Swish!Masashi Kawada shot the basketball without any defense!

10 to 14!The battle between Shanno Industry and Xiangbei High School is still stalemate.

"What? That guy can shoot at that distance?" Akagi was a little annoyed.

"I heard that he played small forward before!" Mitsui Shou said suddenly.

"I'm going...why didn't you say it earlier, little San!" Ye Changfeng was a little speechless.

"I thought it was written in a magazine!" Mitsui Shou replied innocently.

"Humph!" Kawada Masashi even posed an aerobics pose to Akagi Goken after scoring a goal, obviously provoking Akagi.

"Bastard!" Akagi frowned, very upset.

"Kawada! Well done!"

"Good shot, Kawada!" The members of the Shanno Industrial Support Team in the stands shouted again.

"kao! It's just an ordinary shot, do you need to be so noisy? Really, I'll let you close your beaks in a while!" The corner of Ye Changfeng's mouth was slightly raised.

The game has been going on for three minutes so far, and both sides are shooting at an exceptionally high rate with few turnovers.

"Defense!" Ichinokura Satoshi turned to defend, and then glanced at Mitsui Shou.

"Okay, it's time for us to attack, Changfeng, remember to give me the ball!" Mitsui Shou reminded.

"Got it! You don't need to remind me!" Ye Changfeng took the serve and started dribbling.

"Mitsui Shou...is a good player! It's better than I imagined, but..." Ichinokura Satoshi looked solemn, "In the school marathon, even if the opponent was from the track and field club, I never lost. !"

"I once suffered a sudden severe pain in my abdomen during the exam, but I endured it until I fainted. It turned out to be acute appendicitis!"

"Also, even Fukatsu, Kawada, and even Zebei couldn't stand the hard practice. I carried it all by myself, and I didn't miss it once."! "Ichinokura Satoshi is a man of patience.

"Mitsui Shou, I want to see how much pressure you can withstand, and see who is stronger in mental and physical strength. Let's decide the outcome!" Ichinokura Satoshi's eyes ignited the fire of fighting spirit, "Mitsui Shou... ...I'm going to haunt you until you can't stand it!"

On the field, Satoshi Ichinokura raised his defense to a new level, sticking closely to Shou Mitsui, wishing he could hang directly on Shou Mitsui.

"Wow! It's so tight, Senior Mitsui has no chance to get the ball!" Everyone on the Xiangbei bench exclaimed in shock.

"Hmph...Aren't you going to let me catch the ball?" Shou Mitsui looked at Satoshi Ichinokura in front of him, "You defend me with more exercise, the first one who can't support it will be you!"

Ichinokura Satoshi was unmoved, still following his own way and sticking to Mitsui Shou, "If you have the ability, let the horse come over, if you can get rid of me!"

"Well done, Ichinokura!" Coach Goro Domoto nodded on the bench of Sanno Industry.

"Huh?" Ye Changfeng glanced at Mitsui Shou who was still entangled with the opponent's No. [-], "It seems that there is no way to pass the ball to Mitsui Shou!"

Taking a quick glance at the audience, the other players in Xiangbei, including Sakuragi, were guarded to death.

"Defense! Defend! Defend!" The cheering group of Shanno Industry's support team in the stands shouted very neatly.

bass!At this moment, Shenjin Ichicheng rushed towards Ye Changfeng like lightning, and he was stealing the basketball in Ye Changfeng's hands in a gambling style.

"Innocent!" Ye Changfeng sneered at the corner of his mouth, turning around and avoiding Shenjin Yicheng's interception, while Shenjin Yicheng was instantly passed by Ye Changfeng.

Gambling steals are like this, once you don't grab the basketball, you will lose your position instantly.

Snapped!Ye Changfeng slapped a basketball with his left hand and directly entered the inside line of Shanwang Industry.

"Since I'm not allowed to pass the ball, I'll come by myself!" Ye Changfeng was like the wind, and quickly arrived in the three-second zone of Shanwang Industry.

"What a fast speed!" Some spectators in the stands exclaimed.

"Amazing speed!" Maeda Koji in the commentary room was also surprised by Ye Changfeng's dribbling skills and speed.

From the very beginning, Ye Changfeng showed his super ball-handling ability and the speed that surpassed everyone on the field.

This has to be said to be a miracle for a person with a height of 186 cm.

"Come on! Changfeng!" Mu Mu roared on the field.

"No problem!" Ye Changfeng stepped forward with a bang and jumped up quickly.

At this moment, a white figure leaped up like lightning from Ye Changfeng's side, and he stretched out his right hand to block Ye Changfeng.

It is the ace Zebei Rongzhi of Sanno Industry.

"You jumped too short!" A trace of disdain flashed at the corner of Ye Changfeng's mouth, and his whole body accelerated in the air!

"Too high!" Zebei Rongzhi found that he couldn't reach the basketball that Ye Changfeng raised with his right hand.

Boom!The two people collided directly in the air, physical confrontation.

It wasn't until the moment when an unstoppable force came from in front of him that Zebei Rongzhi realized that the most frightening thing about Ye Changfeng was not his speed, but his strength.

Bang!Zebei Rongzhi was extremely exaggerated by Ye Changfeng and flew out of the stadium, and fell heavily on the billboard outside the stadium.

Fortunately, the billboards on the competition side are all made of soft cloth, otherwise Zebei Rongzhi would be seriously injured.

Boom!After knocking Zebei Rongzhi into the air, Ye Changfeng's body was not affected in the air. Instead, he paused and stretched his body in the air.

Bend the bow, pull the arrow and dunk the ball!

bang!At the same time Ye Changfeng landed, the basket kept shaking up and down.

16 is better than 10!

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