The three returned to the basketball hall, and Sakuragi was sitting on the floor sweating profusely, looking like he was hit hard.

"Sakuragi, isn't your kid challenging Changfeng courting death?" Mitsui sat next to Sakuragi and said, "To be honest, I have never seen a player of his level. He is completely different from ours!"

"Stop talking! Little San!" Sakuragi turned into a cartoon shape, "Let me be quiet and sad, and be a quiet and beautiful man!"

"Don't worry about it! Sakuragi! There are still many opponents waiting for us! As long as you continue to work hard in the national competition and defeat one opponent after another, one day, you will be able to surpass Changfeng!" Mu Mu encouraged.

"Maybe..." Mu Mu actually didn't really believe that Sakuragi could surpass Ye Changfeng, but compared to Rukawa Feng, Mu Mu felt that Sakuragi had a better chance.

Because he has the same monster-like body as Ye Changfeng!

Chapter 117, National Competition

Time is like running water, and in a flash, it is the summer vacation of the midsummer.

Since Xiangbei won the right to participate in the national competition until the summer vacation, the basketball team of Xiangbei High School conducted a closed training camp.

Everyone's progress is not small, especially in the reserve of physical energy.

According to the previous bet, Ruchuan Feng was guided by Ye Changfeng in this part of the training, and achieved a lot of results. Now Ruchuan Feng can basically cooperate with Ye Changfeng very well.

From a player who attacked with the ball to a player who received the ball and attacked, this not only did not weaken Rukawa Feng's offensive ability, but instead, Rukawa Feng's ability to instantly attack quickly reached the limit.

On the other hand, Ye Changfeng also arranged a set of offensive training for Sakuragi, especially in short-range shooting, Sakuragi has made great progress.

During this closed training period, Sakuragi completed a short-range shot of up to [-] goals and a mid-range shot of [-] goals, which can be said to be the biggest improvement.

The rest of Miyagi, Akagi and Mitsui also made a lot of progress. Akagi's center footsteps under the basket are better, Miyagi will finally take the initiative to pass the ball, and can share some of Ye Changfeng's passing responsibility. Mitsui Shou's progress is mainly reflected in physical fitness.

In short, after high-intensity closed training, the strength of the Xiangbei High School basketball team has risen to a new stage.

At this time, everyone from Shohoku has come to Hiroshima, the venue for this national competition for Japanese high school students!

There are three major competitions in high school basketball in Japan. First, the summer league interhigh, which is often referred to as IH.

The other is the Autumn Kingdom, this is the county's previous master confrontation.

Finally, there is the Winter Cup, where the teams selected from the summer league come together again to play a major tournament.

And the most important of these is the summer league.

Interhigh is the summer league with the largest scale, the most participating teams, the most brutal competition and the highest gold content!

After the huge swearing-in ceremony, Caizi got the group list for this summer league.

Since Xiangbei High School won the first place in Kanagawa Prefecture, its schedule is completely different from the original, and Hainan Affiliated High School has replaced the position of Xiangbei.

"What! The opponent in the second round of Hainan Affiliated High School is Shanwang Industry ¨'▉?" Akagi was very surprised when he took over the competition schedule from Caizi.

"Shanwang Industry? Is it strong?" Sakuragi looked puzzled.

"Sakuragi, this Shanwang Industry is the most famous university in the country. If Hainan High School is a constant victor, Shanwang Industry is undefeated!" Mu Mu said, pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Is it so powerful? Isn't that the middle-aged uncle and the others will be eliminated in advance?" Sakuragi had a gloating expression.

Snapped!Ye Changfeng patted Sakuragi's head, "What are you enjoying, kid, if we want to dominate the country, we will fight against Shanwang Industry sooner or later!"

"Yeah! Sanno Industry is the No. [-] school in the country, and it is a myth in the Japanese high school basketball world!" Miyagi echoed, "Hainan they are miserable!"

"By the way, I heard that they rarely meet opponents in the college basketball team. There are many No. [-]s in the team!" Mitsui said with a basketball magazine.

"That's right! But after this national competition ends, a new dynasty will be born, and that is our Xiangbei High School!" Ye Changfeng said lightly.

"You are from Xiangbei! Are you saying such big things here?" After the oath ceremony, a basketball team passed by Xiangbei, and a man with a ponytail wrapped his arms around Mu Mu's neck from behind.

"Speaking of which, you seem to only care about Shanwang Industry, but don't care about your opponents in the first round!" The ponytail man said coldly, "Do you think our Fengyu High School is vulnerable?"

"Oh! Our opponent in the first round is Toyotama High School!" Mitsui said, pointing to the schedule.

"Who? Fengyu High School? Never heard of it!" Ye Changfeng said indifferently, the person who came was obviously a player from Fengyu High School.

"What!" The ponytail man was furious, "How dare you look down on us!"

The ponytail man hugged Mu Mu's neck tightly, and Mu Mu showed a painful expression, "You guys also want to compete with Shanwang Industry and dominate the whole country. It really makes people laugh out loud!"

"Defense!" Ye Changfeng grabbed the ponytail man's wrist like lightning.

"Pain...pain!" The ponytail man's face turned red all of a sudden, and for a split second, he even thought his hand was about to break.

"Changfeng, stop!" Akagi said loudly.

"Go away!" Ye Changfeng shook off the ponytail man's hand.

"You!" The players from Fengyu High School gathered around when they saw that the ponytail man was at a loss.

"What? Are you going to fight?" Ye Changfeng glanced coldly at the crowd at Fengyu High School, then took off his shirt and wore only a vest on his upper body.

"Hey..." Everyone in Fengyu High School took a deep breath, Ye Changfeng's entire upper body was full of muscles, and it was the kind of streamlined muscles that seemed to contain explosive power.

"My God... how did this person develop such a body and muscles!" One of the players at Fengyu High School couldn't help but exclaimed.

The ponytail man who had just stepped back a few steps and was almost sitting on the ground was also very shocked. Ye Changfeng's slight pinching would actually cause him such unbearable pain, it was like being pinched by steel pliers. live in general.

"This kid is so powerful!" The ponytail man felt timid in his heart.

"Hmph... you remember! On the basketball court, I'll make you look good!" The ponytail man led the people from Fengyu High School and left quickly, with an expression of 'I don't care about you'.

In fact, they were afraid that Ye Changfeng would really fight with them. With this strength and body, their Fengyu High School (Qian Zhao's) team might not necessarily be Ye Changfeng's opponents.

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