"One-handed dunk after hitting the opponent's player?" Koji Maeda's voice in the commentary room was obviously raised a few degrees, "Too domineering! Isn't it? Sugiyama-kun!"

"Ah! (Qian Zhao)" Sugiyama nodded, "Although the dunk just now was not difficult, its posture was very stretched, and this shot can score a top ten goal! However, I hope that the smashed Sanno Industry The player is not injured!"

"Ah!" Zebei Rongzhi stood up slowly while rubbing his pi.

Although the pi-strand hit the ground just now, and there is a buffer from the billboard, it still didn't fall lightly. After all, it was hit directly from the three-second zone to the position of the billboard one meter away.

"Are you all right? Zebei!" The players from Shanwang Industry all gathered around.

Sanno Industry's coach Goro Domoto also stood up nervously. If Zebei Rongzhi was injured, the game would be extremely unfavorable for Sanno Industry.

"It's okay!" Zebei Rongzhi smiled reluctantly, more ugly than crying, "It's too embarrassing, I must return this ball!"

"Huh! It's fine!" Everyone in Shanwang Industry was obviously relieved.

Chapter 133, Rukawa vs Zebei

"Hahaha, well done, hit that kid!" Several people from the Sakuragi Army in the stands happily beat gongs and drums.

"Go on! It's amazing!" Gao Gongwang was obviously more interested in seeing Zebei Rongzhi being knocked out.

"Defense! Defend! Defend!" Ye Changfeng's slam dunk just now made the Shanwang Industrial Support Group's momentum much smaller. On the contrary, the support team of Xiangbei High School began to shout in unison. The sound wave instantly overwhelmed the opponent.

On the field, offense and defense transition, Shanno Industry's offense.

Zebei Rongzhi stood outside the three-point line of Xiangbei High School, holding a basketball with a slightly bent body, and the fire of fighting spirit in his eyes was also burning. At this time, it was Rukawa Feng who was defending Zebei Rongzhi.

"Come on! Sanwang Industrial ace Zebei Rongzhi's counterattack, what kind of attack will he play? Everyone, please don't blink your eyes!" Maeda Koji in the commentary room was looking forward to Sanwang Industrial's ace.

After all, Zebei Rongzhi is an absolute superstar in the entire Japanese high school basketball world, and major basketball weekly magazines have reported it countless times.

Although Maeda Koji seldom pays attention to the basketball league of high school students, he still often hears the name of Zebei Rongzhi.

"The current high school league is really strong, at least the current level of -310- in this game is even higher than the professional basketball league!" Maeda Koji thought to himself, but did not say it to the microphone.

This kind of controversial topic, the general explanation is very taboo.

"That guy's attitude is quite arrogant. He even dared to block Xiaofeng, which I didn't even dare to block, and he said he wanted to retaliate?" Sakuragi looked at Zebei Rongzhi and Rukawa Feng with burning eyes.

"But then again, it's no wonder. After all, it's Rukawa Feng who is in charge of him. Rukawa's defense is basically zero, poor Rukawa Feng!" Sakuragi muttered to himself in the interior of Xiangbei.

"Can you stay on guard, Rukawa Feng?" Ye Changfeng also glanced at the two of them. For Rukawa Feng, facing the top high school player in Japan, this first one-on-one duel is undoubtedly very important. of.

bass!Zebei Rongzhi glanced to the right, and then passed directly by Rukawa Feng, without any fancy movements, just passed Rukawa Feng with speed.

"What?" Rukawa Feng's eyes widened, and when he turned his head, Zebei Rongzhi had already entered Xiangbei's inside line, and easily scored a two-point layup!

12 is better than 16!

"Nani!" Akagi and Mitsui Shou were also shocked. They wanted to fill the seat, but they didn't react at all.

"This guy's speed is exactly the same as that of Changfeng!" Mitsui Shou couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"Oh? Not bad speed!" Ye Changfeng was a little surprised that Zebei Rongzhi's speed had reached this level, and his movements were extremely concise, without the slightest slack.

Ye Changfeng saw his own shadow in Zebei Rongzhi in a trance.

"It's so fast!" The spectators in the Shanghai Nanfang High School were also stunned. The speed seemed to be familiar to them, and they couldn't help but think of the painful memories of the battle with Xiangbei High School.

"This is Zebei's ability. I believe that no one else in Japan can make such a fast attack!" Coach Goro Domoto nodded confidently on the bench of Sanno Industry.

"Haha! If you see it, I'm right! The defense of the dead fox is almost zero!" Sakuragi had a gloating expression.

"Huh!" Rukawa Feng let out a breath, and the flame of fighting spirit also ignited in his eyes. Rukawa Feng and Sakuragi have similar personalities. 【颀^

"Ball!" Rukawa Feng reached out to Ye Changfeng for the first time after halftime.

In the past, Ye Changfeng didn't want to pay attention to Rukawa Feng with this kind of ball, but for this kind of answerball opportunity, Ye Changfeng didn't hesitate to hand the basketball to Rukawa Feng to attack with the ball.

Snapped!Ye Changfeng dribbled the ball with his right hand, and the basketball came into Rukawa Feng's hands.

"Come on, we're going to fight Zebei on the 11th!"

"Yeah, (dbcd) I heard that No. 11 is the first year, the main force of the first year!"


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Chapter 134, the two sides evolve

"Ruchuanfeng! Come on! Ruchuanfeng! Race high!" There are also a lot of support groups for Ruchuanfeng in the stands. After all, he looks very handsome and has a very cool feeling.

"Well done, Rukawa!" The members of the Sakuragi Corps also watched the fun and did not think it was a big deal. They knew that the better Rukawa Feng's performance, the more mad Sakuragi would be, and this game would be more interesting.

At this time, the voice of the support group of Sanno Industry in the stands was almost gone, and the continuous on-field performances of Xiangbei High School were abruptly suppressed.

"What are you doing, you're so tall, and you're still getting dunked by that guy Rukawa!" Sakuragi muttered behind Nobe's back, "I'll be able to stop him if I change it!"

"What's the matter with this guy? Did you take the wrong medicine?" Nobe Masahiro turned his head to look at Sakuragi with a very embarrassed expression.

On the field.

"Zebei..." Kawada Masashi walked behind Zebei Rongzhi, "Why are you standing here, it's ugly to lose, you have been humiliated twice in a row! Your female fans have greatly decreased!"

"I don't care about that kind of thing!" Zebei Rongzhi replied dissatisfied.

"As you wish, you are the team's ace anyway!" Kazunari Fukajin also ran over, "However, if the ace player is suppressed by the opponent, it will encourage the opponent's arrogance, so you should be careful, don't It's good to be taken advantage of!"

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