"I only entered the country in the summer of my third year of high school, and it's similar to your current situation!" said the national team center Sugiyama.

"Although I was the only one supporting the basketball team at the time, I finally reached the quarterfinals. My life has changed since then!" Sugiyama told Akagi some of his own experiences.

"Yeah! Akagi, in order to convince all the coaches of the Fukasawa Sports University coaching staff, I must use the results of the national competition as the foothold for you to enter the Fukasawa Sports University!" Kazuo explained.

Chapter 116, the same treatment

"I knew it wouldn't be so easy!" Akagi also guessed that the other party would put forward conditions. After all, he has no reputation in other places except Kanagawa Prefecture.

Only by achieving results in national competitions can Akagi be qualified or have the capital to enter Shenze Sports University. After all, this is a special move. There are countless high school students across the country who want to enter the basketball club of Shenze Sports University.

"Akagi-san, I didn't intend to put pressure on you at this time. But if you really want to join Fukasawa Sports University, please lead Xiangbei High School to the top eight of the national competition!" Kazuo said solemnly.

"Coach Kazuo, Mr. Sugiyama!" Akagi Gangxian looked solemn, "The current Xiangbei is not supported by me alone. Ye Changfeng from our basketball team is the most potential player among the players I have ever met!"

"He will definitely become a world-class player!" said Akagi Takeken.

"Huh?" Sugiyama was a little surprised that Akagi would say these words. Before, they only got the news of Ye Changfeng from the reporter of Basketball Weekly Aida Yayoi.

Aida Yayoi also said that Ye Changfeng may be the most talented and powerful player in the 31 National High School Basketball League in the past ten years.

"In addition, there is one thing I want to explain! Although I don't know what kind of opponents are waiting for our Xiangbei High School in the national competition, it is not our goal to just reach the top eight in the national competition..." Shine with confidence.

"We have only one goal in Xiangbei, and that is to dominate the whole country!" Akagi Gangxian said with great confidence, this sentence has always been Akagi Gangxian's mantra.

However, for the current Akagi, this sentence is no longer just an unreachable dream, but the road that Xiangbei High School is moving forward.

The camera turns back to the Xiangbei Basketball Stadium.

At this time, everyone in the Xiangbei Basketball Hall was stunned. After Ye Changfeng took a three-to-zero lead, he did not give Rukawa Feng any chance to breathe.

After rewarding Rukawa Kaede again with two big hats, he used two strategies to vigorously sink, and at the same time, an unreasonable bulldozer-style slam dunk ended this heads-up match with Rukawa Kaede.

5 to 0!Another 5-0, Ye Changfeng once again sealed Rukawa Feng!

"You lost!" Ye Changfeng landed steadily on the floor, turned to look at Rukawa Feng, and said lightly, "I am willing to admit defeat, before the national competition, you must practice my way!"

"..." Rukawa Feng bowed his head in silence for a while, then turned around and quietly left the Xiangbei Basketball Hall.

"Hey~▉Chuan, are you alright!" Mu Mu chased after him and asked.

"Mu Mu, don't worry about him!" Ye Changfeng waved to Mu Mu, "If you can't bear this blow, he will suffer even more when he arrives in the United States!"

"America?" Everyone in Xiangbei was taken aback.

"That kid's goal is the United States, the NBA, the most professional league in the world!" Ye Changfeng said lightly.

At this moment, Sakuragi chi ran over with his upper body naked, his whole body was steaming as if he had just warmed up.

"Why?" Ye Changfeng saw Sakuragi like this and knew it wasn't a good thing.

"Xiaofeng! Let's have a game too!" Sakuragi snatched the basketball from Ye Changfeng's hand and said.

"Don't!" Ye Changfeng shook his head, "Why should I compete with you, it's no good!"

"No! I must compete with you. If I get a point from you, it will prove that I am better than Rukawa Kaede!" After a long time, Sakuragi had this idea.

"Still...don't!" Ye Changfeng ignored Sakuragi and started to play basketball alone.

Snapped!At this moment, Sakuragi ran over to make trouble, robbed Ye Changfeng of the basketball he practiced, and swayed in front of Ye Changfeng. In short, he tried his best to interfere with Ye Changfeng's practice.

"Okay! It's okay! I've served you!" Ye Changfeng also had nothing to do with Sakuragi, "Let's play! However, let me say it first, I'm not waterproof! I lose! If it's too miserable to leave a psychological shadow, don't blame me!"

"Haha! Of course, I just have to use all my strength! Otherwise, how can I prove the strength of this genius!" Sakuragi laughed proudly.

"You kid, laugh now, I'll make you cry later!" Ye Changfeng threw the basketball to Sakuragi, "The rules are the same as before, you are a junior, let you serve first!"

"Okay! That's it for today!" Mitsui and Miyagi chased away the remaining first-year members and came to the outside of the basketball hall.

"Eh? Can't you stay and watch?"

"I want to see how much Sakuragi has improved!" the first-year member complained.

"Okay, don't complain!" After Mitsui and Miyagi dispersed the first-year people home, they closed the door of the basketball hall and sat on the ground outside the door.

"Why are you driving everyone away?" Mu Mu asked in confusion.

"If you lose worse than Rukawa Kaede in front of everyone, that kid Sakuragi will be hit hard!" Mitsui said slowly.

"Yeah, especially Sakuragi's character!" Miyagi echoed.

"That's right!" Mu Mu nodded.

Bang!Bang!In the Xiangbei Basketball Hall, there was the sound of basketball flapping and basket hitting.

After two minutes, Ye Changfeng opened the door of the basketball hall and walked out.

"So fast?" Mitsui and Miyagi were stunned.

"Hey, stinky boy, are you showing mercy!" Mitsui asked.

"Of course! Now I haven't really met anyone who can force me to do my best!" Ye Changfeng turned on the outfit ratio mode again.

"You kid is still so crazy!" Mitsui scolded with a smile.

"However, at Sakuragi's request, I gave him a set of the same set as Rukawa Feng!" Ye Changfeng waved his hand, then turned and left, "I'm leaving first, this kid interrupted my training. It's planned! I have to go back to practice shooting!"

"This training madman!" Mitsui, Miyagi, and Mumu complained at the same time.

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