The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2562 of the Chapter 2562 of the Prince of Tennis

Just when Shi Tian Yulong thought, Rudit Sanda Viri is already cautious to have a cautious! A madly raised hunted to hungry my wings soon is going to cut down!

Just when this is a thousand! A figure appears!


It is Pei Xue! Pei Xue once again shot! This time is to protect the stone rain dragon!

Pei Xue said: "The benefactor, this person is really hard to deal with, I will deal with you, you don't say what this is not good, I am also very clear!"

Shi Tian Rainlong did not say anything, but directly default Pei Xue, and then opened his own bow, and wanted to give Ruttitzanda Wili to hit!

But Rudit Sanda Wili is also a preparation! When I shot the arrow in Shi Tian Rain, Turit Sanda Wili directly took the wings, and then the horrible power was played directly on the wings!

But Rudut Santa Viqi died of death!

Rudrit Sanda Wili Monitor did not receive harm, it was very excited: "Oh, it seems that you are even more like, don't let me feel how crisis!"

At this time, Shi Tian Weilong and his temporary allies will start the attack! Your own allies have been harassed to harass Turitanda Viri.

Then Shi Tian Rainlong has been in the back of Rudit Sanda Viang Li! Rudrit Sanda Wili is equal to the attack of two people!

For this Ruttitzanda Viangqi is also incompetent! Directly started the wings in his hand, Pei Xue in front of the eyes, then said in the mouth: "Since you want to die, then I will give you the right to die!"

Rudrit Sanda Wili is also in the body of this little guy who is in front of you!

Shi Tian Weilong smiled at this time!

Because of your own opportunity, Rudit Sanda Wili is also a smart person, because it is not too much to take his own spiritual pressure, so he has been attacking his own wings!

So temporarily lose remote attacks to limit Shi Tian Rainlong!

At this time, Shi Tian Rain Dragon is directly in your feet!

Flying feet!

Shi Tian Rain Dragon is like the string of the string rushing to the side of Rudut Santa Viki, this time Trudi Santa Wili is also shocked, but immediately said: "Oh, you come What is dry? Haha, play me with fists? "

Shi Tian Rainlong is also quite confident, and pulled out a small bows from the sleeves: "Oh, this month's practice, I don't have less labor! Let's take it!"

100 chapters, fight Gar Li

At this time, Lu Rudit Sanda Wili looked at Shi Tian Rainlong to approach himself, but there is no way, because there is still a "little guy" to hit himself!

There is no way to look at Turdy Santa Wili!

Directly dropped the wings of the hands and ran back, but Rudit Sanda Viqi is also a matter of reacting! It is only one wings!

Walking to the road will cause serious weight loss!

Just when Rutti Santa Wili is about to disassemble another wings, Shi Tian Weilong has already copied the body of Lu Rudit Sanda, and gave the smart bow directly!

A moment! Shi Tian Yulong's compact bow is above the head of a blue spiritual form!

It seems to be a bright sword! At this time, Shi Tian Rainlong also gave the power to the warrior! Still in the blood-blooded state!

"Cut the soul!"

"Hey!" Shi Tian Yilong did not hesitate to stand the knife directly, put the blue strange light sword in his hand into the back of Rudit Sanda Wili! Instant blood is sprayed out in the fountain!

"Ah!" Rudri Santa Wiqi shouted, then it was lying on the ground! "

This "cutting soul of the dragon" in the hands of Shi Tian Yu Long is the item of Shi Tian Rainlong! It is Shi Tian Yulong to steal it when practicing! I have always been borrowed outside the way!

This time, it is really sent to the field!

Looking at the Rain Dragon Sand Sanda Viet Sanda Viet Sanwi, Rain Dragon, who is still full of "cutting soul", then muttering: "You must remember it later, my friend I determined. God, it is not a dead god, it is all people in my life, or you don't allow you to say a little problem! "

However, Shi Tian Yulong said that these are nothing to use, because the Turdy Santa Vaili, which is, Turdy Santa Viet, has been directly destroyed by Shi Tian Rainlong, is completely a little bit of vitality. . ∞ ∞ σ ∞ ∞ ∞

Shi Tian Rainlong did not dare to neglect, directly to the center of the virtual night palace, protecting Niwu's stone rain dragon or confidence.

In this case, since I have the ability to defeat the top ten blades, I can fight with the night long and shoulder, and the head of Shi Tian Rain is in the distance of the night!

On the other hand, the night-catching wind is also a hundred after the breakfast. It has always been in front of the horse. At this time, the night's night is completely can't stop, it is blue dyeing, it is also Let the night's long hard.

At this time, the night is also a feeling of familiarity. It feels very incredible, because this is a person who should not appear, it can be said that he has been fighting many times before, it has been determined to die. Character.

This person is Gremjo! But still there is no appearance!

When I was in the last time, I have been completely destroyed in the world. Why is it a breath of Glimjo? It is hard to have been cured by the Woven Joh.

Is it fast, or is it really slow?

I thought that the night's long wind couldn't help but feel the crisis for the safety of the Wiwi Ji. If all people have recovered, what is the current in the current in the bottom? Walking by blue staining, or is it?

Come up to make the heart of the night very anxious!

At this time, a familiar voice also sounded: "Hey, it is really no longer gone, then the third time, I really didn't think that you really came to the virtual ring."

The speech is Gremjo, which seems to be very self-confident to his own strength. It has already hit the extent to which the breath is not covered. In this case, the night growing is also a big battle.

Night winds directly open the door to say: "Where is it on the well?"

"Oh, it seems really because of a woman, after coming to the virtual circle, I don't think, I ask you," Greemjo did not wait until the night did not wait. .

The night's very angry has turned around: "You'd better tell me, the location of the Wiwiji, I am very unimped to you now, there will be something that will be lost, you still want to die a few times. ? This time, no one saves you. "

Gremjo said because of the loud green, you said: "Your current opponent is me, knowing? Is there a copy of my talk, or I didn't talk, didn't you hear?"

"Oh? So you are already completely recovered, I really didn't think, your vitality is really powerful, it seems to be a little strong, you are not killing. "The night's ruthless said.

Greemjo's question, when you look at it, you didn't understand the night. The night is also directly explained. "I guess you, I don't know what is a little, Xiao Qiang is our current world. A creature. "

"Then, what do you get to the garbage of your current world, what is more than I have recovered the title of the sixth blade? You came here to be slaughtered, knowing?" Gremjo is very excited. Say.

Night live wind is also bored: "Just because it is a contrast of you, I am also very annoying, Xiao Qiang is a cockroach, is a kind of insect species, but also very Nausea, just in the garbage and dummy dark ambient, is his favorite place, know? "

"Oh, do you have to provoke me? Do you don't know your current situation? Here is a virtual ring, our ability to break, it is no longer the ability in the world, killing you here. It is like being crushed the small bug! "Gememo said very much.

The night is laughing and said: "Don't be a bug in a worm, you always mention your own class, is it to think about them, or if you want to give you a good knowledge of the Copgrade?"

"Oh, do you have anything you have, we can only see the true chapter on the battle. Although you look ting when you are in the world, but after all, it is your site, but you are here, you are a no-folded. Garbage! "Grem Jo said.

Night wind is also scratching the head, if the flow blade is fired, the push is not weakened at all: "It seems that you really want to die again, you first, I don't like bully."

101 chapter, the power is disparied

Greemjo is like being insulted expressions: "Laozi does not have to take you, you will not believe you! I am still here! Why don't you go God! I found you? You are still awkward! "

"What is the relationship with this? I will tell you that you can kill you. I don't believe you. I understand yourself. Do you know how you know? You will regret it in this blocking me. ± miscellaneous Ambugan ± "The night is smiling.

Greemjo is also really gas, said: "Good! Heaven has a way you don't go! You are in the departure, you come in, Jinlian let me have a good education education! See my! I first respect you first. ! "

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