"Human's doll? Get out of here." The protector of Baidaomen was very direct, but he couldn't say a word for Ye Changfeng.

Ye Changfeng also didn't want to fight him, so he said: "Okay, okay, we don't want to conflict with you, we still want to go in at that time, and we will definitely not say that you let us in."

"Didn't you hear me? I told you to get out of here! This is not where you should come!" White Belt Gate said, waving the double axe in his hand.

Ye Changfeng also said out of helplessness: "That offends the uncle."

"Whoops? The little baby is still very powerful, and he also has a soul-killing knife. Well, this old man is also a reasonable person. If you defeat me, I will open this door for you!" Bai Daomen guarded and patted He patted his chest and said.

Ye Changfeng didn't talk nonsense with him again, he just charged up and jumped up, and the axe aimed at him was chopped down, and an axe of the Baidaomen guard was instantly shattered!

The guard of Baidaomen was startled, then took a few steps back, and used the full barbarian pusher axe to smash directly at Ye Changfeng, who was falling.

Ye Changfeng also directly raised the knife and dropped it in the air. He completed this action in the air, and then landed perfectly, directly putting Liu Ren Ruohuo back on his back.

The Baidaomen guarded it but couldn't understand it and said, "What's the matter? Little baby, changed your mind? Going back? Then I won't give it away."

Ye Changfeng covered his face helplessly, smiled dryly and said, "Look at your axe."

Bai Daomen glanced at his axe, and there was only the handle left!The sharp blade above has been directly cut off by Ye Changfeng!

The guardian of Baidaomen felt that he had lost face, and then he rushed towards Ye Changfeng and said, "Then look at this again?!"

Ye Changfeng also flashed to the side and quickly raised a whip leg!

It happened to hit the position of his lower abdomen, and the guardian of Baidaomen was kicked around in place, his face was full of unwillingness.

"Uncle, do you still want to compete? I didn't fight you well. We really have something to do. Let us in." Ye Changfeng said sternly.

There is no way for the guardian of Baidaomen. As usual, the person who defeats him can enter the Jingling Court.

Therefore, the guardian of Baidaomen had no choice. He stood up slowly and then lifted it. The stone wall began to shake, and then the interval in the middle began to gradually fight.

Ye Changfeng also walked forward slowly with satisfaction, and said, "Thank you, uncle, when we come back, please open the door for us again!"

At this time, Ye Changfeng suddenly saw a figure!That was Gin Ichimaru, the captain of the thirteenth division!

But it was too late at this time, Ichimaru Gin directly released the Soul Chopping Blade: "Magic gun!"

At this time, the Soul Chopping Sword suddenly became longer, directly piercing the chest of the guardian of Baidaomen. At this time, Ye Changfeng also realized that if he fell, he would not be able to get in!

Ye Changfeng seized the opportunity, directly opened the ring, and took advantage of the chaos to directly enter the Jingling Court, and the door was also directly closed!After Ye Changfeng entered, he quickly hid his breath.

Ichimaru Gin looked left and right for a while, and saw that it seemed to be resolved, and then showed a very strange smile as if he had gone away.

At this time, Ye Changfeng thought about the people on Kurosaki Ichigo's side. They must not be able to come in at the same time as him. According to the development of the plot, they should go to the black cat Yeichi to use the cannon to enter the Jingling Court. .

But in this case, I mean that they are separated, but it is not necessarily a bad thing. If I do things quickly, I can speed up the pace.

On the other side, the news after Ye Changfeng entered the Jingling Court is not known from there.

Suddenly, a series of bells rang out, and then there was a "giggle" laugh, and the man stood up and picked up the Soul Chopping Sword as if he was walking outside.

This person is Zengmu Kenpachi, and he was excited at the moment, and then he pointed his head and said playfully: "Haha, I haven't been able to make me happy for a long time, I must be there first! "

"Tatatata!" Ye Changfeng was walking fast in the Jingling Court. In order to find Rukia's hiding place faster, it can be said that it took a lot of effort.

"Where the hell is this little girl hiding? I'm still looking for it!" Ye Changfeng complained very much.

At this moment, a voice sounded from the street on one side: "You stop for me!"

Ye Changfeng also heard the voice, although he knew that he was going to run to rescue Rukia, but Ye Changfeng still stopped, he just wanted to know who was stopping him here. .

Chapter 019, two chickens

But don't forget that Ye Changfeng has the ability of pseudo-all-knowing and omnipotent, and he can plunder his Soul Chopping Blade after defeating his opponent. Ye Changfeng also has the idea of ​​hitting great luck. @ Miscellaneous Zhi Zhi worm @

In case it is a captain level, if you defeat it, you can plunder the first Soul Chopping Blade, which is a bloody profit for you!

Ye Changfeng also came to the end of the alley where the sound was made at the beginning with the attitude of giving it a try. If he plundered a Soul Chopping Blade out of the list, the battle would be easier!

After reaching the end of the reception, Ye Changfeng finally returned home. There are no captain-level characters at all, but two people standing there!

That is Madarame and Ayasegawa Yukino, they are the third and fifth seats of the eleventh team, and they are all figures of the past in terms of strength.

At this moment, they were leaning against the wall, looking at Ye Changfeng with a playful expression, and said, "Hey, what is your expression? Why don't you like seeing us?"

Ye Changfeng told the truth and said directly: "Really, you are too weak, if it is your captain, I think it is still a little fun."

"Hey, this foreigner is really amazing, don't you think you're amazing if you beat that gatekeeper?" Ayasegawa Yuki said with a grin.

Madaramu held a foxtail in the corner and said disdainfully: "Who said no, you are so ambitious, and you still want to fight with our captain, you can't even pass our level."

Ye Changfeng also had no intention of wasting time with them and turned around and said, "I'm really not in the mood to fight the two of you, so I'm leaving."

"Red Cannon!" Ayase Chuan Gongjin directly fired the red cannon to attack Ye Changfeng.

"Boom!" A fiery red spirit bullet stuck directly to Ye Changfeng's face and became fatter.

Ye Changfeng also suddenly became angry, and then turned around and said, "What? Do the garbage of your Soul Society like to attack the enemy from behind?"

"Haha, it seems that you are really too complacent. It would be your honor if you were met by us." Madara eyes said with a slight underestimation of Ye Changfeng.

Ayasegawa Yuki also said on the side: "Little devil, I think you should pat your butt and run away. What is the purpose of your coming to the Soul World, don't tell me, you are trying to rescue Rukia!"

Ye Changfeng disliked the other person's sing-along here, and then said impatiently with the Soul Chopping Saber, "You two are suffering from middle school, right?"

"Oh? Do you want to be crushed like a brat or beat me like a man?" Madarame started his favorite line again.

Ye Changfeng sighed and still ignored him. He just calmly looked at the two "jumping clowns" who were about to be cut down by him and didn't speak.

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