"No need, use it now!" Ye Changfeng gave Sakuragi an upward gesture.

Snapped!Snapped!Offensive and defensive transition, Ye Changfeng dribbling suddenly accelerated.

In the first quarter, Ye Changfeng dribbled the ball very smoothly except for the first ball, and did not increase the rhythm of the game too deliberately.

But this ball Ye Changfeng suddenly accelerated, and Mu Shen, who was defending Ye Changfeng, was instantly thrown away by Ye Changfeng, and a stop ball turned and passed directly.

Ye Changfeng's movements are too fast, from slow to fast, this accelerated movement is dizzying... [

"Stop him!" Mu Shen turned around and yelled.

"Let me come, Senior Mu!" Qingtian Nobunaga slid to Ye Changfeng.

Ye Changfeng froze, his center of gravity sank, and he looked coldly at Nobunaga Kiyoda in front of him.

"If you want to compete with me, practice for another [-] years!" Ye Changfeng's continuous dribbling under his crotch was completely different from the tricks that Kiyoda Nobunaga played before the game.

Very fast-paced continuous crotch dribble, you can only see the afterimage of the basketball.

"My God, what a gorgeous dribble!" Some spectators in the stands exclaimed.

Snapped!Just when Kiyoda Nobunaga was still in a daze, Ye Changfeng threw the basketball between his two [legs], and the basketball passed through Kiyoda Nobunaga in an instant.

Snapped!Ye Changfeng's figure swept past Nobunaga Kiyoda instantly from the right, and immediately caught the basketball, once again the man and the ball became one, and the speed was even faster!

Ye Changfeng's movements in one go, in a few seconds, even passed the two people from the Hainan High School Attached.

At this time, what stood in front of Ye Changfeng was the two-person line of defense composed of Kazuma Takasago and Ichiro Shenzong.

"Come on, Changfeng's performance!" When everyone thought that Ye Changfeng was going to be as powerful as the first ball.

Snapped!Ye Changfeng unexpectedly slapped the basketball on the ground. After hitting the ground hard, the basketball bounced high, directly over the heads of the two of Hainan Affiliated High School.

"What? Did you make a mistake?" The two of Hainan Affiliated Middle School were stunned for a moment. When they turned around, a fiery figure jumped up behind them.

That's right, the person who jumped up was Sakuragihua 0.6!

Snapped!Sakuragi jumped high, and at this time, the basketball actually bounced right in front of him, and was instantly caught by Sakuragi.

"Good pass, Xiaofeng!" Sakuragi was overjoyed, carrying the basketball behind his back with both hands, and then slammed forward suddenly!

bang!Sakuragi Gorilla slams the basketball into the hoop!

25 is better than 19!

Unexpected alley-oop, domineering leaked hands dunk!

"Wow! I've never seen a dunk like this before!"

"Yeah, it's amazing!"

"Xiangbei actually suppressed the defending champion, too strong!" The audience in the stands was ignited, and the mountains and tsunami cheered.

"That's great!" All of a sudden, everyone on the Xiangbei bench stood up excitedly.

This ball is so beautiful!

Chapter 071, Gong Yiyi Fan

Du~▉ At this moment, the referee's whistle sounded, and the coach of Hainan Affiliated Middle School asked for a time-out.

"The current situation is unfavorable. If this continues, we will follow in the footsteps of Xiangyang!" Gao Touli opened the paper fan in his hand, "We must find a way to deal with the attack of Xiangbei!"

Xiangbei High School bench.

"Sakuragi, well done!"

"You broke out today!" Mu Mu also said excitedly.

"Wow, haha, brother glasses! Please call me the super talented Sakuragi player today!" Sakuragi started laughing complacently again.

Hainan Affiliated High School bench.

"You're mad at me, damn it!" Kiyoda Nobunaga kept complaining.

"How's it going, Mu! It's not accidental that they defeated Xiangyang?" Gao Touli said slowly while fanning his fan.

"Humph!" Mu Shenyi, who was sitting on the bench, wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, "Xiangbei is indeed very strong, especially that Ye Changfeng, whose jumping ability is not to be mentioned, and the organization of the attack is also very good. They can pass the ball 31! Besides, their weakest link, Sakuragi, is also playing very well!"

"If the fight goes on like this, the outcome will be unpredictable!" Mu Shen frowned in a rare frown.

"Very good! Your analysis is correct, Mu!" Gao Touli's glasses flashed a white light, "Now we must start with the weakest link in Xiangbei!"

"Gong Yi!" Gao Touli turned his head and glanced at the substitutes.

"Yes!" A substitute who was only [-] meters tall and looked inexperienced stepped out.

"You come to replace Ichiro!" Gao Tou Li said slowly.

"Yeah!" Gong Yi was stunned, a drop of sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Your task is to mark the opponent's Sakuragi Huadao!" Gao Touli said.

The name of the person who was called out by Gao Touli to replace Shenzong Ichiro was Gong Yiyifan. He was a member of the third grade of the Hainan Affiliated Middle School. He looked very short and thin.

The basketball department of Hainan High School is known as the teacher of the king, and its training intensity is one of the best in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Every spring, ace players from various countries will compete to enter the basketball club of this famous school in the Hainan High School.

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