The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2547 of the Chapter 2547 of the Prince of Tennis

Night wind did not say anything, directly spread the hand and then set up a middle finger to the show, and then slammed the soul of the soul, and he was very eye-catching.

In fact, the night's heart is very much a few, because the twilies can come up with the sixth blade, it is not simple, but if Gleim Qi is hard, he is not as good as Germato.

But the night is also sarcasm, this is to make him directly use the strongest state and his own battle. If this is, the night cost is also an accepted time.

Time is really not good, and the eyes are very vicious, watching the night long saying: "You are the first to ridicule Laozi! I must let you look better today!"

"Please, please don't be ink." Night long wind couldn't stand it, directly explained the ice mesen, because the ink is more than the battle, it is more tortured. !

Diyi direct in the back, there is a four tentacles, and then crazy from the night's long wind, and the night-catching wind will also die, the attacker of the show is no panic, Broken one by one!

"Oh, it is much simpler than I think. How is your breakfast? Is it true?" The night is very contemptuous. Say.

At this time, Shi Bi is not angry directly: "Oh, then try this!"

"Take a gun!" Du Li's four tentacles directly became a sharp thing like a root like a long gun, and the night grew is also very shocked!

In this case, the combat power of Shiyi will directly improve several steps. The spark of the attack on the body may be very painful, but this is called the body!

And he actually has four! This seems to have four enemies in four directions in attacking themselves a truth, but at night, there is no panic at this time, because there is still in the wells!

Shi Tian Rainlon is also watching quietly, waiting for the attack on the night's attack to help him, so the night grows is also very peaceful.

Xiyi saw that night long wind always looked at other places: "Oh, is it waiting for support? A woman? A book generation! Your teammate is really ting fun!"

"Oh, your observation is really ting, but you have to know that I am not a teammate! But the strength!" The night's wind touched the blade of the ice pulley, then shouted !

"The ice dragon is free!" The night-long wind released a big ice dragon straight to the show.

Shibi is also directly opened the touch of the gun and directly crushed the ice dragon, and said with a man: "Oh, it is over, let you see what I really do!"

"Removing the blade! Snort him!

There is a four tentacles behind the moment! This is, it is equivalent to four enemies!

Shiyi's body is very strange to twisted directly to the night long! Night wind is also waiting for a time to wait.

"Stamping!" Dynamic I extended the eight tentacles directly told the body of the night!

When the night length turned on, he opened the lake to the back of the show. Just attack, I saw the very strange smile of Shi Bi: "Oh! It's ending!"

Didn't wait until the night grows back! Shiyi has a strongest skill!

"Troller!" All the tentacles are poured and then all the one is very sharp and tells the rotation!

Night winds are simply reacted, directly wearing a body by a touch!

075 chapter, Wang Dahuos

"Hahahaha! You are alive! This is gave it directly! Haha! It's really garbage!" Xiyi saw his own hand, so very excited, one screaming. ⌒ § § ⌒

Tiber is gradually stopped, and then directly holds the neck of the night. "Oh, are you not too powerful? Now, how is it turned this! It's really thrown!"

Seeing yourself is cheap and then starting a proud of the dew, I don't know what happened. Because at this time, it is too much emotional fluctuation.

Shi Zi saw it is also very strange, then continue to say: "Oh, it seems that you are really worth mentioning in your teammates!"

But at this time, the face of the night is full of smiles, and the night is slowly said: "Hehe, you have a year, the fool"

"Well?" Loui looked very unexpectedly to look at the night's long-lasting.

"Six clothes ice cleansing!" The night grows slowly on the hand of the show in the neck of the neck.

Instantaneous temperature is directly reduced! The body of Shiyi is also beginning to move! The rupei is completely unclear what happened, and then look at the night's live wind in front of him! This is still a night! It's completely a piece of ice!

At this time, the night-long wind is in the top of the night, and the head of the night is said: "Hey, what can you do this! It's really hurting."

This is also a complete explanation that when the night's long wind is pierced, the well is not the reason why Tianlong is in a point.

It turns out that the night is still using the oldest skills! Ice virtual image! Once again, play your opponent!

"It seems that your heads are the same, this trick is really trial, it is from both two." Night is very disdainful.

At this time, Shibi is also a shameful humiliation! Use a big trick again again!


The surrounding ice begins to loosen, gradually start cracking, but how can the night grey will give it to the opportunity to give this opportunity, just Nan Nan said: "It is a pity that you have no chance!"

Night cost is directly understood, and the ice dragon behind is also quietly attached to the night's body. Shiyi is finally showing a desperate look. It seems that this is what it seems to be funny. of.

"Millennium Ice!"

In an instant, that is, the feet of the ice wall rises directly, and the cold is directly attacked. Directly freeze the show in the original place, and it is revealed that it is revealed that the desperate expression before the frozen is revealed.

The night's cold is very disdainful will be a swim, directly cut, the millennium ice is generally cut off, and there is also a supreme head!


This is the case, it is already a fear, it is already a fear!

In this way, the life of this show is here, and there is the status of the sixth blade of his bluff's broken surface, and it is also straight to the blue dyed hand.

The night's greetings gradually turned, then the eyes were cold and looked at Wang Dahuis in front of him. Wang Dai Wanz was settled in the eyes of the night, and it would not be moved!

This is also the most eye of life in life! The recognition of the eyes cannot be replaced, and this spiritual pressure is not to give him! Only night long wind!

The strength of the night, Wang Damens is also completely visible, this is definitely able to kill your own existence! Wanta Wanz is not dull in an moment!

But the steps under the foot are not listening to your own, it seems to have a stormy to put a styling against yourself. As long as you don't let your own, you will not move.

At the moment, the long wind is also an explosion of terror, and now the spiritual pressure of the night is not only that is 200,000, not doubled, it is halfway!

At this time, the spiritual pressure is that Wang Damen does not dare to calculate the flexible, and even let himself dare not go to the eyes of the night!

Night live wind is also moving a little soul, saying to Wang Damens, saying: "How? Are you not onto? Or do you want to go back?" The night grew well looked at the crossing gate behind Wang Dai Wanz.

At this time, Wang Dahuos dared to talk, no diapers were good, Wang Damehuis did not move the night, and the most inside, and some people didn't understand.

I asked very curious about the night's wind: "What happened? ?"

Because the night grows is a bit angry, Wang Dahuis does not speak, it seems that I can't look down on the night, and the night is once again asked: "My fucking is asking you!"

This sound of Wang Damei is a reaction! Directly shake the foot and then pull the legs directly to the rear portal!

But where is the night's wind gives Wang Dahuos! Directly turned to the door of the port: "Hey, do you want to run? Is I am so scary?"

"Ah!" Wang Dahuzi was obviously frightened by the night, and the voice of direct loss came out!

Night wind can be aware of Wang Damen why it is going to escape, because you have done two breaks directly, and if you are not afraid? !

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