"Senior brother!" Kong Zhi saw the empty corpse lying on the side with its head blown up, his expression became crazy, his eyes were round and bloodshot, and he roared, The strength of a vajra subduing palm also slammed towards Wei Yixiao in front of him, "Get out of the way!"

"You...you're still worried about yourself..." The demonic voice resounded like a judgment again, and Kongzhi's pupils shrank suddenly, because between him and Wei Yixiao, a figure appeared like a ghost. .

"Go down and accompany him!" The blood-stained tin stick was raised high again, and the next moment, it slammed down at Kongzhi's fist!


The sound of broken bones was extremely harsh, and when he was slammed forward by this terrifying force that fell from the sky, Kong Zhi finally understood why his previous senior brother Kong Xing was helpless, because this force, fundamentally It shouldn't be on human beings!

However, before he could think more about it, the next breath, the overwhelming pain instantly engulfed him. His right palm and five fingers were now a puddle of flesh and blood, and the big puddle of blood was flowing on the bluestone slab. Not a single bone could be found in the entire right palm, they were all smashed to pieces by Ye Changfeng's stick.


The blue veins between his neck protruded, Kong Zhi curled up into a bowed prawn, his right arm was trembling constantly, only in the right palm, there was only a pool of flesh and blood mixed with broken bones. It was terribly bleak to go up.

"Now, do you still have the courage to talk to me like you did before?" Ye Changfeng said, taking three steps in front of his feet, and with the last one, he stepped heavily on Kongzhi's back, with his toes. The sound of bones shattering with a violent twist resounded again, and this time, the internal force in Ye Changfeng's body also poured into Kongzhi's back, not only breaking his lumbar vertebrae, but also the violent surplus power in his body. Unbridled rampage, the meridians in the latter's body are shattered every inch!

After doing this, Ye Changfeng can guarantee that even if he uses the so-called black jade intermittent ointment for Kongzhi, he will no longer be able to use the slightest inner strength in this life, and he may not even be able to stand up. How terrifying it would be if the power of the Ten Elephants stepped on a person, without stepping on him on the spot, that Kongzhi's strength was not weak.

After doing this, Ye Changfeng slowly raised his head and looked in the direction of the six sects, without a trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

But it was this kind of look that made everyone in the six sects tremble. Everyone looked at Ye Changfeng with a sincere look of fear.

This time, the six major sects besieged Guangming Ding, and the six major sects all sent their disciples with good strength to come, and among them, the Shaolin sect even sent two of the four holy monks, Kong Xing Kongzhi. People, and [-] disciples, a total of [-] people, so far, the entire army has been wiped out!

Although Na Kongzhi was still alive at this time, he was still being stepped on by Ye Changfeng. After seeing Ye Changfeng's terrifying standing strength, who would dare to go out and speak for him at this time, and even if that Kong Zhi was lucky enough to survive, and the people present were also martial arts practitioners. How could he not see that he was destined to collapse in the G in the rest of his life, and it was impossible for him to have the slightest fighting strength. In other words, it is undoubtedly a deadly but also a heavy blow.

Looking at the more than [-] corpses in the field, the blood pooled together into a large pool of blood, and a young figure stood on the pool of blood. Shocked by the terrifying record, even the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

One person fights Shaolin and wins a great victory!

If this kind of record is placed before, I am afraid that anyone present will think it is a complete joke, because no one will believe this kind of thing, what is the Shaolin School, it is one of the top martial arts schools in the entire Jianghu martial arts. , not only are there countless disciples under the sect, but there are even four powerful people in the sect!

Such a luxurious lineup, let alone trouble with the Shaolin sect, ordinary people would not easily find trouble with Shaolin disciples, but today, there is really one person who has gone to trouble the entire sect of Shaolin. He is still a young boy. Everyone thinks that he is destined to fall here today with hatred, because there are half of the elites of the Shaolin faction here, and there are two great saints.

However, there should be no second possible battle, but the result is as much as what everyone thinks, a difference of as much as [-] miles, in the fight against [-] Shaolin disciples with one person's strength During the battle, Shaolin disciples were wiped out!

And the young man who was supposed to be crushed to ashes by them, except for the two holy monks from beginning to end, the others couldn't even touch the corners of his clothes, that is, the soul returns to Huangquan!

"Brother Ye..." Yang Xiao stared blankly at everything that happened in an instant, and the whole person became bad. Although he thought Ye Changfeng was very strong, he even held him to the top of his heart. After more than ten years, it may be enough to surpass Zhang Sanfeng's level, but now it seems that there is no need for 'maybe', that should be something that must happen!

"Hey, old bat, you brother, you are so fucking amazing!" Zhou Dian on the side also relaxed at this time, and immediately put his arms around Wei Yixiao's neck beside him, his old face smiling like a flower The blooming juhua said while still hammering Wei Yixiao's chest a few times, "With such a powerful brother covering you, you will have to see the timing if you want to trouble you in the future. No matter, let the old man beat you twice first. It's fun!" Seeing Ye Changfeng's unparalleled power, even Zhou Dian's nerves knew that there would be no more danger to the bright top this time, and now he returned to his usual character and smiled at Wei. slapstick.

"You old boy..." Looking at Zhou Dian's appearance in disbelief, Wei Yixiao also looked at Ye Changfeng who was standing in the center of the field not far away, and a sincere smile appeared on his face, which was different from Zhou Dian. , Zhou Dian's smile is because the danger of Bright Summit has been completely resolved this time; while his smile is because he is happy for Ye Changfeng's breakthrough in internal strength.Because he knew that when he saw Ye Changfeng half a month ago, the latter obviously didn't have this kind of strength, obviously because he had made a breakthrough in these days.

"Being able to make such a brother, my Wei Yixiao is worth my life..."

Chapter 056, People from Huashan

"Okay, now, who else wants to continue?" He took off the soles of his feet on Kongzhi's back, and Ye Changfeng kicked his legs out again, kicking Kongzhi's body into the air. There was a trace of dozens of feet long on the platform paved with slate, and then it slammed into a rockery, and Yu Jin banged on it. The body was buried, and after doing this, Ye Changfeng shook his head casually, turned his head to look at Liu, no, it was the direction of the five major sects, and said indifferently. ●Magazine/Magazine/Insect ●

"Boy, what you said is a little too arrogant." In the crowd, under the banner of the Huashan faction, a middle-aged figure walked out slowly, not tall, but the look of contempt on his face was clear. .

Carefully searched for this person's deeds repeatedly in the memory, for a long time, Ye Changfeng searched to no avail, and frowned.

And Ye Changfeng's slightly wrinkled expression was also seen by the people of the Huashan faction, and he was secretly happy at the moment. He thought that Ye Changfeng would definitely be weak after the previous battle, otherwise he would not repeat it again and again. He repeatedly threatened everyone with words, and at that time, he came forward and cut off Ye Changfeng's head, and since then he has become a famous existence in the martial arts world.

It's just that although his abacus is very subtle, he ignores the most crucial point, that is, the reason why Ye Changfeng is only verbally intimidating the five sects is because his Dragon Elephant Prajna is now a breakthrough, and His temperament is extremely lazy, and he is very afraid of trouble; in addition, the purpose of his trip has been completed, and there is no need to fight with others, so he is in such a posture, and the reason why he frowns slightly is because he I didn't find the existence of this person in Yitian's original work, I thought he was just a nobody, so I was dissatisfied...

"Do you want to fight too?" Some shook his head helplessly, Ye Changfeng turned around, and regardless of whether he agreed or not, he directly shouted at Wei Yixiao: "Brother Xiao, I will leave this person to you to deal with. Tired." Saying that, regardless of the man's livid face, he slowly walked towards the Ming Sect people.

"Extremely arrogant kid!" The man looked at Ye Changfeng's back with a livid face, his eyes flashed with coldness, and his body shot towards Ye Changfeng. Put the folding fan, and flick a piece of purple mist with your fingers at the end of the fan, and a piece of purple mist suddenly spews out of it. Three silver needles as thin as ox hair are also hidden in the mist, covering Ye Changfeng's figure And go!

"Xiaofeng, watch your back!"

Seeing Wei Yixiao's nervous expression, Ye Changfeng was also aware of the situation behind him. He stomped the soles of his feet, his inner strength surged through the meridians, and with a single move with both hands, he grabbed the air into a ball, which condensed into a ball in front of his chest. Power group.

The air mass continued to rotate, and while it was spinning, a terrifying suction force came out of the air mass, pulling the mist behind Ye Changfeng bit by bit, and even the three were mixed with the naked eye. The imperceptible silver needle also swiped from behind him uncontrollably, and then got into the air mass in front of Ye Changfeng's chest!

"This! How is this possible! How can you crack my poisonous mist!" The man's face was full of shock. He thought that Ye Changfeng in front of him had only experienced a hard fight, and now he is in a weak state , how could he have thought that Ye Changfeng was still fierce.At the moment, his heart also trembled suddenly, and he turned his head and withdrew.

"I want to run now, isn't it too late?" Ye Changfeng also suddenly remembered the name of the man, that Xian Yutong was the man in the original book who calculated Zhang Wuji's defeat with a hidden weapon. She was humble, but she played with women everywhere because of her cleverness and ability to use poison. Hu Qingniu's younger sister, Hu Qingyang, made a promise to her and was abandoned. In the end, she committed suicide with a white ribbon on the beam, and she ended up with two corpses. fate.

Thinking of this, Ye Changfeng's feeling for this Xian Yutong also dropped to freezing point in an instant, and he didn't hesitate at the moment. With a backhand, he pushed the air mass in his hand violently, intending to kill it directly.

"Little brother, please let him go!" A loud shout sounded, and in the next instant, two figures flew out from the Huashan faction, one man and one woman, both of them using swords, the sword light facing Ye Changfeng The stabbing, although it seems quite powerful, but in fact it is not murderous.

Although Ye Changfeng saw that these two swords had no killing intent, he did not let Xian Yutong's thoughts go. He held his palm against the void, and the air mass was suddenly detonated in the air as if it was under control. Purple mist burst out from it and turned into a large purple net, wrapping it around his body.

"Ah! Forgive your life! Forgive your life!" That Xian Yutong's strength was low, and he only relied on the kung fu of some three-legged cats and his poisonous skills. He had never seen such a battle before. No matter how many words, the poison will swallow him like an abyss mouth.

After doing this, Ye Changfeng jumped up again, a palm slammed out, and the turbulent weather suddenly turned into a violent wind blade, not only forcing the two back, but even the two sword beams. Smashed to pieces.


"Little brother, this approach is too much." The man took a step forward and faced Ye Changfeng with a solemn expression.

"Do all the six sects look shameless like this?" Ye Changfeng smiled disdainfully, ignoring the angry eyes of the two, pointed at Xian Yutong, who was covered in poisonous mist, and said in a flat tone, "Previously, he When you attacked me, how come you idiot didn't say anything? Do you only allow him to use some rude means, and not allow me to slaughter him in a fair and light way? Your theory is ridiculously tight."

"It's his fault. It's true. I'm here to apologize for his little brother. Please let him go soon." The sleeve robe slammed and rolled up a gust of wind towards the poisonous mist fan, and the poisonous mist However, it was strangely unaffected. It was still condensed together, and tightly wrapped Xian Yutong. The man bit his teeth and knew that Ye Changfeng's internal force was at work, but he had no choice but to go to Ye Chang for the time being. The wind bowed his head to admit his mistake.

"Isn't everything solved by talking like this?" Ye Changfeng sneered, and the poisonous mist was swept up into the clouds by a breeze and dissipated.

But in the Xianyutong position, he has long since disappeared.

Only a deep purple skeleton remained.

Chapter 057, Two Instruments and Four Images

The dark purple corpse lay on the ground. ∞ Magazine ∑ Bug ∞

The stench of smell shot straight into the sky, not the stench of flesh and blood, but the smell of poisonous mist corroding on the corpse.

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