The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2586 of the Chapter 2586 of the Prince of Tennis

Koda Takik is also very confident. "Oh? That's going to try it, I am also very curious to know what kind of abilities, but I don't let me. disappointed!"

The two have entered a violent cross fire again! The Koda Takik's body is very sharp, it can be said that the night is in a short time, it can't catch the Koda Takhak!

Because Koda Takik has been harassing the night, the "bullets" of Koda Takik, is actually a flaw! And the power is not the weakness of the weak!

So saying that night long winds open the virtual flashes that Koda Takuck is launched, and then you want to close Kiyai Titak, but it is no good!

Although the pistol and the characteristics of the true pistol in the Hittak hand, the characteristics of the true pistol need to be uploaded, but Koda Takik is like a special forces, and the speed of up and bombs is surprising!

And the speed and power of attack are not inferior to a single frank! There is no way for night long winds, and the reason for the Corite Takiki, which is also because the Golden's hand!

At this time, the night is always looking for opportunities to get close to Keay Takik to give him a fatal blow, but always can't find the opportunity. After a while, I will retreat the night long-lasting!

Although the strength of the night, the strength is also very powerful, but the wax sword needs to spend physical strength, so the night growth is also helpless, and she has to go back to slow down the passage of physical strength.

But Koda Takock will not give this opportunity! It took a few flashes directly once again! Night live wind is also a dodge to install a virtual flash directly!

Directly resisted the damage of the flanks directly, but the surface of the prison clothes of the Quele! But it is also the restoration of it, that is, if it is directly destroyed, the night's wind is hurt by virtual flakes!

"Hey? It doesn't have injured? It is really amazing. When I seem to have a flash, I should go through you!" Kiya Tak took the pistol and said cold.

Night live wind is also a shot of dust: "Oh, general, that is, in my opinion, you have to die in my knife sooner or later."

"You can't stand it." Keyai Taki is still a cold direct sprinkler to play countless flashes to night long winds, and night long wind is also cutting all the flashes directly with the fire.

Just at this moment, the night's long thought of a idea, then directly picked up the soul knife, rushed to Koda Takhake.

Koda Takik looks at night, there is no meaning of the technology to win, and then directly aimed at the head of the night, saying: "Bored and find dead."

"Boom!" Keyte Titak continued to launch the virtual flash shot on the head of the night, and the beginning of the Yangyang prison dish directly resistant to the virtual flash of Koda Tak.

But there is no good luck in that, when it disappears, it will eventually!

"Hey!" A virtual flash directly exploded the night of the night!

Sure enough, Koda Taku really gave the night's long wind, and the Kori Takiki's eyes were some disappointed: "Really"

But immediately, the sound of him is stopped, because the night is once again appeared again! wrong! What is it just now!

I saw that the night long wind that was headed by himself has become ice!

This is the virtual image of ice!

At this time, the night long wind has taken the ring-ring to the not far from the Koda Tak, at this time, the night-catching wind has given the soul knife, ready to directly use the wings. In the past, I was destroyed with Koda Takhak!

At that time, Koda Takock at this time is very calm! Directly turned around and directly said that he was aligned with himself and said: "Unlimited filling flashes!"

Instantly Koda Tak's body blue light sky! Even all the eyes of the night grow up faster!

What the next second appears is really exaggerated!

I saw that I have a dense flaws in an instant! The scope seems to be able to penetrate the same range as the entire virtual night palace! The quantity has reached countless results! I have to have a thousand hair!

At this time, the night is shocked, and I have forgotten it. After Kodai Takock is returned to the blade! This is likely to become a grave!

In fact, when the night is ready, the night is going to be prepared, but this trick is to give it to the blue, but the balance is now used, otherwise, you can go to hell!

I saw the top of the long steam of the lunar preserver of the night long wind, and then a thermal energy reaction was issued!

I haven't long-lasting the fire on the light of the wind. Instantly, the infinite filling of the Koda Takhak is directly turned into the dark!

"Call solution!"

This is a very unfamiliar word for all the dead gods! Because this is not existed, it does not exist for the death of the gods. First of all, they don't have the second pressure of the night, there is no talent!

Coffee solution is a more advanced version above, but it must be integrated! When you now live, you can only solve the flow blade!

In an instant, the night-length wind is originally a flame, the prison clothes are directly disappeared. Instead, it is the armor on his own body, and the flow blade that is blotted is fired.

The night's grew-up is very satisfied to watch the fire and the armor in his hand, say: "Oh, I originally, my skill stone should be experimenting on the blue dye, but it is pretreated by you, it is really a blessing. "

Koda Takik appeared very horrible, because his infinite filling is not covered, but it can be directly resolved, or a powerful appearance!

Seeing Koda Takik did not speak, the night length is also expected, and the Koda Takock in this time has fallen into the status.

The night-catching anti-soul knife said: "The next year is your hacking day."

138 near invincible

The night-catching wind is actually very enjoyable, which will give him a very powerful sense of accomplishment. It seems that it is the same, so the night grows very much like this. Π π ξ ξ π π

"Fire Burning City Guo!" Night Changfeng Directly is a big skill!

Koda Takitak is also a non-intended inseparable, which is an unlimited filling flake!

"Unlimited filling flakes!" Koda Takik once again released a large area of ​​virtual flash, the offensive on both sides was also very violent for a while.

At this time, the night's sudden appearance appeared in the direction of Koda Tak, on the "cut", and the blessing of its own wings, in the status quo, arrive in Koda Takock The back is a very simple thing.

At this time, Kodai Takik is obviously not known that it is very much, but the instinum has turned over the head. I saw the night long and high raised the soul knife to myself!

The Koda Takock response is very fast! Directly combined with the bombing of the double gun into a spiritual force, then a double knife consisting of blue spiritual power directly in his hand!

"Cangfang's knife!" At this time, Koda Taki is like a beast, and the double knife will sweep the double knife to the night.

"Boom!" Koda Titak is not enemy's giant strength. Directly from the night length to the side, it is also unwilling to look at the night's loud life in front of you.

"Isn't it to give me a good look, you are not enough to see it! I see you is a swelling face to fill the fat man, it is really unfortunate!" Night wind ridiculous.

Even if Kodai Taki is a broken crocodile is listening to such a simple ridicule, the Paladin must, the promotion of the lifting of the ponders stabilize his body, and then rushed to the night. !

The Yangtze River is in the reappearance! Night wind direct a vigorous cutting directly to the Kori Takhak!

Koda Takik hit a stone wall, accompanied by the sound of the sound!

Night live wind is also unsatisfactory, saying: "Hey, this is a good thing, you can don't make people, how to say that you are also the top of the blade!"


At this time, Koda Takiki appeared in the hole that he hit him. At this time, the Koda Takik wolf is in a hurry, and the gray face looks at the night long saying: "You are really stronger."

"That's a must, I will do what, I am going to have a blue dyed dog, there is no real thing, can I win his dog head smoothly?" Night long style.

Kori Takittak took out the blade mode, Lily Nit was also sitting on the ground, Koda Takark said: "Oh, blue dyed? You will be too true, your strength is still No. "

"The strength is not good, and you are fine, and you said it is not, it's nothing, the stop, the problem of being killed," said directly. "Night long style.

At this time, Koda Takik did not reply to him again, just talking on the side of Lilynet.

"Forget it, let's fight, or go, all Jin En is used, this human strength is really unimaginable." Kiyai Titak shake his head.

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