled with pants that caught the night.

"Amount" Greemjo is difficult to speak, but find that his throat has been completely destroyed by night length.

At this time, the night's long wind is not your hand, and once again, put the green pole into the chest of Germaco!

Greem has no movement after vomiting a breath, and even the eyes are not in and.

The night is just a smile, then said: "Walk." Turned over the end of the two people.

"Oh, I see that the garbage is really can't get a countertop, you don't have to move, I will pack it!" Shiyi said.

Wang Dai, who is around, is it straight to watching Germjo, the heart is a bad cold, because he is the first time I saw Ge Limono's thoroughness!

The night is more like, and then the face is disdain: "You, how do you want to die in junk."

"Oh, let you look at it, what kind of power is the new sixth blade! You have to do a good demon!" Loui whispered!

074 chapter, continuous fight

Night wind is also aware of this emblem of this eye, so it's just that it is not placed in your eyes, but it is very flat: "Oh, then you come." Ζ "

"Oh, Ge Lim Jo said that it is right, human beings are a arrogant species. When you look at what is left, let me have a good education education. "" Shi Bi said very much.

Night hard winds directly smoked the ice puls pills in the spiritual space, and then very cautious faced, because it was a threat to himself, because he didn't fight with him, Not a lot of understanding of his, so after the night grows, after so many battles, I understand that I can't be bad!

Xiyi saw the night-long wind to change the soul knife and then asked the curiosity: "Hey, you ting is powerful, can the soul knife can change color? Hey, just give you a kill Just study your soul knife! "

"I am afraid you have no chance." The night is very calm.

Shiyi, this person is better than Ge Limjo. He is completely to do it, although Germato is lying on the ground, but for the rupee, this is A very cool thing.

Shiyi also waved: "That Wanta Wells, you will don't intervene it! Otherwise, I will be angry! This person will let me solve him this new sixth blade!"

Wang Dahuis is very cold, I don't know if it is really cold or really, I don't want to pay attention to it. Wang Damei is a sentence, it is not said that this is very embarrassing.

However, Lu is directly coughing two times, saying: "Oh, then start, I looked at the battle you just, isn't it to peel it? It is a small problem for me."

The night-long wind is really unable to stand the ratio, then said directly: "Don't give me ink, hurry to me, if you don't go, I will come first!"

Shibi Haha laughed: "Oh, Laozi will give you a happy now!"

I saw a touch of tentacles directly on the bid of Shibi, and then directly wrapped around the night! But the night grows is not vegetarian, directly cutting out the tentacles of the show directly!

Shibi was also shocked to say: "Hey, what is the TING TING! I just try you, you don't want to give me too much, I will warn you, I am More times better than Gremjo! "

"Oh, you can say it, then I will talk to you, if it is really the power, you are really not as good as Germato, you are just his position, a replacement location Can you understand? "The night grew well.

Shibi is also an omission of greenness and exposure: "Are you talking about the sixth blade of the virtual ring! Laozi is trying to explore you, you can't do it!"

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