Madaramo Ichika continued: "I only report the name of the enemy that I am about to kill. My name is Madaramo Ichika, what about you! Intruder!"

Ye Changfeng can't stand it anymore, this is too good for ink!

Ye Changfeng opened it with a direct sound, slashed directly on the shoulder of the corner of the eyes, and looked at the blood flowing out and said, "I'll call you dad."

Madaramu was startled. Although the wound was not deep, it still made him retreat a long way at once. It was understandable that this guy didn't seem to be simple.

"Stretch out! Kitomaru!" Madaramu no longer underestimated the enemy, and directly released the first solution.

Ayasegawa Yujin was also silently watching the corner of Madaramu, and he opened up his own understanding. It seems that this enemy seems to be as easy to deal with as he imagined.

Ye Changfeng was actually a disgrace just now, hoping to push back his opponent and not waste his time, but this is still exciting.

"Let's go together, don't say I bully people." Ye Changfeng said directly after posing.

"That's up to you!" Ayase Chuan Gong took a step forward and said!


Ye Changfeng threw out a knife without hesitation, which directly smashed the Soul Chopping Blade in the corner of Madara's eyes. Facing the attacking Ayase Chuan Gong, Ye Changfeng also smiled.

A direct and quick slash slashed Ayasegawa Gongjin even with the Soul Chopping Sword into the air, and the corner of Madaramu also showed a terrifying look.

Now I can understand that the man in front of me is very likely to be a man of the same level as the captain, most likely to be a man who is more dick than the captain, even if he is himself, he is not an opponent!

Ye Changfeng saw that the battle situation was settled, because he did not look down on the two soul-killing knives, Ye Changfeng did not choose to use the pseudo-all-knowing and all-powerful bloodline to plunder their soul-killing knives.

Afterwards, Ye Changfeng also turned around and walked away. At the same time, he also felt a little bit of a back. He actually hadn't encountered the Soul Chopping Saber that was useful to him.

If that's the case, then he's slowing down his rhythm again, or he might have found Rukia at this time.

At this time, Ye Changfeng felt a familiar breath, and this breath belonged to Inoue Orihime!

That's right, the cute girl who made Ye Changfeng a little concerned!

Ye Changfeng also had some surprises in his heart. After he rushed in rashly, he and his teammates were almost all separated, and he didn't know where the remaining two went.

But Ye Changfeng also thought about it. First of all, I can see that one is one. Inoue Orihime is a girl who has no means of attack. Therefore, Ye Changfeng met her, which is considered lucky for Inoue Orihime.

Relying on the direct perception of Inoue, Ye Changfeng directly came to Inoue Orihime's position, Ye Changfeng ran fast, hoping to see Inoue Orihime earlier.

When he found Orihime Inoue, he found that the situation of Orihime Inoue seemed not quite right, because she was being attacked frantically by a guy.

For a moment, the hunger and anger in Ye Changfeng's heart was ignited by those who attacked Orihime Inoue.

Seeing that Inoue Orihime's instant shield Liuhua was going to be unable to support it, Ye Changfeng guessed it, and the fourth seat of the seventh division was the one who attacked Inoue Orihime!

Kusakajiro Square!

He is the Soul Chopping Sword with the strongest aerial attack method taught!Known as the "Weasel Scythe"!

At this time, he was frantically attacking Orihime Inoue and said in his mouth: "Human woman, you will die for me! Watch me hack you to death!"

Ye Changfeng's heart was burning with anger, and when Orihime Inoue's instant shield six flowers were completely broken, she promptly used the sound to transfer to the front of Orihime Inoue to protect her.

Ye Changfeng was of course uninjured, he simply waved the Soul Chopping Sword quickly to resist all attacks.

Ye Changfeng's voice became rough because he was angry and said: "Are you not letting go of girls? Now I will teach you how to be a human being."

joke!Ye Changfeng is a person who is reluctant to hit and scold, this kid actually dares to move around casually!

That is really unreasonable!

This is also the reason why Ye Changfeng is angry.

Chapter 020, Bombing to the scum

The guy just now released his Soul Chopping Sword and was attacking Orihime Inoue continuously with "Splitting Black". Fortunately, Orihime Inoue's Instant Shield and Six Flowers had enough defense, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

At this moment, Ye Changfeng stood in front of Inoue Orihime like a patron saint, and Inoue Orihime also eased the horrified expression at the beginning.

Seeing this, Orihime Inoue must be terrified, and this also ignited Ye Changfeng's endless anger, because what he hates most is men who shoot women.

Guanzaka Cilangfang still looked at Ye Changfeng in front of him with an unfinished expression and said, "Haha! Is this another person who died?"

Ye Changfeng didn't speak, but silently began to solve the Soul Chopping Blade, and then the terrifying temperature struck again, Ye Changfeng aimed the Soul Chopping Blade at Guansaka Cilangfang.

Guanzaka Cilangfang was obviously taken aback, but he still rubbed his flesh eyes and said in shock, "You, you actually have this soul-killing knife! Who are you?"

Ye Changfeng obviously didn't give Guanzaka Jirofang a chance, just waved his big sword, and the terrifying flames directly penetrated Guanzaka Jirofang's body in the form of a cylinder.

Gradually, Guansaka Cilangfang was also submerged in Ye Changfeng's pillar of fire, and gradually there was no sound. Ye Changfeng's blow actually killed him instantly!

Ye Changfeng originally wanted to plunder his Soul Chopping Saber, but the power just now was so huge that he even killed Guanzaka Cilangfang Lianren with the Soul Chopping Saber directly to scum.

Even a little clue did not appear, as if this person had never appeared, Ye Changfeng didn't think it was too much.

People who dare to move Lao Tzu!This is what happens to you, the bully and the tough guy!

On the other hand, Asajing Renji also learned that Ye Changfeng had come to the Soul Realm, and jumped up directly. This was an inseparable opportunity for his own revenge.

Asajing Renji secretly touched Ye Changfeng's lower abdomen, and the trauma caused by him was that he couldn't calm down for a long time, because in this world, his strength could not be exerted.

Asajing Renji never thought that a human being could force him to this world, so he would hug him no matter what.

Asajing Renji hurriedly put away the things, regardless of the characters on her body, she just relied on the induction of Ye Changfeng and rushed over quickly.

Ye Changfeng had just finished fighting, and then hurriedly checked Inoue Orihime to make sure that she was not injured before he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't fight like this in the future, just run."

"No, since I don't have any fighting ability, then I have to protect my comrades. The most important thing is you, because of Changfeng-kun, I owe you!" Inoue Orihime blinked his eyes. said.

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