beep!When the referee blew the scoring whistle of Wuye, the audience in the audience reacted.Magazine

"It's another consecutive serve score from No. 1 Kuro!"

"Is this the rhythm to turn the tide?"

"God, he has already scored [-] points! It's amazing!" Some of the onlookers were completely excited, as if their home team was playing.

"When did this kid even learn to jump the ball?" Wu Yangxixin on the bench couldn't hide his surprise.

Everyone on the bench cheered loudly and excitedly, Sugawara Takayuki was so excited that he wanted to play by himself.

"Good job, Changfeng!" Wuye captain Sawamura and Ye Changfeng clapped abruptly, "One more point!"

"Ah!" Ye Changfeng took the volleyball from Sawamura.

At the end of the second game, the players on the Wuye field were already slightly tired, and now the whole team's burden was on Ye Changfeng's shoulders.

"It's a lob and a jump ball, is this kid really just a novice who has been playing volleyball for two months?" Coach Irabata of Aoba Castle West was about to go crazy.

In the western half of Aoba Castle, Toru Oikawa remained calm. Ye Changfeng's unpredictable serve was unpredictable, but Toru Oikawa did not panic.

"We still have a game point, guard against this point!" Toru Oikawa shouted loudly, trying to boost the morale of his teammates.

However, at this time, other players in Aoba City West inevitably showed timidity in their eyes. They did not know what kind of serve Ye Changfeng would deliver next.

The unknown is the most terrifying, and the heart of the west army of Qingye City has been shaken.

"Damn! We must keep this point!" Toru Oikawa's face was solemn, he knew that he would be powerless to say anything at this time, and only use actions to prove that Aoba Chengxi could still win the game.

Swish!Swish!At this time, Ye Changfeng, who entered the scoring state again, had sharp eyes, his whole person seemed to be on fire, and his self-confidence rose to the extreme.

What tactics, what defenses, what opponents, Ye Changfeng was completely ignored.

Take points, take points, take points, Ye Changfeng has once again entered the rhythm of self.

"I can score every time I touch the ball!" Ye Changfeng's self-confidence has swelled to the extreme.

bass!He suddenly threw the volleyball, this time Ye Changfeng didn't even bother to play psychological warfare, so he just kicked off the ground with one foot.

Another great serve!

Compared to the end of the first game, Ye Changfeng jumped higher this time.

There was a loud bang, when Ye Changfeng stretched out his stomach in the air and swung the volleyball out with a tomahawk-style spiking action, the volleyball exploded in the middle of the western half of Aoba Castle in an instant.

"What!" Oikawa's eyes were full of disbelief, the volleyball bounced high in front of him, and the wind blew his jersey rattling.

Toru Oikawa didn't move a single step, he couldn't move a single step.

2424!Ye Changfeng single-handedly pulled the two teams back to the same starting line.

"Yo Xi!" Everyone in Wuye clasped their fists in the sky and shouted.

"Unbelievable serve!"

"Is that a volleyball just now! It's a cannonball, right?"

"Monster high school student, monster high school student!" The entire stadium stand was boiling.

At this moment, Aoba City West's support team was completely misfired, and the entire arena seemed to be beaten by Ye Changfeng into their home court in an instant.

"The lob, the jumping ball, the strong master and the heavy artillery serve, this guy Changfeng completely controlled the game. First grade, it's just a first grade!" Wu Yangxixin couldn't describe the feeling at this time in words.

Apart from talent and unparalleled genius, he couldn't find a reasonable reason to explain Ye Changfeng's bursting state at critical moments.

At this time, Aoba Chengxi's coach Irubata sat back to the coaching seat in a slump. After the two timeouts in the second round, Aoba Chengxi had already used up, and Aoba Chengxi was suddenly pushed to the edge of the cliff.

"It's not over yet!" On the court, Toru Oikawa was the only player in the Aoba City West team who still had his fighting spirit on the court.

He desperately picked up Ye Changfeng's jumping ball!

In fact, Ye Changfeng's jumping ball is not too powerful, after all, he has just learned it.

The reason why Ye Changfeng can score consecutively by serving is because of changes and elusive serving.

"Cover!" Toru Oikawa, who jumped up to pick up the volleyball, shouted.

"Yes!" Kunimi, a second-year student at Aoba Castle West, reacted. After jumping up, he held the ball with both hands and held the volleyball in front of the net.

"Left! Left!" Tanaka Ryunosuke shouted loudly.

Sawamura, Tsukishima, and Tanaka formed a three-person block from Karasuma High School in front of Iwaizumi in the west of Aoba Castle who was jumping high and ready to smash.

"This point must be won!" Iwaizumi's eyes were burning with fire. At this moment in the game, there should be no hesitation. He simply smashed vigorously in a straight line.

The direction to aim at is Tsukishima, who is inexperienced in blocking the net!

Snapped!Iwaizumi's smash hit Tsukishima's left hand heavily. Tsukishima's limbs were weak, and his fingers and wrists were not as invincible as Ye Changfeng's, so he could not stop Iwaizumi's smash.

Swish!The volleyball pierced through Tsukishima's defense, rolled into the sky, and flew out of the baseline.

2524!Aoba Chengxi regained the game point again, and they broke Ye Changfeng's serve point!

"Okay!" Everyone on the Qingye Chengxi bench seemed to have been suppressed for hundreds of years, and they all jumped up excitedly after winning this crucial point.

Snapped!Snapped!Snapped!The support team in the west of Aoba Castle in the stands also revived.

"Attack! Qingcheng! Attack! Qingcheng!"

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