Suddenly opening his eyes, Ye Changfeng's figure sitting cross-legged was actually suspended in mid-air like a god. Under the shocking gaze of the three girls, Ye Changfeng in mid-air slowly opened his arms, The left hand is red, the right is blue.

Nine yang in the left hand, nine yin in the right hand!

At the moment when his hands were folded together, a terrifying internal force that was more than ten times stronger than before, swept out from Ye Changfeng's body!

Chapter 081, The Master of the Happy Palace

With the beginning of the new year, everything has been quietly recovering. ± Miscellaneous ∨ Zhi ∨ Bug ±

The days of early spring have lost the severe cold of winter, but there is still a little chill in the air. At this time, in the Shaolin Temple on the top of a mountain, it is a scene of heat.

This day is the 'March period' when the two Shaolin sages, Kong Jian Kongwen and the Master of Xiaoyao Palace, and the Shaolin Temple on this day is undoubtedly the most lively day in these years. After the date of the month was set, Kong Jian and Kong Wen even distributed invitations to the entire Jianghu martial arts forest, inviting all the heroes of the world to come to Shaolin to meet on this day.

People with discerning eyes naturally know that all this is Shaolin’s muscle-brightening method to put pressure on Xiaoyao Palace. Buried in the Shaolin Temple, and secondly, it is not that they did not show their fangs to the heroes of the world. They also need to completely obliterate the master of Xiaoyao Palace to prove the existence of Shaolin to the world, to prove that even the fierce tiger of Shaolin is in his normal life. They are all keeping a low profile, but a tiger is still a tiger. If anyone forces a tiger to bark its teeth, the tiger doesn't mind directly biting its throat!

For Shaolin's actions, more than half of the people in Jianghu and Wulin are naturally aware. If possible, they don't want to go to this muddy water, but Shaolin's invitation has been sent to the door early, who would dare I am too embarrassed to refuse. After all, although there are countless sects in the world, the only ones that can check and balance each other and stand side by side at the top of the rivers and lakes are the six sects of the six major sects. Nearly half, but the thin dead camel is still bigger than the horse. As long as Shaolin has two people sitting in town, Shaolin will still stand. Even if Zhang Sanfeng is personally there, there will be no such thing. any changes.

Therefore, although these many small sects were quite dissatisfied with Shaolin's approach, they did not dare to refuse, so they had to hold their tails, and the heads of each sect came to Shaolin with congratulatory gifts in person.


"Have you heard?"

"What did you hear?"

"It is said that this time Shaolin invited a total of [-] forces from all over the world to come to the appointment, but the other five of the six sects, except Wudang, did not send anyone to come!"

"Xiongtai's words are true? Why is this?"

"This brother doesn't know something. The Kongtong faction caused the whole sect to lose heart because of the fall of the five elders of Kongtong. The acting head directly declined Shaolin's kindness."

"The Kongtong faction is understandable. After all, the entire family business is about to fall apart. It's reasonable to reply like this, but what about the other three?"

"It is said that the second faction of the Kunlun Huashan Mountain directly rejected Shaolin's invitation. It is said that the Guangmingding battle was honored by the mercy of the lord of Xiaoyao Palace, so they said they would never intervene in this matter."

"Tsk tsk tsk... At this juncture, you dare to directly mention the battle on the top of the light in front of the Shaolin sect. In the world, only the other five sects must have the courage to do so. This is undoubtedly for the Shaolin sect. Naked tore open the scar that was about to end again and then sprinkled salt on it! If this were my Dragon Tiger Gate... ah, I guess it will be destroyed tomorrow..."

"Who said it wasn't, but if the Kunlun faction and Huashan faction's reply was bold, the Emei faction's reply must have directly stomped Shaolin's face on the ground! It is said that after the Emei faction received the invitation, the The deputy head Ding Minjun actually replied directly, saying, "The head of the Emei faction is the wife of the lord of the Xiaoyao Palace, and he wants our family to witness the beating of our family. Everyone in Shaolin is kicked by a donkey in their brains." No'!"

"I rely on... Emei's reply is really... simple and rude!"


For this gathering, the Shaolin sect started to expand the door wall a few years ago. The original Shaolin sect has now been completely pushed aside except for some temple houses and meditation rooms, leaving a huge platform about a thousand feet in diameter. , Right now, many Jianghu sects have sent people here, and hundreds of people are standing here, but they dare not complain at all.

"Master, [-]% of the sects in the rivers and lakes who received our invitations have already arrived." Under the eaves outside the temple door, a monk quickly walked to two figures sitting on wooden chairs in cassocks. , said in a low voice.

"Well, I understand." One of them had a tough face and an aura like a rainbow. It was quite similar to the aura of the golden-haired lion king Xie Xun. If Xie Xun's temperament was unmatched domineering, then this person's The momentum is the temperament of the reef after the big waves wash away the sand, and it is as heavy as Mount Tai, and he is one of the two great holy monks of Shaolin right now!

"Senior brother, everyone is basically here." Kong Wen turned his head and whispered to the figure beside him.

I saw the face of the man beside him withered, the hands exposed under the robe were like rotten wood, and the eyes were sunken into the sockets, and the whole person looked like a shriveled skeleton. Everyone would think that he was already a corpse, but surprisingly, everyone on the platform looked at him with incomparable seriousness and awe.

Can see the holy monk, the most powerful person in the martial arts world close to Zhang Sanfeng!

Except for Zhang Sanfeng, the undisputed first person!

There are rumors that when Zhang Sanfeng fought against him, it was only a narrow victory in the end!

From this, the strength of this holy monk can be seen, and decades have passed since the two fought at the beginning, and his strength is bound to become more and more bottomless!If someone is contemptuous because of his appearance, it is undoubtedly the most stupid behavior!

"Well, inform those little guys to take good care of the people from the Wudang faction. As for the other sects, let's discuss today's affairs with them after the end of the day." The old man opened his eyes slowly. There was a flash of light, and his eyes glanced around in the Wudang crowd. After confirming that there was no acquaintance from that year, he finally closed his eyes with a little regret and slowly opened his mouth.

"Understood, go and arrange for the heroes of Wudang to take their seats." Kong Wen nodded and said to the monk behind him.


Three poles in the sun.

Under the anxious mood of everyone, a fluttering voice came slowly.

As if sensing something, many of the world's leaders all turned their attention to the end of the road.

The light and fluttering voice gradually progressed from far away, and the last Kongjian moved his ears, slowly opened his eyes, and looked towards the front.

A young figure slowly walked up from the stone ladder.

The figure, dressed in a white robe, slowly approached, and finally made a soft sound, and finished the last step of the stone stairs.

Taking three steps forward again, the figure stood, and the light words swayed on this huge platform.

"Palace Master Xiaoyao, Ye Changfeng!"

Chapter 082, only war

"Palace Master Xiaoyao, Ye Changfeng!"

The faint words slowly spread on this platform. Unsurprisingly, it seemed that some kind of imprisonment had been opened. After everyone's eyes stayed on him for a few breaths, they all whispered to each other. .Miscellaneous ♀ Zhi ♀ Insect 灬

"It turns out that this is Ye Changfeng, the master of the Xiaoyao Palace. I didn't expect to be so young."

"To be able to do that kind of deeds at such an age, presumably even Zhang Sanfeng couldn't do it back then!"

"Who knows this, Zhang Sanfeng might be able to do it back then, but whether he has the ability to do it is one thing, don't you think anyone would have the guts to do these things?"

"But looking at the boy's current appearance, he is not afraid of the battles set up by the Shaolin faction at all. Wouldn't he really be fearless?"

"When you say that, I think it really makes sense... Now I hope that this kid can slap Shaolin in the face again in public, and grandma's father came to make an appointment, and these people in Shaolin actually left him in the dark. There's not even a seat here, which is really annoying!"

"Shh, say this in a low voice, do you think that Kong Jian Kong Wen is here with the two of them, and he can really find any prodigal son alone? Don't be naive, Zhang Sanfeng may not dare to say such a thing here! "


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