"It's amazing, Sakuragi-san!" Akagi Haruko, who was beside him, also praised.

However, just as Sakuragi landed triumphantly, a hand stretched out and took out the basketball that Sakuragi was holding in his hand.

It's Fujima!

"What!" Sakuragi was taken aback.

Fujima has already rushed out with the ball, Xiangyang High School's counterattack!

"It's so fast, it's not bad compared to Senior Changfeng!" Aida Yan from the stand shouted.

Xiangbei frontcourt.

At this time, Ye Changfeng and Fuji Zhen were left.

"A talented guard who is as famous as Mu Shen from Hainan, can he beat that kid Ye Changfeng!" Tian Gang Shigeru set his eyes on the two of them.

"It's a one-on-one ace showdown!" Everyone in the stands was also excited.

on the field.

Ye Changfeng opened his feet, squatted slightly with his tiger body, and stared at Fuji true who was galloping over, "Come on, Fuji true! Let me see your strength."

bass!Fujima dribbled the ball outside the three-point line of Xiangbei, and turned out to shoot a three-pointer directly from the jump.

And Ye Changfeng's speed is also extremely fast. He jumped up at the free throw line in an instant, and flew directly to Fuji Zhen's eyes with super fast speed, completely covering Fuji Zhen.

"What!" During the real confrontation with Ye Changfeng, Teng Zhen felt the enormous oppressive force, and Ye Changfeng's bounce and speed exceeded Teng Zhen's expectations.

Originally, Fujima planned to shoot three-pointers by surprise, but he didn't expect Ye Changfeng's jumping ability to be so unexpected that he was able to defend himself from outside the three-point line after jumping from the free throw line.

Just when Ye Changfeng was about to print his hands on the basketball that Fuji Zhen raised, a red figure behind Fuji Zhen jumped up and knocked Fuji Zhen directly to the ground.

It is the Sakuragi Flower Road that is back to defense! "X

"This guy Sakuragi..." Ye Changfeng was also speechless, seeing that he was about to succeed in defending himself, Sakuragi came to intervene again.

Du~▉ The whistle of the sentence sounded, "Ten members of Xiangbei push people for a foul! Three free throws!"

Since Fujima made a three-pointer, after Sakuragi fouls, Fujima will have three free throws.

"Idiot!" Akagi Takeken directly ▉Sakura▉▉ with another smoking bag.

"Damn it! It's clear that I succeeded in defending, so why are you blowing ▉▉▉!" Sakuragi was still complaining.

Swish!Swish!唰~▉ Really three neat free throws, all hollowed into the net!

5 to 16!Fuji Shin scored five points in a row as soon as he played, opening up the passive situation of Xiangyang High School.

"Xiangyang has stabilized now!" Yu Zhu in the stands said slowly.

"Good shot! Fujima!" Kagata Toru and Fujima gave a high five.

"Very good, next, we have to recover the score in the first quarter!" Fuji Zhen said loudly.

"Yes!" The people of Xiangyang High School were shocked.

On the court, defense can drive offense, and offense can drive defense.

After the momentum of Xiangyang High School was shaken, the strength of the defense was not the same as before.

Akagi Gangxian forcibly turned around to shoot and hit the iron again, and the flower shape pushed Akagi to the death.

Offensive and defensive conversion, in turn, Fujima passed the ball into the hands of the insider.

Hua Xingtuo used his footsteps to pass Akagi and succeeded in a layup!

Huaxingtuo finally scored, 7 to 16!

Xiangyang High School has narrowed the score gap to single digits!

"Tengzhen! Fujizhen! Fujizhen!" The cheering team of Xiangyang High School shouted in unison from the stand, and the sound grew louder and louder, and they saw the hope of recovering the score.

"As expected of Fuji true, his organizational skills are not weak!" Ye Changfeng smiled.

"What time is it, Xiaofeng, why are you still laughing!" Sakuragi yelled.

"Don't worry, Sakuragi! The show has just begun!" Ye Changfeng grinned.

On the field.

After Ye Changfeng took the ball, three players from Xiangyang High School came to guard Ye Changfeng...?

Fuji Zhen has already seen that the core of Xiangbei's attack is Ye Changfeng, and as long as Ye Changfeng is defended, it is the lifeblood of Xiangbei.

Snapped!Ye Changfeng dribbled the ball under his crotch, then passed the ball with his back.

Passed the basketball to Mitsui Shou who was unguarded beyond the three-point line.

Snapped!After Mitsui took the ball, without any hesitation, he took off and shot a three-pointer!

Bang!At this moment, a player from Xiangyang High School suddenly jumped up from Mitsui's side and fanned Mitsui's shot out of the boundary!

"Isushi! Beautiful cap!" Fujima shouted.

"What!" Mitsui was shocked, "Is this guy really a defeated general from my junior high school days? How can he jump so high?"

"You can't beat me, Mitsui! Don't underestimate high school basketball!" Hasegawa Issushi provoked.

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