"Come on! Come on! Qingcheng! Attack! Attack! Qingcheng!" The support team in the west of Qingye City in the stands supported neatly, and the audience present knew that the second game had reached the most critical moment.

Snapped!Snapped!Ye Changfeng, who was standing on the teeing area, slapped the volleyball a few times with his hands and glanced at the people in the west of Aoba Castle.

Although it was only a very slight change, Ye Changfeng could feel that their position was further back than before, obviously trying to forcibly pick up his heavy artillery to serve.

"If this is the case..." Ye Changfeng suddenly threw the volleyball high, followed by a stride, jumping on one foot, and jumping at a high speed.

"Watch your defense!" Iwaizumi shouted, and Ye Changfeng jumped high, as did those violent serves at the end of the first inning.

At this moment, the free man in the west of Qingye City took a step back subconsciously, and his body's center of gravity completely sank. In the first game, he was unable to catch Ye Changfeng's anti-aircraft artillery serve. This time he has made up his mind, Pick up anyway.

Snapped!However, what Aoba Chengxi and Wuye did not expect was that Ye Changfeng, who opened his body completely in the air and tried to serve vigorously, just patted the volleyball forward lightly.

Swish!The volleyball slapped by Ye Changfeng fell straight forward at a high altitude. Although the speed was not as fast as a vigorous serve, it was not slow. It was a lob that flew to the front row and almost pressed the line.

"What!" Toru Kazukawa and others in the west of Aoba City were shocked. No one thought that Ye Changfeng would be so bold to choose a lob at the end of the game, and he would pursue the landing point so much.

It is no longer appropriate to describe Ye Changfeng with a big heart. This lob is not crazy.

You must know that Ye Changfeng is a rookie who has only played volleyball for more than two months. This kind of front row lob is much more difficult for Ye Changfeng than the vigorous jump serve.

Snapped!At this moment, what Ye Changfeng did not expect was that when the volleyball crossed the net, it hit the upper edge of the net, and there was a momentary pause on the net.

"Oh!" The entire Sendai Stadium echoed the audience's exclamations.

Snapped!The volleyball eventually overturned the net and landed in Aoba Castle West's half.

2224!A real lucky ball!

In the face of this kind of lucky ball, even a professional player can only sigh at the ball.

beep!When the referee blew the whistle to award the point to Karasuma High School, the whole gym was buzzing.

This score was too unexpected for the onlookers. No one thought that Ye Changfeng would be so bold, and the goddess of luck seemed to be on the side of Wuye High School.

"I'm kao! It's too dangerous, I almost smashed it..." Ye Changfeng, who landed steadily, was also taken aback.

After all, he has only been in volleyball for two months, and it is impossible to have the feeling of playing basketball.

Fortunately, Ye Changfeng was confident enough. If he hesitated a bit, the lob would not have crossed the net.

A lot of times, this is the case in competitive sports. The more confident you are, the smoother your technical movements will be, and the more the goddess of victory will favor you.

"You kid, scare me!" Tanaka, who has always been carefree, couldn't help but complain about Ye Changfeng.

"This guy Changfeng dares to play like this at this time..." There were also three black lines on Sawamura's forehead.

"Well done!"

"One more ball!" The bench of Wuye High School laughed and laughed, this lucky ball really boosted morale.

Aoba Chengxi's bench coach Ibata couldn't help standing up long ago and shouted from the sidelines.

"Don't panic, it's just a lucky ball, the game point is still in our hands! Continue with the previous defensive strategy!" Iribata was also taken aback by Ye Changfeng's bold action, but he didn't believe that after the serve who almost went down the net , Ye Changfeng dared to lob the ball.

"Give me the ball!" On the court, Ye Changfeng asked for the ball to Yuedao without changing his expression.

Tsukishima raised his hand and threw the volleyball to Ye Changfeng. Although he didn't want to admit it, he still admired Ye Changfeng's golf business.

Ye Changfeng's dunk not only won one point, but also put further pressure on Aoba Chengxi's heart.

Whether the next serve will be a strong jump serve or a lob, such questions arise in the hearts of every player in Aoba Castle West.

Snapped!Snapped!Ye Changfeng slapped the volleyball twice on the tee, and then deliberately rubbed it for a while.

"You bastard, serve quickly!" Iwaizumi complained in dissatisfaction.

Ye Changfeng was not in a hurry at all, until the referee reminded him that he threw the volleyball high.

This is also psychological warfare. The longer the opponent waits for him to serve, the greater the inner pressure on the opponent.

Swish!The volleyball rolled upwards in the air, this time Ye Changfeng took two steps forward and then jumped up, the whole person flew to the high altitude in the field.

"It's the posture of jumping the serve vigorously!" Toru Oikawa judged for a moment, and then his center of gravity sank, ready to save the ball, and everyone in Aoba Castle West was ready.

Snapped!However, it was not the sound of a volleyball being violently hit on the court, but a short, somewhat air-like slap.

"Missed?" Coach Irubata was stunned for a moment, then shocked, "No, it's a lob again!"

Swish!The volleyball moves fast in the air, much faster than the previous lob.

What was even more unexpected to everyone in Aoba City West was that after the volleyball passed the net, it suddenly changed direction in the air.

A volleyball that obviously didn't spin could actually change direction, and Aoba Chengxi Freeman Du instantly judged that what Ye Changfeng was sending was a jumping ball.

Moreover, the quality of the jumping ball is very high, not to mention the speed. After passing the net, it suddenly changes direction in the air, and the trajectory is simply erratic.

"Ferry!" Iwaizumi yelled back.

"Leave it to me!" Du jumped forward with his arms clenched and stretched forward at extreme speed.

His reaction is not unpleasant, and his actions are not unpleasant!

Snapped!But when Du received the jumping ball from Ye Changfeng in the air with an extremely awkward posture, the volleyball was not picked up by him, but directly bounced off the boundary.

At the moment of catching the ball, the volleyball has a sudden change of direction, which means that there is no receiving part at all.

2324!Ye Changfeng scored consecutively and saved three game-ending points!

Chapter 067, Hand-to-hand combat (please decide)

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