The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2585 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"This is the end of Nairi, I can't die in your hand, after all, I have to kill the blue dye!" The night long wind speed drone blade.

Inside the night, the wind is also a virtual, because you really haven't cultivated, the words of correct cultivation, you really haven't lived a few times, all the super god system gives him "open"!

A few rounds of fighting, both of them left sweat, it seems that it is very exciting battle!


Koda Tako releases the flakes directly from the chest! And there is no sign, there is no ready action, for example, in your hand or the knife!

Frowless night, the long wind is still a dodge or give a dodge.

After all, this state of the night is not a little protection measures!

The virtual flash of Koda Takik is really unique! The blue virtual flashes are very special, as if it is the flash of the deficiency.

And the speed of the release is not general! This is the ability to make all the slopes can't catch up.

Night live winds also extended their hands directly, and directly fired!

Koda Takik did not think about it, and once again once again emitted the virtual flash again, the two did not appear in the beginning!

The night-long wind is a little helping to make the virtual flashes, and the Koda Takik is also a brow, I will give up all the eyes and give up and fight the virtual flashes.

The Koda Takik has sparkled while saying: "Improvement? Black virtual flash? Is it Ulci Ola? Do you still see him kill?"

"Now, it's not to say this, how do I kill him?" The night grew the same disdainful look at Koda Takik.

Kori Takik did not have a wave of waves, just Nan Nan said: "I died and lonely as I am, this hatred, I am giving you a good news."

In fact, Koda Takik didn't know that the black virtual flash of night is really not from Urchiola's virtual flashes, because of his own as imagination.

Night lived is still disdainful inciting wings: "Hey, what are you there? I am strange, when can you like an adult?"

"What is the second disease? Isn't it to say that mankind will be sick? We will not be sick, and will not die because of the dead." Kiya Titak said.

The night length poor smiled and said: "Oh, you are really interesting, the meaning of middle school is you, do you understand now? But you have to remember."

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Koda Takark is understanding, this is to say that yourself, it is also a reaction, the middle school disease may not be a disease, it is possible to be ourselves. ♀ ♀ ♀

"Are you married, human beings?" Koda Takock reached out and pointed his finger to look at the night's greetings.

The night is once again smile, because the secondary disease is originally to describe the Koda Takoo too child, but the Koda Takock is too real as such a child!

After a long time, I said: "Oh, right, it is laughing at you, isn't you understand what I mean?" It's interesting. "

"Oh? You are the first to marry my human beings! It seems that your courage is really not a general, since this kind, I don't have anything to say." Kiya Tittak once again Cold.

But the night is not very panic, because the game of Koda Taki is very confident, after all, the most tricky sigh, has been resolved by himself.

Koda Takik was also a pose ready to fight. Then he looked at the night's greetings: "I must let you know today that the ability of the first blade of the break is terrible."

"You come, I don't care, this matter is not very concerned about me. If I remember is not wrong, Lily Nit is your weapon." Night long wind provocative Laughing and talking.

Koda Takitak is also a glimpse, then looks at Lily Nitter behind him: "What? How do you know? Do you have any face? Have you seen me? We should not be the first Will it meet? "

"You said it is right, but I just know, how can you take me? And you can have a lot of controversy, you are very likely to die here." Night Changfeng is still a smile in the ghost.

How did Koda Titak think that you can't think of it, how do you know your own ability, because there are very few people who have seen their own returning shapes in the broken side of the blade!

Also or happen? Koda Takock turned to think, it should be the maste of it, this kind of thing is not a few.

I thought about Koda Takark smiled, this is how much smile and then said: "Oh, I think you are just a hacker, you don't understand, there are many."

"The group of wolves." The night grew-up is said.

At this time, Koda Takock is obvious! The body is shaking!

"The meaning of your return is loneliness, so you are a group of wolves, I have nothing wrong, you don't wear what mysterious, you know." The night's wind hugs shoulders very much. . ,

It is because I know everything that happened in the world, so I said that this is not very difficult to say that I have to remember it.

Koda Takik is very unbelievable look at night long wind, and it is also hitting the hands of the soul knife and starting to shake. Lily Nitter later discovered this detail: "Hey, don't shake, know There are many people you have. "

"No, it is a lot of people who know my ability, but the beginning or the words, that is, the other two breaks, then one is blue dyeing adult, this human beings I don't know." Ke Yatai Stique said.

This is like a ghost and anger, and the night long-lasting wind has never seen Koda Takock does say all things of Koda Tak, whether it is Koda Takik knows or not. All know!

"Oh, what happened? Is it afraid? Is it true? Is it true? It's really not easy, I think it is for strength." Night is still a high high. Look.

Koda Takik took a long time to say a saying: "Who are you."

Night wind is transiently petrified, because the night-catching wind does not want to see the reaction of Koda Takhak, the night's long-lasting is very eager to look at the Tittak, which will show horrible look.

But at this time, Koda Takik is not afraid that only excitement begins to tremble, it seems to have found his opponent!

"Oh, who I am, who I am, I am a night, I have told you, don't you know that I am a night? I can't ask me to say halfway, then I am not Exhausted. "The night grew well.

Koda Tako took the soul knife in front of himself: "You'd better say to me, otherwise, you will die very ugly!"

Night wind does not have a nonsense with Koda Tak, and the fire is directly in the ground.

" !"

The night's wind is once again put on a brush-definition, holding a fire is too knife, a flame looks at Keaytatak said: "Let's take a look now, who is more powerful, group of wolves."

"Interest!" Kori Takik and Lily Nitt were paired with a look, then directly two people ran directly!

At this time, Lily Nit directly turned into a spiritual wrapped in the hands of Koda Tak, which turned directly into a double shot!

"Chasing him! Group of wolves!" Kiya Takik came back from the pistol after returning the blade!

This is the unique place of Koda Takak! His returning blade is to be completed when two people are still completed, so the ability of Koda Takhake is so powerful.

When other breakfasts are evolution, they will split their own body and soul knife, but Kori Takik is not, he directly splits yourself and Lily Nit!

So when Kodai Takock is returned to the blade, it must be done when Koda Tak and Lily Nit!



Keyai Takock is constantly expanding toward the night, and the speed is very fast, it is like a real pistol! But it is shot, but it is flaw!

Night wind is also calmly dispersion of the flashes of the fumes, although the flicker of Koda Takhake is very fast, but the speed of the night is not slow.

"You are the most special enemy I have ever seen, I have qualified to become my enemy! Human category you have no glory!" Koda Takock said.

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"In fact, I don't have to say that I am already ready. You think that I will fight with you. I have known everything. I will be a place. Do you have a place?" Said that the night is very proud. Ψ ω Ω omega omega ψ

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