The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 308 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Isn't this ghost? The night is in the wind, "What is the sacred!"

! Blood sky, the white tennis hat of the night is silent!

The night long-lasting wind touched your forehead, full of bright red!

"Ni!" The country is shocked, the trace department, Taocheng, and the white stone have grown up their eyes, and the pupil is severely contracted!

"I just saw the same thing as ghosts!" Zhenfield cold channel.


The night is so thick, I will leave the blood, "I finally hang 563? The last bottom card? What is your ghosts, I want to go against the sky, but the ghost ghost!"

The blood is constantly rushing in the night growth in the wind, in boiling, burning!

The skills of this life are opened in burning, plus real me! Night wind is desperate!

Ghost Ten Tie Lang and plugging in the ghosts, have exceeded everyone's imagination.

On the field, everyone couldn't see tennis, and two people saw two people.

But the explosion, smoke, dramatic vibration is really bigger and bigger!

Everyone flashed to a far away, scared to be affected.

Just kidding, if this is the two metamorphosis, it is still life?

The two people in the court can feel clearly, the speed is getting faster and faster, and the number of rounds is increasing!

The referee also ran, the scores of both parties only have their own clear!

Perhaps this game doesn't need to be scored, only one of them falls, the game may end!

What did all people and coaches did not expect that this super war actually played for five hours.

Finally, I finally didn't have a sound in the moment of the sun.

The full stadium filled the smoke in the whole raft is half an hour!

When everyone once invested their attention to the field, they were surprised that two people have fell into their own half, and they still die on the racket.

"Ten Lang!"


"Become a neon first is me!" The ghost ten times suddenly stood up!

"No! It is the world's first!" The night is still standing!

"Hahaha!" Two people laughed at the same time, but the racket in the hands slipped!

Dangdang! At the same time falling on the ground!

Tennis has long been unknown, no one knows the score of the game.

Everyone hurriedly raised the two people out of the court!

The ghost ten launches looked back at the night of the night, "this kid ... won!"

PS: Thank you for your support and reward, thank you! More than 3,000 words!

256 chapter, destroyed five jokes

Next day.

Today is still a ranking of more than one hundred people, and the night's opponent is a dragon set high school. When the night is going to the stadium, I found that this high school student directly abstains, he only has no choice but to shake his head. "I am so terrible?"

The night's eyes gathered to the nicknad of the main ball, ", how do you have so many people there?"

It turns out that today, there is a game of Bucking, the game, and the national middle school has no competition and the game runs over.

"Hey, long winds are coming! You are fine?" Dashi asked.

"This stinky child's recovery ability, you don't know the big stone, no problem!" Chrysanthemum pill came over, a neck of the night's long wind, "Hey, start now, God's VS No. 1 Stadium Boss's game! "

"It's very painful, the pills of the pill!" Night is helpless, then the eyes will be treated to the court.

"God's child is against the battledech and also? It is a bit mean!" The night is laughing, "Unfortunately, Dichuan and the opponent are not me!"

"Yesterday is a shock war, this kid wanted to be a big big big in the first court today, it is really the character of the long!" Dashi helpless shook his head.


The son of God, the city, the city, and Decchuan and also discrete the racket, coldly looked at each other.

Both people are not talking people, no more than any other party, but the filled hot air in the air makes the audience can't help but look forward to the field.

A plate of victory, Haixun City serves the city! The referee announced the way.

"It's coming!" Everyone came up, and Xingxun took the tennis high height in the air.

! Tennis is like a shell in Dechuan and feet, from the heavy guns from Haixun Jingshi!

"It is worthy of the first lucky village of the country, the first of the country, the tee!" Dechuan and also knew that the village, although now in the country is rushing, but this is the country called Fortunate City Zhongsheng will not be underestimated.

"But the country is only a national middle school, and there will be no second in this kind of enchanting!" Dechuan and also shot back to the heavy village's heavy guns.

~ When everyone returns to God, tennis have jumped on the bottom line behind Haixun.


"It's amazing! It's too fast, I can't see the Duechuan and the Acta!" The middle school students sigh.

Night live wind is also a look, "Dechuan is stronger than in the river!"

! Xingcun footsteps, looks, ! Yi Village suddenly took a moment of attacking Dechuan and also returning the ball, and the two started to take a long shot.

!! The battle between the two is constantly upgrading, Mars is splash! The whole stadium is filled, and the score is alternate!

! Xingcun Jingshi won, score 2-2!

"I really didn't expect that this country is actually playing with Dechuan, and now the country is so strong?" The high school students were shocked.

"Yuncun!" The real field is cold and watching the city, "show your final strength!"

"It should be warm up, these two people, I have to fall asleep again!" The night grew is yawned.


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