The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2589 of the Prince of Tennis

"Baby roaring!" I saw that Wang Dahuis did a very difficult shout, but there was still a burst of sound waves from his mouth!

I saw that the hot hell directly in front of him was extinguished! However, Wang Dahuz's movements did not end. After the baby's roaring, it was directly blocked from the most inside!

This is directly decomposed by Wang Dahuis directly by Wang Dai, hell. It is not a little killing power, is this the power of the rest of the country with a blue-stained mountain?

The night-catching wind is also a taste of Jinjin, because the people of Wang Daihuis, the night grow is not strange, he is because the mountains will appear in the emergence of the mountains.

At the beginning, the night grew is still hesitating. I don't want to kill him. The main night long does not kill him because they want to see the back of Wang Dai Wastami Mountain.

It should also let the old age taste the bitter, the night is so thinking, although it is a bit of a bit of rogue, but this is also a kind of life of the night.

Looking at the face of the mountains, the heavy country, the night, and the night did not kill Wang Damen, a correct choice.

At this time, Yoshinyuan Liu Wei is also a huge soul. Wang Dai, who is in front of him, is also a sentence, Wang Dai, said: "Now, do you think I am a useless guy?"

It is indeed a person who has taken person, and the power of Shan Biao Liu Wei is so embarrassed to make this, it is really a fun thing.

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is very serious at this time, Wang Dahuzi, who is in front of him, said: "What is it is something! It can restrain my strength!"

"As you said, I am you a unknown, but my strength is to completely restrain your fire properties." Wang Damens said very well.

Blue dye is also said on the side: "You can't even have my hand, but also try to kill me, old man is not a head!"

In the face of these heavy doubts, there are some questions of their own death, and Yamamoto Liushui has decided to kill this guy in front of him!

"Very good, little guy, since you can restrain my strength, you will try it with me, I don't mind killing a person!" Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei directly lifted the soul directly Knife facing Wang Damens!

At this time, Wang Damens is also a faceless say: "You can't let me, my birth is to restrain you, have seen my return! Absolutely give you a good look!"

After finishing, Wang Dahuis started a curse! Say something, some let you can't understand, Yamamoto Liusi is also squinting at this little ghost.

At this time, Wang Dahuos's backward sword disappeared directly, and then the body quickly expanded, and it began to become very tall. The limbs were also began to become very elongated. It is a bit very strange to the ribs.

At this time, Wang Dahuis, who ended back, said to the Shan Dynasty, Liu Wei, said: "Who is you?"

142 soul explosion

At this time, Yamamoto Yuan, the heavy country, is not dare! Hurrying is to rushing to Wang Damehuos, it is also a ridicule that he just just now, just wants to die directly!

"Song Ming!" Yamamoto Liusheng is directly working hard, is a big-area skill, facing Wang Dahuz, attempting to die directly!

But things are not as simple as Yamamoto, Liu Wei, and I only see Wang Dai, and then suddenly issued a sound wave from the head!

"Brush!" Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei heavy country hand set!

But at this time, the scene is even awkward! Why can't I create a situation! It is because the Shan Benliu Liu Wei has not released the pinemaking!

At this time, Wang Dahuis is still talking about "giggling", "Hey? What is this? Team is a big man, are you this dumb?"

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is very doubtful to watch the soul knife in his hand, can't believe in Wang Damens in front of him, why can't you use your skills? !

Is it not right? Yamamoto Yuan Liu Hao is a heavy country, and it is doubtful to see his own soul knife and the dead of the surrounding God don't know what to do. Ψ ω Ω omega omega ψ

"Song Ming!" Yamamoto Liusheng once again released skills, but it is still the same, it is not a skill!

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is very doubtful to watch Wang Dahuis in front of him: "What did you do to me?"

Wang Damehus smiled very excited: "Oh, I used to seal your soul knife, now your soul knife has been with a broken copper, iron is no difference!"

That is to say, the flow blade of Yamamoto, who is in the country, is it really a scrap iron? Not like this, because Wang Damens's seal, let the Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei cannot use skills.

Strictly speaking, as long as Wang Damei is not dead, then the mountains will will will will will will be a lot of fire!

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei's expression did not have much wave, but the fire blade was refurbished in his sword: "It seems that my old friend seems to have a rest."

At this time, Yoshimen Liu Yan's direct free home and Wang Damens battle.

Wang Dahuis also saw Yamamoto, Liu Wei, no, there is no soul knife, is very mad, said: "Oh, old man, you can't even use the soul knife, you still try to fight me! You only have I Kill the copy, know! "

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is also very confident: "Yes, I just want to kill you with my fist."

Wang Damei is like a lot of humiliation: "Dead old man, I can't look down on me! I see what you can't do!"

Wang Daihuz directly rushed to the mountains of the city, and he did not stop using two hands to harass the mountains.

It is very calm face to face all the harassment of Wang Damehuz. At this time, Wang Damehuz's set of attacks is over, and it is also directly in the original place!

At this time, Yoshimen Liu Wei knew his chance!

"One bone!" Yamamoto Liusi is directly in the head of Wang Damens! But Wang Da Wanz is also a hurry!

Although it is an important part! However, Wang Dahuos's waist is also directly done by Shanduben, Liu Wei, and it is directly to it!


Wang Daihuis was flying directly. At this time, Wang Dahuis came to scream, directly opened the speed and regeneration, recover his injury, then said: "The old man, you dare to hurt me!"


"Bai Qi Hua!" At this time, Wang Damen's two shoulders were exploded directly, then have a pair of arms!

"Millions of imaginary bombs!" Wang Damens directly rushed to the country of Yamamoto Yuan.

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is also unhappy and not panicked, and then withdraws a part of the attack directly once!


Wang Daihuis once again in the power of the mountains in the mountains! Wang Damei's abdomen is once again hit by Yamada Yuan Liu Wei!

At this time, Wang Dahuis directly flew out, this time he fell in the dead god, facing these deaths, Wang Da, worship, no more.

"I want you all to accompany me to hell! The soul is blasting!" Wang Dai Wanz has used the soul blast at this time, you can know! The power of the soul blasting is huge. If the explosion, the power is the power of a few grenades.

At this point, a quick block is in front of the death of the dead, it is a heavy country!

"Two bones!" Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei did not hesitate to explode Wang Dameless's head!

But the soul blasting has been launched, there is no way to stop him. At this time, the soul blast has begun!


Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is directly a person who has brought harm brought by all explosions!

Although the mountains of Yamamoto Liu Yan have not been fried, the extent is still very serious!

At this time, Yamamoto Liusheng is full of faces to look at the blue dye of the front of the front. It seems to have a big hatred!

The blue dye at this time is directly dispatched! Because this is a good opportunity for a thousand repairs, if it is directly solved here, it is a steady rule of the world!

At this time, Yoshimen Liu Wei also saw the blue dyeing ambition, directly reaching out his arm, using the 96-knife burial in a time!

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