The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2563 of the Chapter 2563 of the Herbs of Tennis Prince

Gremjo, who returned to the virtual circle, as if I was sitting on a small motor, just because of my own site, he was able to break the night's wind is definitely can't hurt himself, and there is also a well-weave Ji as a kidnapp. Condition!

Greemjo did not say some arrogant, because men sometimes only used fists to solve, Greemjo is also a pure man, in the consolidation of the long wind, the two talks are no more than ten sentence!

Greemjo directly opened the speed, raising the big fist in his sandbags, and smashed the head of the night! When the face of the face, Ge Lemjo was stayed when he was absolute.

Because at this time, the night length is just reaching a finger head and then directly brought Gremjo's attack, and the night grows or even a back! The face is stable and standing! This is what makes Germo surprised!

Greemjo quickly used the distance, and breathing became dramatic. At this time, the night grew said: "Give you the opportunity, you will repay me, I thought you can let me move What is it, you really can't move it. "

"Less nonsense! Just now Laozi is not exhaustive! You just have a good luck!" Gremjo said very unwilling.

Gremjo began to suspect that the end of the night is, because the night's wind is here, it is reasonable that the strength of the night is also suppressed, but why you can't let the night in the virtual ring Changfeng?

Night, the long wind is also broken! But shouldn't you! If the night grows, what is the break? This is a problem. If you can't find it, you can't make it a lot of a headache.

"I asked you, what is your one, why is my attack? Why. Both have been a few times, I am not a strength, it is your problem!" Germo said.

Night live wind is also said: "Because you are weak, your garbage, this is not the wrong, your fighting object is wrong, you should not confront me, maybe you can live, I am not a person, I just kill you, you understand now, the hard work is not in place, you can't. "

Night wind said that these are also very guilty, because their ability is completely super-god system, and there is no effort, that is, a few times of training is much more.

Greemjo is very unwilling, but it is also rubbing his hair: "Oh, I can't fight in my head, but I will not give up! I will win you!"

"I hope so." The night grew and said.

Greemjo broke out the firing directly in the original place, then shouted: "Return to the blade! Tear him! Leopard king!"

Greemjo finally used his own return! Because there is nothing to make the night grow up, only your own return is a little threatening for night growth!

"Oh, it is a trick that I feel so that I feel that it is really easy. What is your trick? Is it a junk?" Still in ridicule Gremjo.

At this time, Gremjo's endurance has arrived, and the past, there is no one in the face of the chapter of the chapter. It is a crazy start attack!

Night wind is also calmly with the meaning of the soul knife. From the beginning to the night, the long wind is a little bit is not moving. When starting, where is it now, it is still standing, this is also very Directly saw the strength gap between the two people.

"Can you use your strength? Do you have a grower? It's still a little meant. You have to know if you feel that it is ok, your life is No! "The night is faint.

Greemjo also said: "Less waste! Your guy! If you are three words, the two words are to determine a person's strength! I must kill you!"

"I will rely on this." Night live wind directly counterattack, directly kicking a fast whip leg Glimjo directly by his hit, breaking it on a crack! Then fly directly!

"It's really not that I said, if you are insisted here, it is only death!"

When Glemjo was also huh, he huh and slammed his own break. Directly opened the claws of Leopard Kings: "Before you don't have a victory, you still don't say too much, so you don't come. station!"

"Don't see it, your language ability is really improved!" Night long wind continued to ridicule!

"Leopard King's Claw!" Germyo directly took five blue light claws to fly in front of the night, and a pair to tear the night cost directly!

"Help!" Night winds directly smoked the dragonfly!


Leopard King's claw instantly is cut off! There is also the half of Germy's half head!

Greemjo is directly on the ground! But this hitting night is still in your hand, people are not easy to live, it is not easy, giving people a living road is not a bad thing!

Greemjo hurts and didn't shout, just a low head that did not send it in place, it seems to be the vague of the line of sight.

Night winds also said that if the flow blade is filled back to the spirit space: "Well, just like this, I don't want to kill you, and you can hurt, I can let the wells to restore, I am gone, I have never met you. "

The night is very chic to walk from Germato's side, but when there is no two steps in the night, there is a sound behind it!


102 chapter, Nobetra

"I told you to stand!" Greem Johi stood up and said. ♀ ♀ ♀

Night live wind is also helplessly stopped and then looked back: "What happened, did you reply to you? I said, I don't want to kill you, I just want to save people, I have no work, I will take care of you!"

When the night-long wind wants to go, Ge Lim Qiao said: "The taxi can not be humiliated!

If you are gone today, I will not let you live in a lifetime! If you can hit me in this place, it may be a good thing! "

"I really don't want to kill you, but what you said is also a bit of truth, although I am not a Buddha, but it is not a person who causes innocent people, so you let me go." Night Trying to communicate with Greemjo once again.

When Glemjo said this time: "Either you kill me now, or I will wait for me to slow, I must have the name of everyone on your family! How do you see how? ! "

Night wind is not daring to get a joke, because you know that there will be a future with the Wiwi Ji, this is a bad thing, but the words are saying, but the night is still wanting And Greem talked.

"Actually, I am still absolute, we still have room for discuss, I have no family members, I have no relationship with you, even if I have, I can let you find it." Night long style .

But the night is also discovering, and Germyo said it is like a cow piano. Grem Jogen is not to hear. At this time, Gremjo has lifted one hand and then started. Pressure.

"Night long wind, I admit that you are very strong, but we are now, it is still not divided out, so if you are gone now, it is too unman." Gemeko said, this When Greem Qiao is talking about, there is a bit of hard work, and there is no way to live in the night.

The blue spiritual pressure has been condensed in Gemjo's hand, and it is the flash of Wang Xi, which is also the side of the side, it means that I mean today. It is not that you die!

"Wang Xi's flash!" Gremjo directly released the virtual flash! The blue virtual flash is rapidly hits the night, and the night is also sighing, saying: "Anti-Picture."

The virtual flash stopped, then the steering of the interference, the night length is also the same raise hand, start to condense the flexible, but it is the fly pressure of the black silk! Is this a virtual flash?

This is actually unexpected. When the night grows, when killing other broken faces, it is a plundering skill. This time, it is also gave Gremjo with his teeth!

"Oh, it seems, I am really fighting, you will even have this! It is really active." Gememjo shook his head.

"I hope that the heaven is not a virtual ring." The night's wind closed his eyes, accompanied by the flash of black princes, Gremjo is also a moment of gray to smoke, this is also Gremjo's heart, also It has been all over the night.

However, after thorough extinct, the night is not so happy, is it a heavy feeling, it is just a proud child, which is just a proud child. .

He could not die, Gremjo's death brought very badly for the night's heart, Germyo and Urcheola belong to a class of people, never deprive Kill innocent, this is the place where the night grows.

When you laughed without waiting, it was shocked by a name!

"Uncle! Uncle!" It is Nina's voice!

Shi Tian Weilong and Night Wind are looking at it, and it means that he is an excellent completion task, not only to protect NNL, but also kill it.

Night wind and never pay attention to Nina, and then walked to Shi Tian Yulong said: "Not bad, it seems that you are overwhelming, it is really a lot of efforts."

Shi Tian Yulong looked at the wreckage of the place, and said: "What happened?" What happened? "

"It's not very big. Since it will go, you will continue, I will see the well, I'm not far away, I seem to feel her breath." Night long wind Say that.

Shi Tian Yilong also took a look at the sky and said: "Let's go, things are not suitable, the faster, let's leave, go home to eat!"

Just in this group, a place in a place once again appeared, and the night's vigilance turned back, and I got out, it was Nobetra!

He is a member of the new ten blade!

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