The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 309 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Dechuan and also in the eyes of the cold light, his goal is not mid-to-this country, but the neon team's No.1 Equation Phoenix, "If you even have the village before your eyes can't be crushed, what revenge Equation ! "


Dechuan and also flash attack on the servant of Haixun, the speed of speed is more than double!


boom! Deichuan is another powerful bracelet, and tennis is blown out after the village, score 30-0!

! Dechuan's counterattack wipes from the head of Haixun, flew to the sky, and finally fell above the bottom line!


Xingcun's rumor drove the sound of the city, which did not keep up with Dechuan and the rhythm!

"Too strong! Decheng, this nickname, also can't keep up with his rhythm?" Taicheng shocked.

"It's too normal, although the strength of Haixun has increased a lot than the national contest, but if you don't have any play skills, purely beaten the basic skill! The village is not a deho and also the opponent!"

"Almost, I have to force the village to make the bottom card?" Night lives looked at the eyes of Fortunately, the eyes were black in the circulation.

"In this case, touch!"

bass! One instant Dechuan and also feel that I can't feel the weight of the racket!

But Dechuan and also have no expression, high jump, and the body is completely launched.

Boom ~ The ball instantly incorporated into a light column to blow up after the village, ! The wire net behind Xingcun was blown up a big hole, then it was a deep pit!

Dechuan and also win, score 3-2!

"Little ghost, do you think you will use me this kind of evil?" Dechuan and also cold channels.

Xingcun is slightly lighter, and the eyes are dark, and the flame of the bears is burning.

Wen five times! Five senses!

"Come!" Night wind straight.

In an instant, Dechuan and also in front of him, and he didn't even hear any sound, and even felt his existence.

Between the heavens and the earth, everything goes into empty!


What did you have never thought of that there is no god of Dechawa and a player who also raises his hand!

boom! Accurate pressure shutdown, the speed is displayed on 230km / h!


"Nani! Different five senses are completely useless?" Xingcun Jingshi shocked, even if the night growing is not completely unaffected!

"Little ghost, have you seen the scenery of hell?" Dechuan and the voice were frightened, "more than you, the evil road is more horrible!"

"Hey! How can this sculptor small skill? It is only a joke!" Ghost Ten Town Lang also watching.

"Ashura God? Is it the ghosts of the ghosts?" The night is in a confusion.

"Sure enough, in this level, the five senses have been used in a lot!" After entering the training camp, there is no use of five senses at night, and he is also prepared to give this skill to exchange.

These people facing now, mental strength is overgrass, and the mind is tough. It is just a joke in front of these people. In front of the absolute strength, this illusion of spiritual attack is a chicken rib.

!!! It is also a three-sized ACE ball!

Dechuan and also win, score 4-2!

"Little ghost, is this your card?" Dechuan and coldly looked at Haixun, with the breath of ghosts, "You are dead!"

Chapter 257, dream break

"Yes? Everything is like a dream, life is not a dream!" The Zen language between Juncun suddenly made the audience!

"This guy is crazy by Dechuan?"

"What is it?"

"I have given up!" High school students turned.

Only the night's eyes are revealed in the eyes, "Are you coming? The last killing of Haixun - Dream!"

On the court, Dechuan and also were also in, and he actually came to the training camp before the scene change, and Dichuan has just arrived at the training camp.

Two years ago, Dechuan and also grow up from the small foreign tennis clubs in foreign countries, tennis skills are also superman, and the neon tennis is more dismissed.

After being called to the training camp, Dechuan and the songs also fierce all the way, a unbeaten!

"It seems that this Si Su is not meaningful!" Dechuan and the racket turned and left, "there is no master at all!"

"Slow!" A young man wearing a hair talented Demato and also, "That's a game!"

This person is the Equal Phoenix of the High School!

"Not interested, see what you just woke up, even the warm-up exercise didn't want to play with me?" Dechuan and cold channels.

"Are you afraid?" The Phoenix of the Equality was provoked.

Dechuan and also turned back, "Since this -580-like, then I will play with you! I hope you don't regret it!"


"Danger! Dechuan classmates!" Someone exclaimed.

The hit of the Phoenix of the Equal is almost compressed with a super strong rotation into an oval, is the chin, the chin!

"No, let's stop the equality of the equals! Otherwise, De Chuan is not a brain volatile, not good, will be made into a fool!"

"To go to you, I don't dare, will be killed by the Equal!" High school students only exclaimed outside the scene, no one dared to stop the game! "

"No, Dechuan has already lost awareness!" Everyone exclaimed!

! Equality Phoenix does not hesitate to smoke the ball, tennis, is a light column, is a center of Dichuan and the abdomen!

Dang! Dechuan and also fell to the ground, the pupil was unlimited, and then strongly contracted, the eyes were full of horror!

Equal Phoenix looked at Dechuan and the evil smile, "Is it aware of the awareness because of the pain?"

! Equality Phoenix once again unrecognizable strong snacks!

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