But half of them quit within a week, and the other half quit a month later, meaning only about [-] percent of new members each year on average would stay after a year.

Gong Yiyifan is one of them. With his weak body, he has completed the hard training that the so-called ace players can't complete. Even if he can't play, he will complete his daily tasks conscientiously.

So for three years, he has been respected by other members.

"Senior Gong, you have to do your best!"

"Work hard!"

"We're looking forward to your goal!" The substitutes in Hainan Affiliated Middle School were all excited, because Gong Yi represented their players who were unable to play.

In the world of basketball, there is always such a group of people who are called the guardians of the drinking fountains, that is, the substitutes who cannot play.

Although they can't get playing time because of their strength, their training time off the court and their return efforts are not less than that of the main players.

Because of their deep love for basketball, they were reluctant to leave, and were willing to wait on the bench for the moment when they shined on the court.

They are a group of lovely people, although many times, they can only act as a trick. (I also wore this kind of bench in the school team when I was in high school, and it made me cry...)

"Senior Gong, that red-haired boy is nothing special at all! You must be able to defend him!" Kiyoda Nobunaga shouted from the side.

"Gong! Make the most of your three years of hard work!" Mu Shen patted Gong Yi on the shoulder and said slowly.

"Mu!" Gong Yi nodded, took off his eyes and put on his goggles, "I will work hard! I will try my best to play this game, this is the game I have been looking forward to for three years. !"

"Okay! Everyone, let's play!" Gao Tou Li said with a smile.

"Oh!" The Five Tigers of Hainan Affiliated High School appeared again, and Gong Yi, who was wearing the No. [-] jersey, walked in the front.

Beep~▉ A whistle blows and the game starts again. The Xiangbei Five Tigers lineup remains unchanged and they also appear in sequence. The one who is on the strongest side is the smug Sakuragi.

"Come on, flower arrangement!"

"Haha, you seem to be in good shape today!" The four members of the Sakuragi Legion shouted in the stands.

"Yes, let Hainan hand over the title of champion obediently! Sakuragi!" Akagi Haruko on the side is also making friends for Sakuragi.

on the field!

Sakuragi stood on the strongest side, his center of gravity sank, and he showed his hands, "Come here, Hainan, I will only beat you guys!"

Snapped!Snapped!After the Hainan Affiliated High School served, it turned out that Gong Yi, who had just played, was dribbling the ball.

"Huh?" Several people in Xiangbei, including Ye Changfeng, were stunned for a moment, and a thought came into their minds at the same time, "What kind of plane is Hainan Affiliated High School doing?"

"Who is that weird dwarf? Alien?" Sakuragi asked in surprise.

On the bench of Xiangbei High School.

"What's going on? The Hainan Affiliated High School actually replaced the main force of the score, Ichiro Shenzong. Is it really good to replace him with such a tall substitute?" Mu Mu was also very surprised.

On the field.

A golden light flashed in Ye Changfeng's eyes, "Whoever you are, let's talk about breaking the ball!"

bass!Ye Changfeng's right hand was like electricity, and he immediately intercepted the basketball that was dribbling too high in Gong Yi's hand.

"Ah! Senior Gong, don't be nervous!" Nobunaga Kiyoda shouted.

"Well... even if you are not tall enough, your speed is not very fast!" Ye Changfeng passed Gong Yi in an instant.

167 At this time, Mu Shenyi was standing in front of Ye Changfeng. Ye Changfeng tried to shake several times, but Mu Shenyi was not fooled. He maintained a good defensive position and delayed Xiangbei's attack very well.

"It's a good defense, it's much stronger than your offense!" The corner of Ye Changfeng's mouth twitched slightly. At this time, everyone from Xiangbei also rushed to the half court of the High School Affiliated to Hainan and took their places.

What surprised everyone was that the Hainan Affiliated High School actually sent Gong Yi, who was [-] meters tall, to defend Sakuragi Huadao, who was nearly [-] meters tall.

"Huh? Aliens are coming to guard me? What a joke!" Sakuragi frowned for a week.

"What, someone so short actually wants to guard the flower arrangement!" The Sakuragi Legion in the stands was also quite surprised.

"Hmph... If you can't beat it, you will start to engage in tactics?" Ye Changfeng glanced at Sakuragi and Gong Yi.

"Hainan is too abominable, to send an unknown pawn to deal with this genius, but even Xiangyang's Four Eyes and Lingnan's monkey boss are afraid of the three-point basket tyrant!" Sakuragi gritted his teeth furiously, very upset look.

"Humph! Stop talking nonsense! Come on!" Gong Yi also deliberately stimulated Sakuragi.

"What did you say?" Sakuragi turned his head and stared at Gong Yi.

"Come on, if you think I'm weak, score points on my head!" Gong Yi said loudly.

Obviously, the coach of Hainan High School Affiliated High School wanted to use Gong Yi to provoke Sakuragi and make him commit five offenses.

Chapter 072, Go-ahead Score

"Xiaofeng, pass the ball to me here!" Sakuragi asked for the ball with both hands dancing wildly inside.

Ye Changfeng knew that this was a trap, but he still passed the basketball to Sakuragi, because Sakuragi's position was really good, and within the three-second zone was the basket of Hainan High School.

Snapped!Sakuragi firmly caught Ye Changfeng's lob with both hands, turned over and jumped up, and raised the basketball with both hands.

"I'm going to blow you up!" Sakuragi jumped in the air, but Gong Yi, who was in front of him, didn't jump at all and let Sakuragi fly in the air.

"Nani?" Sakuragi was taken aback, "Why don't you jump up?"

Snapped!This distracted Sakuragi's shot, who couldn't shoot at all, came out of the box logically, and then was accepted by the Hainan player.

"What? He actually missed the basket without any obstruction?" Aida Yayoi, a reporter outside the court, was shocked.

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