"What is this action? It's too messy!" Sawamura's eyes were straight.

Then there was a bang, and something unexpected happened...

Chapter 005, Dominate the whole country? (please customize)

The volleyball shot by Ye Changfeng hit the net in the middle of the court like a cannonball, instantly pulling the entire net tossing and turning, and finally the force was so strong that the two ropes tied to the net were forcibly pulled. broken. ω Magazine ● Bugs ω

"What kind of power is this?" Tanaka Ryunosuke, who has always claimed to be super powerful, glared round his eyes.

"If this ball hits a person, he will die!" The warm man Takayuki Sugawara showed a terrified look.

"Ah Le didn't even cross the net. It seems that volleyball is not such a simple sport!" After landing, Ye Changfeng shook his head slightly. In order to control the direction of the ball just now, he ignored the height.

Ye Changfeng, who has no volleyball foundation, is just relying on a brute force to jump serve volleyball, and it is normal that the success rate is not high.

Bang!However, the matter is not over yet. After the volleyball broke the net in the center of the court, it bounced off the court.

And it happened to hit the head of the dean who was chatting on the sidelines, which made people laugh and cry, but the wig on the dean's head was hit by the volleyball, and it just landed on the head of Sawada.

Everyone in the gym was stunned, and Sawamura's face turned black.

"Uh...is it a wig?" Kageyama Feixo was completely attracted by the head teacher's bright bald head.

"Dadi, your head!" Sugawara pointed at the wig on Sawamura's head and tried to hold back his smile.

"Pfft...Pfft!" Tanaka on the side was holding back his laughter so much that he was hurting himself.

"Hahaha... Who is this guy!" At this moment, Ye Changfeng pointed at the dean without hesitation and laughed.

"Ye Changfeng... shut up!" Sawamura Dadi finally couldn't help roaring out.

"Yes, senior!" Ye Changfeng managed to hold back his wild laughter, because it was so funny.

"Sawamura-kun, please come out for a while, okay?" The dean turned around and walked out of the gym with a look of resentment.

"Yes! Teacher" Sawamura hurriedly followed.

"You two boys, you're dead!" Tanaka was taken aback by the sudden accident, completely forgetting the surprise just now.

Half an hour later, after Ye Changfeng had warmed up in the gym without hesitation, Captain Sawamura Dadi finally returned.

"You all come here!" Sawamura called everyone over.

"Today's matter, the dean said that he will not be held accountable, and there is no need to apologize. But you must pretend that you didn't see anything, did you hear clearly?" Sawamura instructed the crowd with a solemn expression.

"It's all your fault for your poor serving skills!" Kageyama Feixiong turned his head to look at Ye Changfeng in dissatisfaction and said loudly.

Ye Changfeng shrugged his shoulders, "It's not that you missed the first ball, I'll send another!"

"What did you say!" Ying Shan was stabbed to the point of pain, and recalled Ye Changfeng's second serve just now. Although his movements were very irregular, his power was not strong.

"Hey...I said that you two are not finished, listen to me more or less!" Sawamura's face was completely gloomy, "I don't know why you came to Wuye, but you must be thinking Come to win!"

"Of course!" Ying Shan replied first.

"To be precise, my team can win." Ye Changfeng pretended to fly.

"Bastard boy, every word makes people angry!" Tanaka Ryunosuke on the side wanted to crush Ye Changfeng to the ground.

"And me! I joined to defeat this guy!" Hyuga, who was ignored by everyone, pointed at Kageyama and jumped up and down.

"I don't care what your reasons are. In the past few years, our Wuye was a team that could compete for the championship in the county. Although we have only entered the national competition once, it is not a fish to be ranked eighth in the county now. The belly team. Of course it's not too strong, it has been turned into a declining crow by many schools, a crow with broken wings!" Sawada looked solemn.

"I've only been there because I've even entered the national competition today and dare to call it a hero..." Ye Changfeng muttered in a speechless heart.

If it is a domestic tycoon to enter the national competition, then the tyrant is a bit too much.

The champion was soft-handed, and Ye Changfeng, who was used to seeing too many big scenes, did not despise the weak goal of entering the national competition.

"Ah, I know! It's a little giant!" Sun Xiangyang shouted in his heart. He had seen on TV that Wuye High School entered the national competition, because one of the very short players was called a little giant because of his brilliant performance. , so he will be inspired to practice volleyball.

Hyuga Xiangyang dreams of one day being like the little giant, making the audience cheer.

"I still remember very clearly the participation in the national competition of Karasuma High School. In Tokyo's super sports management team, I was so excited that I had goosebumps all over my body!" Sawamura looked up at the ceiling.

"That place, I must go again!"

"There are as many teams in the prefecture as they want to take part in the national competition as their dream!" Kageyama began to speak bitterly.

"Idiot, what are you talking about!" Tanaka turned his head and glared at Kageyama, wishing he could stick his vicious face on it.

"You don't have to worry about this, I'm serious too!" Dadi Sawamura replied solemnly. .

"Senior Sawamura, I can see that you are serious. But aren't our goals set too low?" Ye Changfeng suddenly interjected with a smile.

"The target is too low?" Everyone was stunned.

"Just entering the national competition is not enough. Of course, we have to keep winning at Wuye High School, defeating all our opponents, and then..."

"Dominate the whole country!" The golden light flashed in Ye Changfeng's eyes.

"Suppose... dominate the whole country..." Sawamura and the others were speechless by Ye Changfeng's sudden speech.

"This guy..." Ying Shan turned his head and stared at Ye Changfeng, "The guy who can't even serve over the net actually said he wants to dominate the country!"

"Hey! What are you daydreaming, kid? Do you think it's so easy to dominate the whole country?" Tanaka Ryunosuke was going to be enraged by Ye Changfeng and Kageyama today.

"Senior bald, remember never to deny your possibility!" Ye Changfeng turned his head and looked at Tanaka with a stern look, "Once you think you can't do it, you will never be able to do it!"

"You!" Tanaka was stunned by Ye Changfeng's aura, and he was speechless.

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