Ignoring the whispers of the people around him, Ye Changfeng looked at the two figures in cassocks at the end of the line of sight, and said lightly again: "I'm coming to an appointment today, why, don't the Shaolin faction even want to take a seat? Come down? This is not the way your faction should behave."

Hearing Ye Changfeng's words, the heads of many sects around couldn't help but twitch, and the faces of the two of them looking at Kong Jian Kongwen were also faintly angry.

Seeing that Ye Changfeng changed the current situation in just a few words, Kong Wen's eyes flashed with hatred, but he was not good at words, and he didn't know what to do when faced with such a situation. .Just as he was about to take a few steps forward, a large hand like a rotten wood pressed against his chest and stopped him.

Kong Jian slowly stood up, smiled at Ye Changfeng and said, "Today, I, Shaolin, invited you all here for two things, they came for the second thing, and the night palace master accepted The invitation card that arrives is about the first thing... When the second thing starts, we will naturally arrange for everyone to sit down, which will not bother the night palace master."

"Oh? Then I'm a little curious. I don't know what is the difference between the first thing and the second thing? I hope the master can answer it." Ye Changfeng raised his brows and stood still. , laughed out loud.

"The second thing is that my Shaolin faction invited all the sects of the world to gather here to discuss it, but it is not convenient for Lao Na to disclose what it is. After all, Xiaoyao Palace is not among our invitations..." Kong Jian With a slight smile, his old eyes were squinted into two slits, he took a few steps forward, slowly walked down the steps, and said again: "As for the first thing, I also hope that Palace Master Ye will be concerned about the original Bright Summit. , to Lao Na and my entire Shaolin, an explanation!"

As the words fell, Kong Jian's face also lost the slightest expression in an instant. There was a hint of gloom in his tone, and the undisguised strong internal strength was condensed into a sharp blade like a substance, cutting it on the platform paved with bluestone. , cracked several thumb-wide cracks!

"Oh! It turns out that the master is so laborious to call down, but it is for such an innocuous little thing." He casually plucked his ears, Ye Changfeng said indifferently, the light words came out, and the expressions on everyone's faces The expressions are all wonderful.

Big brother, big brother, you are really upright, you dare to take whatever others say, and you should take a look at whose territory you are now!What kind of characters are these two masters in front of you!They were all heroes back then!In terms of age, seniority, and seniority, which one is not to stabilize your head!In this situation, you can do whatever you want. How big is your heart!

As Ye Changfeng's words landed, the scene became silent for a while. Everyone looked at the two of Kong Jian and Kong Wen in horror. But that Kong Wen's face turned blue, obviously Ye Changfeng's words deeply stimulated this guy with a bad temper.

"It seems that Palace Master Ye is not planning to solve this problem today..." Sora Jian sighed, not only for himself but also for Ye Changfeng.

"Master, don't come to these high-sounding sets." Ye Changfeng sneered and pointed at the crowd: "Master is in such a battle today, do you really intend to 'solve it with me'? I am nothing. I'm a fledgling boy, at least I still know this common sense, it's easier to put it on the table if the master has anything to say, this kind of practice is really an insult to Shaolin's reputation!"


An angry shout came out suddenly, and that Kong Wen couldn't bear Ye Changfeng's words after all, and his body suddenly rushed out at him, "What a boy with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, wait until the old man captures you. After that, you must discipline your mouth well!"

"It's better to be so simple earlier." Ye Changfeng also smiled slightly when he looked at Kong Wen's figure, but there was a killing intent in his pupils, "But if you want to discipline me, I'm afraid of you. Not enough!"

The soles of his feet slammed the ground, and Ye Changfeng's figure suddenly shot towards him without letting go!

"Good job!" Kong Wen saw a flash of joy in his eyes, his big hand stretched out suddenly, his five fingers were claws, and the faint golden light spot flashed out in his hand. His shot was Shaolin's unique skill - dragon claws. hand!

The three-inch finger light jumped like an elf at the fingertips, and Ye Changfeng also pointed it out. The strong wind ripped apart the air, and the power of the Yang Finger was undoubtedly revealed!

The next moment, under the gazes of everyone, the fingers and claws collided in the center of the platform!


Just like two powerful cannonballs colliding, the moment one finger and one claw collided, two strong internal forces collided violently, and the strong energy suddenly cracked the bluestone slab under the feet, and the gravel mixed with dust tossed, and The figures of the two were completely concealed.

Chapter 083, Kill one person first!

bang bang bang-

When the sand dust covered the two figures for a few breaths, a figure flew out in a bit of an embarrassment, and stepped back more than four or five steps on the ground, and every time it landed, it was accompanied by a muffled sound. And a large piece of bluestone slab shattered, and when everyone saw the figure of the man, they took a breath of cold air in horror. *magazine?bug*

Empty smell!

That embarrassed figure was actually an air smell of one of the two great Shaolin monks!

"Hehe, it seems that not only is the master's mouth not very good, but his skills are also pitifully weak." The words with a bit of playfulness came out, and the dust in the center of the field gradually dissipated, and everyone followed the sound. In the middle of that scene, Ye Changfeng was holding his arms in his arms and sneering. Not only did his figure not retreat, he didn't even move a step!

"Shaolin must have hit the iron plate this time..."

Coincidentally, this sentence rang out in everyone's hearts at the same time, and the eyes that looked at Kong Wen showed a little sympathy. After all, they weren't blind either. Wen's claw definitely didn't hold back at all, and even so, it was still repelled by Ye Changfeng's understatement. In this way, Ye Changfeng's skill is definitely better than Kong Wen's, and may even be better than Kong Wen's. More than one!

It is even very possible that Ye Changfeng's skill is enough to stand side by side with Kong Jian!

Thinking of this, the eyes of everyone looking at Ye Changfeng also unconsciously brought a bit of awe.

The world is like this, as long as you show enough convincing power, then there will naturally be people in awe of you, willing to bow down to you, this is easy to understand, simple and straightforward.

"You bastard! Looking for death!" Seeing the sarcasm in Ye Changfeng's eyes, Kong Wen's face also flushed red, and he shouted angrily, and his figure rushed towards the former again.

"I can't handle myself." Ye Changfeng said lightly, his figure suddenly turned into a ghost, and he withdrew from his fist, ignoring the surging wind that the fist was carrying, Ye Changfeng pointed his backhand to his left. Eyes, if this finger is in the middle, I am afraid that the finger light on that finger is enough to completely pierce his eyes!

The hair on his body also stood on end when the energy came to him. After all, he was also a veteran who had experienced many battles, so he still had a sense of danger.

"I want to leave now, I'm afraid it's too late!" The icy words carried a biting chill, Ye Changfeng flicked his fingers, and a red and blue internal force instantly turned into a needle, and then disappeared into the Kongwen's body.

Suddenly, Kong Wen's figure stagnated as if struck by lightning, and then trembled violently. Under his skin, the faint red and blue colors interlaced each other, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Since you've already moved your hands, if you want to run again, it's not that simple."

Ye Changfeng placed a palm on Kong Wen's face, and pressed it hard to the ground, violent internal force swept out of his body, sinking his body into the bluestone slab, and dazzling cracks pierced through it. It spreads and spreads under the body, like a poisonous snake, making it trapped in it and unable to break free. After doing this, Ye Changfeng is still merciless, grabbing the palm of his hand between his throat, and then dragging it and rushing out violently, passing by. At the place, a trace as deep as several feet was painted, with a distance of several feet long, until the end of the stone ladder, which was worthy of stopping.

He stood up indifferently, held Kong Wen in his hand like a chicken in mid-air, his palm tightly clamped to Kong Wen's throat, turned his head to look at Kong Jian in the distance with a smile, and chuckled lightly. : "Master, can I still sit there honestly now? You must know that the life of your junior brother is completely in my mind!"


Looking at Kong Wen, who was held in the air by Ye Changfeng like a dead dog, everyone subconsciously took a breath of cold air. Suddenly, the sound of air-conditioning lingered among the crowd for a long time. They couldn't help but swallowed. This time, when they looked at Ye Changfeng, it was not so-called awe, but deep fear!

Even though they thought that Ye Changfeng's skill might be better than Kong Wen's, when the truth happened, they only realized how big the gap between the two was.

This is clearly not a one-level battle!

It can even be said that everyone is not ready, the battle is over!

What can you do in just a few dozen breaths? !

But in these ten or so breaths, they saw with their own eyes that Kong Wen, one of the two famous Shaolin monks, who was arrogant and arrogant, was casually held in his hands without fighting back. The power, like fish on a chopping board, can be slaughtered by anyone!

"The old man has to admit that he was really wrong before." Kong Jian took a breath, then quietly looked at Ye Changfeng, and said with no expression on his face, "Kong Wen is indeed not your opponent, this is There are really heroic young people in the rivers and lakes, the old man never imagined that the night palace master has such skills at such an age, presumably soon, he will be able to become the real first person in this rivers and lakes..."

"What's wrong with the master now? Are you taking it soft?" He casually shook his arm, looked at Kong Wen, who was in a coma, and then looked at Kong Jian and said with a chuckle: "But the master won't be naive to think that it's soft now. Is it too late?"

"Forget it, put down Kong Wen, and let's leave today's business." Kong Jian sighed with a tossed robe, and the whole person seemed to be a little older in an instant.

"Did Xiaoye tell you that today's affairs are over?"

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