"What! You said I couldn't win against you!" Mitsui was furious.

"Changfeng, pass the ball to me!" Mitsui roared at Ye Changfeng with a flash of gold in his eyes.

"Received!" Ye Changfeng directly passed the basketball to Mitsui from outside the boundary.

"You said to limit my score in this game to five points, do you know how many points I have scored now?" Mitsui said coldly.

"It's only three points! And it won't increase any more!" Hasegawa Issushi tightly stuck to Mitsui Shou.

"Really?" Mitsui forcibly took off and shot the basket under the interference of Hasegawa Kazushi.

All eyes were on the rolling basketball.

"You won't be able to score goals, you're using too much force, and your posture is a mess!" Hasegawa Issushi said coldly.

Snapped! 1.4 The basketball really bounced out of the basket. Mitsui's shot was too fast and outrageous!

"Rebound!" Mu Mu shouted from the Xiangbei bench.

Hua Xingtong and Sakuragi were constantly fighting for positions under the basket, trying to grab the rebound.

Snapped!At this moment, a huge palm fell into the sky, grabbing the basketball with one hand above the heads of the two of them.

It's the night wind!

"What!" Several people in the basket were shocked, Ye Changfeng didn't know where it came from, and he jumped much higher than everyone else, completely crushed by his bouncing power.

Even if Hua Xing Tou and Sakuragi had better positions, they couldn't stop Ye Changfeng from taking the rebound.

Snapped!After Ye Changfeng picked up the rebound, he passed the basketball to Mitsui Shou who was beyond the three-point line.

"Just shoot, Mitsui! Leave the rebounds to me, and shoot until you score!" Ye Changfeng exclaimed with great pride.

Chapter 061, Burn it, Mitsui Shou!

"Changfeng! You!" Mitsui caught the basketball steadily. He didn't expect that Changfeng was the one who knew him best in the Xiangbei basketball team that night.

This pass and Ye Changfeng's shouting contained Ye Changfeng's absolute trust in himself as a pitcher.

The most important thing for a pitcher is confidence!

At this time, light was shining in Mitsui's eyes. He jumped up again without hesitation, raised the basketball with both hands, and was ready to throw.

At this moment, Hasegawa Issushi forcibly rushed in front of Mitsui Shou, knocking Mitsui directly from the air.

In Hasegawa Issushi's heart, even if it is a foul, he must guard against Mitsui Shou, because he once fought against Mitsui in the junior high school era, and he knows how terrifying Mitsui Shou who ignites his fighting spirit is.

"Mitsui!" Mu Mu shouted from the Xiangbei bench.

Bang!Mitsui Shou was directly knocked to the ground!

Du~▉ The sentencing whistle sounded at the same time, "Player No. [-] of Xiangyang High School pushed a foul! Three free throws!"

"Qi~▉ Hasegawa Kasushi let out a sigh of relief, "Mitsui, I won't let you score! "

"Mitsui, are you alright?"

"Little San, how are you?" Sakuragi also came over and patted Mitsui's back.

Mitsui opened his eyes and stood up slowly, "Don't touch me, Sakuragi!"

"I'm 31 now, but I'm very excited!" Mitsui's mouth was slightly upturned, and his face was full of confidence.

"Mitsui..." Sakuragi was taken aback, he had never seen Mitsui Shou with such an expression.

Ye Changfeng on the side smiled, "You are finally back, the pitcher from Xiangbei!"

"Free throw!" The referee handed the basketball to Mitsui Shou, and raised three fingers to indicate three free throws.

"It's three balls, so Mitsui can take a rest and adjust the rhythm!" Mu Mu said before he finished speaking.

Mitsui Shou, who was standing behind the free throw line on the court, had already shot the basketball.

"What, Mitsui, why are you shooting the basket in such a hurry, take a break!" Mu Mu shouted.

唰~▉ The ball draws a perfect arc in the air and enters the net hollow!

"What are you talking about, Mu Mu! I'm in great shape now! I want to keep scoring goals!" Mitsui was sweating profusely, but his face was full of confidence he had never had before.

"Mitsui!" Mu Mu was taken aback, he seemed to know such a Mitsui Shou.

唰~▉~▉Well quickly made the next two free throws, all of which were neat hits!

19 to 7!Mitsui once again expanded the scores of the two teams to double digits!

"Okay! Defense! Take this ball, we will end the fight in the first quarter!" Mitsui Shou shouted with a fist.

"Wow~▉ Worthy of being the MVP of the middle school, so imposing! The situation has shifted to the northern side of Xiangbei again!" Aida Yan in the stands shouted.

On the field, Xiangbei High School directly adopted full-court man-to-man defense.

"These guys are actually using this tactic so early, they don't take last year's runner-up in their eyes!" Mu Shen, who was in the middle school affiliated to Hainan in Shanghai in the stands, said lightly.

Offensive and defensive conversion, Hasegawa Kasushi from Shoyo High School caught Fujima's pass.

"Come on!" At this time, standing opposite him was the man of flames, Mitsui Shou. The golden light in Mitsui's eyes overflowed, and his whole body was glowing with blue light.

Hasegawa was stunned for a moment, but he was stunned by Mitsui's aura.

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