"Then serve, I will catch all your serve!" Ying Shan stubbornly threw the volleyball back into Ye Changfeng's hands.

"Two bastards, actually ignoring senior!" Tanaka was about to be mad at Ye Changfeng and Kageyama.

Chapter 004, Tomahawk-style serve (please customize)

"OK! No problem!" Ye Changfeng grabbed the volleyball and turned directly to the side of the net in the arena. ∞ Magazine ∑ Bug ∞

"This guy's hands are so big!" Kageyama, who was very observant, noticed Ye Changfeng's right hand catching the ball with one hand. The palm was as big as a basketball star player. "He used to be in the basketball club, right?"

"Hey! You two boys, don't be so casual!" Sawamura turned his head embarrassedly to remind the two thorns.

"Those two are first-year students, they look very tall!" The dean also noticed the two.

"It's amazing, is he going to fight against the king?" Rixiang Xiangyang stared blankly at Ye Changfeng, and before he reacted, the two stood on both sides of the weaving net on the court.

"No matter who you are or which school you used to be from, I will definitely receive your serve!" As soon as Kageyama Feixiong stepped onto the court, his aura was completely different from before, and Ye Changfeng nodded with his sharp eyes.

"That's right!" Ye Changfeng rubbed the volleyball in his hand, "By the way, how did the volleyball serve?"

"Never mind, it's not a game anyway, just jump and serve!" Ye Changfeng squeezed the volleyball in his hand with his left hand, and the volleyball was immediately shriveled by Ye Changfeng's brute force.

Recalling the scene of the volleyball match he had seen today, Ye Changfeng gave it away with his left hand.

Swish!The volleyball that was squeezed out of shape immediately bounced, and at the same time, Ye Changfeng also spread its wings like an eagle, and the whole person jumped into the air.

"It's so tall!" Everyone in the arena was attracted by Ye Changfeng. Originally, Ye Changfeng was the tallest among these people, but now the jumping power and speed have made the Wuye trio jaw-dropping. are about to fall.

"Jumping in place, his movements are a bit weird!" Ying Shan on the other side of the net opened his feet. He was not frightened by Ye Changfeng's bouncing power, but noticed that Ye Changfeng's movements were somewhat amateurish. , or to be more precise, it is not the standard jump serve action of volleyball.

In a volleyball game, a real serving master will throw the volleyball into the court, then run fast, jump up and hit the volleyball, which can maximize the bounce and strength, and shorten the distance from the opponent's half court. The power will be greatly enhanced.

And Ye Changfeng was jumping in place, and there was still a stagnant in the air, waiting for the volleyball in the sky to fall.

"As long as you volleyball with your hands, you can just block it!" Ye Changfeng jumped into the air and was still recalling the serve action he had seen, but it had been too long, and his memory was already blurred.

With a huff, the volleyball had already fallen, and Ye Changfeng couldn't take care of it anymore, and instantly spread out his body.

Ye Changfeng's whole body was bent into a long bow, and his right arm was stretched back, and the range of motion was amazing.

"What a stretch!" Sawamura's eyes were firmly locked on Ye Changfeng.

Ye Changfeng is no stranger to this kind of action after take-off. What he instantly poses in the air is a tomahawk-style dunk action. The only difference is that the ball is not in his hands, but above his head.

"Eat me a ball, tomahawk smash!" Ye Changfeng regarded the serve as a smash, his whole body bent into a reverse bow in an instant, and his powerful waist and abdomen were fully exerted.

With a bang, Ye Changfeng poured all his strength into his right hand, and his right hand slightly clenched into a half-fist, heavily red on the falling volleyball.

In the next instant, a loud explosion resounded one meter to the right of Kageyama Feixiong.

call!Yingshan didn't move a single step, and neither could he!

The speed of the ball was too fast, and he only caught a black shadow, and it was too late to move.

The volleyball fell heavily from his side, and the wind was so strong that Kageyama's training clothes rattled.

"Wow!" Hyuga's eyes were about to pop out from the sidelines.

"God! Am I dreaming?" Wu Ye's trio were stunned.

They don't know Ye Changfeng's strength, but they know that Yingshan is also a star player in the middle school volleyball world. Even if he can't catch the ball, he shouldn't be completely unable to move.

"Too strong, is this kid an alien?" Tanaka Ryunosuke stared at Ye Changfeng, who had landed steadily.

"Dadi, we found a treasure!" Sugawara looked excited.

"Ah... But wasn't his action just now a little weird?" Sawamura's mind flashed countless times in Ye Changfeng's action just now.

"Don't talk too much, I don't dare to catch this kind of ball if I kill it! Where is this ball? It's a bomb!" The bald Tanaka was really convinced. He went to watch professional volleyball games, among which professional volleyball The athlete's serve also does not have the power of Ye Changfeng's serve.

"Uh...is this a win for me?" Ye Changfeng didn't have any happy expression after he landed. He just shot the ball in a straight line according to Ying Shan's position, and wanted to hit the volleyball directly in front of Ying Shan.

But the serve just now was the first time Ye Changfeng played volleyball in such a formal way. He didn't grasp the weight and elasticity of the volleyball at all. He half-clenched his fist so that Ye Changfeng wouldn't let the ball fly, but he didn't hit the desired position.

The error is more than one meter, which is unacceptable for Ye Changfeng, who requires extremely high body control.

"Well... It's not bad to play like this for the first time. The ball feel doesn't fall from the sky. It needs a lot of practice!" Ye Changfeng shrugged helplessly.

"One more goal!" At this moment, Ying Shan, who was opposite the net, yelled at Ye Changfeng.

"Ah! The king is angry!" Hyuga was taken aback.

"Don't call me that name!" Kageyama turned his head and glared at Hinata.

"Hey, you've had enough trouble!" Although Sawamura was very happy to have such a talented member, the dean was still nearby, so it would be bad for him to see such a discordant scene.

"One more ball!" Yingshan's attention was unprecedentedly concentrated, and after throwing the volleyball to Ye Changfeng, he was completely absorbed, as if his whole body was on fire.

"The junior members don't listen to the captain's words. This is also a problem!" The dean looked at Sawamura with contempt.

bass!At this moment, Ye Changfeng threw the ball and jumped up again.

This time, Ye Changfeng's movements were obviously smoother than before, and he jumped even higher.

Although there was no warm-up, Ye Changfeng didn't dare to exert his full force, but even if he only exerted [-]% of his strength, Ye Changfeng's bouncing power was not enough.

You can touch the top edge of the backboard when you take off with all your strength. This touch is like a bug in volleyball.

"Just use the palm of your hand this time!" Ye Changfeng stretched out his body, stretched his right arm back with all his might, and then spread out the five fingers of his right hand and swung forward like lightning.

The bang was louder than before, and the volleyball was slammed by Ye Changfeng's palm.

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