The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2588 of the Chapter 2588 of the Prince of Tennis

At this time, the blue dye is directly smiling and said: "Oh, you are really old confused, what is the price of you pay, is it these butter fish? Your mull fish is can't make up, you can't pack it. Really solving things there! "

Blue dyeing directly said with a point in the direction of the night, and then the eyes are also the meaning of provoked the mountains in the country.

At this time, the night's wind is still laughing in the distance. The blue dye is really not wrong. Yoshanda Liu Wei is still strong, and it is still a joke under his own hand. It is really a joke. !

140 blue dye card

Naturally, it is also known that the blue dye is really ridiculed, so I said that my big coat took off my big coat again, once again showed his bronze-colored muscles, and the scars of knife scars on him. Miscellaneous * insects

"Little generation, I advise you to be too mad, in my here, you are so bad, it is not worth mentioning, I can't fight in my hand." Shan Benliu Liu Wei said heavy country. .

Blue dye is also completely non-Zhan Ben, Liu Wei, he said, "Oh? Yes, it is because the night's long wind is directly to your corpse, you will kill you the most powerful captain? So now Nobody? "

"The people who have night, I think you are also obvious, obviously people who help my corpse, so I have passed the slaughter of the corpse, I just closed one Only eyes. "Yamamoto Liusheng said.

Blue dyed at this time, smiled at this time: "Oh, I am so interesting, otherwise, how can you? Is it possible to kill him? You have a chance to kill him, when you are in the corpse, you It should be extinguished. "

"It seems that I have no extinguies, it will be a major talented person in my corpse! So, now it is completely used for our corpse world!" Yamamoto Liusi heavy country chest said.

Inside the night, the crocodile is a speechless, but it is also a must-have to dismantle the heavy country of the Yamamoto, because it is also the boss, the man is an animal that is face, so saying that night long is not saying? .

Seeing the night, did not say anything, the blue dye said: "The voice that may be talking makes the night grows, is he is your corpse? Your old man is really a big age, the thicker face is "

"How do I say it is your elder, blue staining, you have already had a lot of laws that violate the soul of the corpse. If you are able to climb, I will handle you with a light." Yamamoto Yuan Liu The country is still holding the attitude and blue dyeness of the negotiation.

Blue staining also shook his head: "I have long said, your corpse is not the place I can develop. It is obvious that I am in a virtual ring, so I will soon rule the world."

"Oh? Is it too mad? Or the old man's strength is not as good as you? I am very curious, what are you going to rule the world? You haven't passed me." Yamada Yuan Liu Yu said.

Night wind is also listening to the Tianjin taste. From the beginning, it is very envious of the strength of the mountains, the strength of the country, and now, even the corpse is the help of the night, don't mention the night How is the psychology of the wind?

At the moment, there is still a fight in the hill and Lan Ruo male still in the fight, still there is no fight, so that the night grows is also annoying, but can't say anything, it's all "plot needs".

"Now, you are already there. There is no way. Do you think you have the power to fight against us? Your breakfast is all falling, what else do you want to say?" Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei Say.

Blue dyed at this time, I said: "Is it a ten blade? It's just my hand. If you kill you, it is my expectation, because I know that night long wind will definitely appear in the world. "

"You still ting confident, don't you absolutely the strength of our corpse society is not terrible?" Yamamoto Liusheng is a little unique to say.

Blue dye said the mirror of the mirror in the hand: "There is no absolute ability to have more, you seem to be retreat to the practice of my breakfast, I am also in the words, you don't have a group of nights, you are a group Rubbish."

"I see, we have no more than negotiations, I will be able to catch you, then turn you up, I must first let you first have a thousand years." Yamada Yuan Liu Wei directly picked down If the fire goes to the blue dye.

Blue dye is also twisted to twist the neck: "Well, but I will give you a reminder, first of all, you have to live for thousands of years, I see your old bones, really enough what."

"Next Hell!" Yamamoto Liusi is directly working hard! Cutting speed is very fast! Blue staining is also directly resistant to mirror flowers in the hands.

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is very powerful, so that the surrounding death is straightforward to let the mountains in the mountains and the blue dye.

Although the blue dye is resistant to the heart, it is also able to resist the heavy country of the city of Hishan.

"Sword Press!" Yamamoto Liushui directly attacked the blue dye in the form of the blade, but the blue staining is still the attack on the heavy country of Yamata Liu Wei!

And it is still getting more and more effort!

"Hey, old man, I see you is old, otherwise, let me come to the captain of this team, let me lead them, I think it is much stronger than you." Blue dye is still Mock up the Shan Dynasty Liu Wei.

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is directly in the stream of the fire, and then said: "The corpse is not in the people like you! This is your own heart! I will not be angry. Give you the world! "

"Oh, you really give yourself seriously, the corpse world is not, I am not rare, I will have the world, I will take the corpse of the world. ! "Blue dye said.

"The 96th - knife burial!" Yamamoto Liu Wei directly went straight to the flow blade, if the fire is hot! Blue-stained faces also reveal a surprised expression!


Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei directly cuts the huge knife-shaped flame directly on the blue dyed body, this time I am a little preparation is not!

At this time, Yoshinyuan Liu Wei is still not good. Use the crowded ninety-six-knife, there is a certain price, Yamamoto Liusheng Heavy country at this time of the arm Not stop.

The death of the dead is also a burst of drink, saying: "Yea! The captain killed the blue again!"

But so that these people immediately shut up, even Yamamoto Liu Wei was also tense again, because the blue dye once again appeared in front of everyone!

The blue dye at this time is just the dust on the body: "It's really a grand leader of the city, the big move is handsome! But the price of the adversity is a bit brain."

At this time, the blue dye is not only dead, but the most is a little flesh injury!

141 restrained mountain

At this state of the blue dye, Yamamoto Liusi is also scared, because this is just a sacrifice that sacrificed his arm released the skills, playing the blue dyeing body. nothing!

Blue dyeing directly patted the chest, the collapse: "Oh, this thing is really easy to use, it is so powerful to protect the ability, it is true, it is true. * "

"Well? Collapse? Do you have been integrated?" Yamamoto Liusheng has some unbelievable blue dye.

Blue staining laughs and looked at the mountains. He said that he said: "Oh, this is not a clear, if there is no integration, is I come back?"

Blue dyeness is really the truth, but let the Yamamoto Yuan Liu Hao have sounded like a ridicule thing is ignorant, so he said that Mount Yama Liu Wei is also angry!

"At this time, you are looking for, blue dye, life is your trick today!" At this time, Yoshard Liu Yu is directly across the soul knife.

" !"

"World Vientiane is ash!" Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei's crossed the lyricism of the tandem, and then the body is also gradually starting to have a cruel prenlush shroud surrounded by the flame!

After the end of the understanding, Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is surprisingly found that it is no longer blue in front of himself! It is better than the short half of it!

Blue dyeing said behind: "Oh, save you this kind of strength, still can't be enough to be able to move with me, so I will use guys who use specialties to restrain your skills to you!"

joke! Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is a heavy country! It will also be credited, this is a heavy country in the country, and he said: "Oh, restrained me? I have a look, this is not a little, it is really a bit hard."

At this time, Yamamoto Liusi is already the same as the strong power to repair his arm, and some doctors have a serious country that has been treated in the country.

"Oh, small is not, is you, can you restrain me? It is really ridiculous, you don't hinder, I am going to deal with the one behind you!" Shan Benliu said heavy country.

However, Wang Dai, who didn't seem to want to let the Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei have passed, but said: "I am specially developed to control your strength, you can't say too early."

At this time, the gas field on the hills of Liu Hao in this time has reached the vertex. Who can't stop him, if it is not to stop, then it is to kill.

At this time, Yoshimen Liu Yan stood over the country and said: "It's really sorry for children. Such a small age is to see the king."

At this time, the flow blade of the Shan Bailu will be full of fire! And Yoshinyuan Liu Wei is a heavy country to release a big skill!

At this time, Yoshanda Liu Wei is a little bit of the Wanda Want Want Wanthus in his eyes. So directly, the skills are aligned with the blue dye!

" !!" Yamamoto Liusheng directly released skills!

When you have a tree, you still have a tree root of the fire column. This is also the strongest skill in the country of Yamamoto, and the people of Yamamoto, the world of Heili, this is the skill that can be directly ended with blue dye!

But the good scene is not long, and when these fire columns appear, Wang Dahuis around me moved!

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