"Old Kongzhi, you really lost Shaolin's face!"

Chapter 054, One person fights Shaolin

Seeing that another person emerged from the Shaolin, Wei Yixiao also roared loudly, and immediately his entire body suddenly jumped out. Although his injuries have not been completely resolved, his unrivaled Qinggong still exists, so even if It was a breath of time late, but it was still a step ahead of Kongzhi and blocked in front of the former. *Magazine Insect*

"Blue-winged bat king Wei Yixiao, what can you teach me?" Kong Zhi saw Wei Yixiao's appearance, knowing that he would definitely not be able to successfully break into the battlefield between the two and join forces with his senior brother to fight against the enemy, and his heart sank at the moment. Looking at Wei Yixiao's expression, it is also a lot gloomier.

"What can you teach me?" Wei Yi smiled for a moment, then he laughed up to the sky, "Hahahahaha, the words of your old man are now on the signboard of your Shaolin sect, and you spit again, hahaha! "

"It's stubborn." Seeing that Kong Xing, not far away, was already under the attack of the tide of the night, Kong Zhi's heart was also anxious, and he didn't intend to entangle with Wei Yixiao again, and the tin stick in his hand was also fierce. To smash away!

"Why, I'm so angry, what's going on here?" Wei Yixiao was secretly happy when he saw Kongzhi's anger. He knew that he had to be distracted to suppress the injury in his body, so he was destined not to be one of the four great Shaolin monks. Yi Kongzhi's opponent, but he also has something to rely on after all. Even Zhang Sanfeng admires his Qinggong from the bottom of his heart, and has the title of 'the best Qinggong in the world', so his thinking is simple and clear.

One word, drag!

Wei Yi smiled clearly. Although emptiness is also extremely high in martial arts, it is only a matter of time for Ye Changfeng to solve him. One is this empty wisdom!

"Yang Zuo envoy, we..." It was impossible to say that Wei Yixiao had already entered the venue, and he couldn't help but ask Yang Xiao immediately.

"No." The internal force in the body was running wildly, Yang Xiao glanced at it and said that he closed his eyes again, "Bat King is unrivaled in the world, and his entry is enough to make Kongzhi's clone lacking skills, and that night brother solved the emptiness. It's already a foregone conclusion. We have injuries on our bodies, and it's not a decision to take light work. Entering the arena without authorization will only add trouble to them. Maybe it will make the six major factions seize the handle and attack in one fell swoop. Therefore, for now, Everyone is doing their best to dissipate the energy in their bodies, only then can we help Bolt King and Brother Ye!"

As soon as Yang Xiao said these words, Wu Sanren nodded, and immediately stopped thinking about other things. They all sat cross-legged and their inner strength surged.


"Wei Yixiao, I'm here in Shaolin just to ask for a statement from my brother's disciples. If you leave now, the people of Shaolin will no longer embarrass your teaching!" With blood, Kong Zhi's heart was also surging like a turbulent sea, and he immediately shouted at Wei Yixiao, after all, the cost of losing emptiness is too great, and the Shaolin faction can't afford it!

"Jie Jie Jie, are you really the old man who came out on the first day?" Wei Yixiao just rolled his eyes at him when he heard the words.

"Everyone in Shaolin..." Seeing this, Kong Zhi raised his head to the sky and let out a long howl, but before he could finish speaking, there was a loud noise.


Ye Changfeng was half-kneeling on the ground, and a dazzling crack spread from his position, and at the place where he was half-kneeling, his knee was touching the abdomen of a figure, and the palm of his hand was slightly forced to pull the figure out of the crack and lift it up. .

Everyone's eyes trembled uncontrollably.

Because what Ye Changfeng casually pinches in his palm like a dead dog is emptiness!

Looking at the latter's blood, it was almost dead, and then looking at Ye Changfeng who held him high, everyone's hearts could not help but feel a chill.

"I said earlier, that stick, the young master remembers it." He threw it aside at will, Ye Changfeng walked out slowly, picked up the tin stick that had fallen aside, and muttered to himself indifferently.

"Everyone in Shaolin listens to the order, and quickly smashes the demon sect!"

Hundreds of figures of Shaolin monks rushed towards Ye Changfeng like locusts.

"Ming Sect disciples obey orders, kill!"

Yang Xiao finally got up at this moment. At this moment, he also didn't care about the injury in his body. After raising his arms and shouting, he strode out, and behind him, Wusan and the White-browed Eagle King followed closely.

"Don't you think you can get past here just by relying on these little bastards?" Looking down and seeing a smile in Kong Xing's eyes, Ye Changfeng also grinned and said, "Have you... ever seen the God of Death?"

At this moment, Ye Changfeng's heart was clear, and an extremely tyrannical force also burst out from his body!

The tenth floor, ten dragons and ten elephants!

The original great movement of the universe had already completely touched his realm to the barrier of the tenth floor, and in the battle of life and death with emptiness, with the help of the sudden appearance of inspiration between life and death, Ye Changfeng was finally here. At the juncture, the window paper on the tenth floor was pierced, and he completely stepped into the realm of the tenth floor.

The Dragon Elephant Prajna on the tenth floor is a watershed.

However, they are all mortals for life.

Step over, and you will fade away from the mundane.

The number nine has already reached the pinnacle in the human world. The so-called supreme being is at best the 'nine-five supreme', which is the pinnacle that mortals can achieve.

But further up, ten, is the Great Perfection.

Ten dragons and ten elephants are truly powerful enough to compete with Bodhisattvas and Arhats, and are truly terrifying powers that have the potential to kill Bodhisattvas.


He stepped out with one foot, and this time, Ye Changfeng had no reservations about the power of ten dragons and ten elephants!

As he landed, huge cracks that could be seen by the naked eye spread in all directions. In the next instant, the bluestone slabs within a radius of several dozen feet were all smashed to shreds by this force, and then splashed out. Shi, is carrying the power of ten dragons and ten elephants, that speed is like a ghost!

Puff puff--

Countless pieces of rubble slammed into the Shaolin monks, and the speed was so fast that those people had no time to dodge, and then the countless pieces of rubble actually penetrated the bodies of the Shaolin monks in the trembling eyes of the sky. After that, there are blood holes that are transparent!

"Have you seen it, God of Death?"

A soft murmur rang in Kong Xing's ears, and he looked at the scene in front of him, his body trembling violently.

A loud whistling sounded in the ear.

Ye Changfeng raised his tin stick high, facing Kong Xing's head, and slashed down!

"Master said, this time, you are destined not to go back!"


The tin stick smashed down, splashing blood on the ground.

The headless corpse in the cassock trembled fiercely for a few times, and then stopped moving...

Chapter 055, Crisis Resolution

A gust of breeze blew, and a few fallen leaves rolled the gravel across the ground. Ψ Magazine ω Magazine ω Bug Ψ

Looking at Ye Changfeng's figure, everyone felt that a chill rushed straight from the Tianling Gai to the soles of their feet. The chill made everyone shudder.

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