The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 365

Laughing in the night, the tone took the merits: "You are so big grandson, I still don't want it, after all, I am still young!"

Zhang Lie's whole body fibrillation did not believe that he was diagnosed with a doctor as a severe disability, and he was treated by a stranger in front of him, and only sprayed a few spray?

When I calmly calm down, I was calm down, and I grateful in my eyes, I wanted to say some thanked, but I have never received a stranger sole, and I don't know if it is said. what.

"Ok! I don't engage in the basis, remember to report on time tomorrow, I can't be late!" The night's wind turned directly to leave, "Fold one!"

"Master, go to the 2nd course!" Night live wind said to the taxi driver.

"Good, sitting in you!" The driver smiled and launched a car.

Looking at the scenery of the window, the night-lived wind is in contemplation. He was originally thinking to play with Zhang Lie, but Zhang Lie has only recovered the game, and it is not very good for the body. Tomorrow's recovery training will be trained.

Not -790- After Zhang Wei, when he wandered his arm, the night length still felt Zhang Lie's giant, and there was still a gap, but the power is absolutely low.

This also makes the night-catching, the money does not guide the margin, and begins to believe it. It seems that the master is in the folk!

What will the next person look like? Night costs can not help but look forward to it.

On the 2nd coup, one of the large tennis courts in Shanghai.

Looking at the night, I looked at more than a dozen stadium, and some people were practicing tennis, and there were many people watching.

"Well! Not bad, the tennis atmosphere here!" When the night was laughing and walked into the court and looked up at the walls of the 2nd coupling, there were a variety of colors of rackets.

Hundreds of rackets are put together, and it seems to be a bit domineering.

"What do you mean?" Night is a little doubt.

At this time, the three shadows stopped the way to the night, "Hello ~ Where is the ▉, have never seen you, want to play?"

"Who knows to know the sword?" The night's day is not asked, nor did it give these guys.

The three people were furious, "" In this little boy, this kid is so arrogant, and it is simply not to put our foreigners in the eyes! "

"Kid, I see you are dead!" The relatively high person took his hand picked his hands and appeared in intimidating night.

The night is loud, this is the performance of osteoporosis!

"Hey ~ ▉▉ Your kid is also the first time, you will not be able to be careful, but this second stadium is not what you want to come!" The man looked at the night's long-standing emperor did not be too reckless.

"Oh? Is it a public stadium here? Is there any rule?" Night grows interest.

"Nonsense! See the racket of the wall?" The man refers to the many rackets on the wall. "Let this play only two roads, one is to pay, one hundred pieces let you play an hour!"

These guys will really make money, treat public facilities as a tool for making money, gallbladder is enough!

"Another road?" Asked at night.

"Hey!" The man is also a cold, "2, you are not seen, as long as we defeat us, you can use any play, but if you lose, if you lose, you will lose ..."


"You have to leave your own racket, and never come to the second coup!" That person suddenly gods, "But I have to remind you that this arrogant boy is best not to eat, don't eat fine wine, those on the wall The racket is someone who left people who don't know how to be! "

"Old 5, and this kid is nonsense! Hurry to make him pay, don't pay money!" There is a thin child next to it. "If you want to challenge us? Tell you, no one succeeded! "

"Oh?" The night's live wind is a bit surprised. It is some of the people who have some blacks. Is there a master?

! Just at this time, the night grew is heard of a huge sound, which is a strong collision of tennis and the ground!

The eyes of the night grew gathered to the middle of the stadium.

It is two people who are playing, and a person holding a blue ball. The whole person is like a sword. The front is revealed. Another person is a panting station. The whole person is soaked.


Hand holding a blue racket raising three sanding ACE balls directly over the game.

The night's heart is nod, this person still has some strength!

And his opponent is that people under the rain are disappointed to hang their rackets on the wall, and then leave.

"See no kid? It's another dead, this is challenging our end!" The guy named the old five was proud of the ocean.

"I advise you to pay, I have seen too much, like you, my big face, the boy, the boy, I have seen it too much!" The thin child is "your boy is best to know the expression".

Night wind did not follow these weak chicken waste, but put down the tennis bag, from the inside to take his light as a new silver ball.

"Who are you first?" The night is cold and cold, "or on it together?"

"You!" These three people have some angios, and they have been said for so long. This kid actually toasting, not eating a fine wine, they simply be mad.

"Old 5, let me come!" The thin man shot the ball in his hand, "Let your kid know what is a master!"

!! ~ ▉

Night wind is very casual, and there is nothing to do, and there is nothing to force, and the racket in the thin hand is once again opened again.

Three people looked at night long winds, and they can't come out for a while.

"If this level is also a master?" Night costs were some speechless, he was free to wave the racket, the ball speed is not fast, that is, 180km / h, actually put these three guys to live .

"Is this Item 2 of the courses like you?" The night's wind shook his head.

In the heart, don't I find the wrong place?

"Hey! You don't be so mad, our kings, the king of our front area did not show it!" The thin man was insulted in the night, and his face rose red!

Front area ball king? Is that the person who took the blue racket?

The night's wind once again turned his attention to the person, just that the person came over, and he looked at the night, the eyes were cold ...

302 chapter, Tao Sword

"You are the king of the ball?" Asked the night.

The man didn't speak, but directly in the game, the racket came to the opposite of the night, meaning and obvious.

"One plate is worthwhile, the people lost!" The man was cold.

"System, give me the guy's information on this guy." Night long-distance road.

"Okay, the owner!" The system repayment.


Name: I wish you all three stadiums

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